AFL & NRL Asked to take mid season break during World Cup

Well that's it then. A heap of 10 - 16 year olds play it in coloured shirts and a teacher as ref. We need the world cup.
Nashy said:
Well that's it then. A heap of 10 - 16 year olds play it in coloured shirts and a teacher as ref. We need the world cup.

**** me you're facetious.
mal said:

Average Crowd for A league in 07/08 Season- 14,610 , 08/09- 12,180
Average Crowd for NRL in 07 Season - 15,750 , 08 Season - 16,051

You're kind of proving Nashy's point with those figures. A-League crowds are less and decreasing. NRL crowds are more and increasing.

With regards the upgrading of the stadiums in NSW, I don't see that as such a great carrot for NRL - they stadiums will never be full (with the exception of the Grand Final) and who pays more for the continual upkeep of them? The major tennants (ie NRL clubs).

Personally whilst I admit I'm not really a soccer fan, I am not completely against having the Soccer WC here - I do think it would be positive in so many ways. And I think it is a very real possibility that we will get it - Asia is the new frontier for soccer and FIFA are very keen to build the game throughout Asia - Australia is the "gateway to Asia".

BUT I don't think it is going to be as beneficial or the be-all and end-all that the FFA is trying to make out. And I am absolutely 100% against the number 3 football code dictating to number 1 and 2 codes when they can and can't play their seasons. I understand the exclusive use of the major stadiums, but to say that no matches can be played in the same city whatsoever is a completely unacceptable demand IMO.
One swallow doesn't make a summer RE: Crowd attendances. Nashy's point is that A-league crowds are balls (and that was his only point btw). But we are talking a few thousand difference in relation to NRL moreso in comparison to a league that has been established in Australias culture for quite some time... so no, not really proving his point.

Fifa are the ones who dictate the other code terms not FFA. FFA are just trying to establish an agreement (albeit seems about going about it the wrong way) with rival codes.

I don't know much about who pays what in regards to stadium upkeep but I would imagine the NRL Teams would have a hand via stadium sponsorship and other uses. But honestly I hear nothing but weeding out the financially struggling clubs in our competition on this forum- so wouldn't this be just another step? haha
I didn't say it was FFA trying to dictate terms, I said it was Australia's # 3 code. Imagine how the English Premier League would respone if the International Rugby League wanted to play the next RL World Cup in England but insisted no soccer matches could be played in England in the lead up to and duration of the RL World Cup. It would be completely unreasonable to even suggest it and there is no way it would fly, mainly because RL is the minor sport there. FIFA should recognise the same thing about playing in Australia - theirs is the minor sport, therefore they need to reign in their demands to be more reasonable.

In fact to my mind - demanding the other codes (ie competitors) stop playing completely for any duration could probably even be considered a restraint of trade (but I'm not lawyer - that's just my opinion).
Potentially Australia's number 4 code, Flutterby. Behind AFL, League and Union. Don't underestimate how many toffy private school ******* play Union.
Flutterby said:
I didn't say it was FFA trying to dictate terms, I said it was Australia's # 3 code. Imagine how the English Premier League would respone if the International Rugby League wanted to play the next RL World Cup in England but insisted no soccer matches could be played in England in the lead up to and duration of the RL World Cup. It would be completely unreasonable to even suggest it and there is no way it would fly, mainly because RL is the minor sport there. FIFA should recognise the same thing about playing in Australia - theirs is the minor sport, therefore they need to reign in their demands to be more reasonable.

How am I meant to answer this? How can you even ask that question? It's a silly comparison considering the EPL would generate 100x more income over the course of a League World Cup (and would have higher crowd attendances too) The league world cup is a non-event, really. Which is a shame, but thats the truth. We are talking about one of, if not the biggest sporting event in the world here. I think you are missing the point, this is an International Event.. not a National event.

If the shoe was on the other foot, and league was #3 but was as internationally supported as football and had a World Cup coming as big as Fifa's.. you'd be sitting on the other side of the fence I assure you.
Well it doesn't need to be answered. The NRL and AFL have answered it with a try again later.

Nothing agianst having it here, but FIFA need to pull their heads out of their arses and realise that their sport isn't as welcome in every country, so they should bend their BS rules.
I think that's what it comes down to. Nobody really objects to having it here, but FIFA has to be willing to compromise a little, be flexible.

The AFL and NRL will be too, but it's unacceptable and unreasonable to expect them to be quarantined from their biggest venues for up to 16 weeks. 4 weeks, fine. Even 6-8 weeks I think they could cope with. But more than that? No bloody way.
draggx said:
It pisses me off that we must miss out on our Rugby League fix just so a game i have no interest in at all can be played here.

have you told the FFA? I'm sure they will remove their bid if they knew that you had no interest.

How long has it been since the NRL season ended? more than 8 weeks i think. How has everyone gone? no suicide attempts yet? good. Its not that hard to have ur season shifted for 8 weeks, especially when you have the greatest sporting event in the world in your own backyard as an alternative.
Did you miss the point? Some people don't give a rats if the "greatest sporting event" is here. Seriously. I'm a league fan, so why should a sport, that is otherwise halfassed in this country, be able to dictate what the established Australian sports do?
Nashy said:
Did you miss the point? Some people don't give a rats if the "greatest sporting event" is here. Seriously. I'm a league fan, so why should a sport, that is otherwise halfassed in this country, be able to dictate what the established Australian sports do?

oh well good for you then man. Fortunately, you're not the only person that lives in Australia. Football is the most popular sport in the world and a very popular sport in this country. The last world cup rated through the roof in 2006, even in Australia.

So despite you having a whinge that u couldn't give a "rats ass" about it, most Australians would love to go down the road and see the elite of the elite play in the biggest sporting event in the world.

Who also said that AFL & NRL get to dictate who plays at these stadiums? Unless the clubs themselves own the stadiums, then they really have no right to whinge.
True pennywisealfie, but the stadiums should have the right to say they still want some of their biggest revenue earners playing there during 2018 or 2022...namely Origin and AFL.
pennywisealfie said:
Nashy said:
Did you miss the point? Some people don't give a rats if the "greatest sporting event" is here. Seriously. I'm a league fan, so why should a sport, that is otherwise halfassed in this country, be able to dictate what the established Australian sports do?

oh well good for you then man. Fortunately, you're not the only person that lives in Australia. Football is the most popular sport in the world and a very popular sport in this country. The last world cup rated through the roof in 2006, even in Australia.

So despite you having a whinge that u couldn't give a "rats ass" about it, most Australians would love to go down the road and see the elite of the elite play in the biggest sporting event in the world.

Who also said that AFL & NRL get to dictate who plays at these stadiums? Unless the clubs themselves own the stadiums, then they really have no right to whinge.

Thats a bit strong dude, I'd say they absolutely have a right to whinge if FIFA decide the NRL and AFL need to stop for longer than 8 weeks.
pennywisealfie said:
Nashy said:
Did you miss the point? Some people don't give a rats if the "greatest sporting event" is here. Seriously. I'm a league fan, so why should a sport, that is otherwise halfassed in this country, be able to dictate what the established Australian sports do?

oh well good for you then man. Fortunately, you're not the only person that lives in Australia. Football is the most popular sport in the world and a very popular sport in this country. The last world cup rated through the roof in 2006, even in Australia.

So despite you having a whinge that u couldn't give a "rats ass" about it, most Australians would love to go down the road and see the elite of the elite play in the biggest sporting event in the world.

Who also said that AFL & NRL get to dictate who plays at these stadiums? Unless the clubs themselves own the stadiums, then they really have no right to whinge.

Are you just saying things in hope that someone in this thread actually complained about the things you are replying to?

World does not equal Australia. AFL is a pretty popular sport here, as is NRL. And ratings? So what? It can't be discussed unless money come into it. And based on the stadiums and other sports in this country, chances are, we aren't talking small amounts of money.

You base your most Australians thing on absolutely nothing, so we can rule that out for now.

Also, when did I say anything about the NRL and AFL dictating anything? Why is it the FFA that should be allowed to kick established teams out of their playing stadiums?

And on the other side. Unless the FFA own them, they have no right to whinge.

I'll also point out. I don't have a problem with the WC being here. Don't give a rats. Play all the soccer you want. But attempting to stop the AFL from playing in their two big stadiums, and trying to get other sporting events cancelled is stupid.

Anyway, it's a dumb argument to be having. The World Cup will not come to Australia. It's really that simple. We don't have what it takes to compete with the world stage, we don't have the facilities, nor can we comply to FIFA's stupid rules.
I must say this thread has raised some very good points on both sides of the ledger.

The only thing that I can't stomach is "soccer". I die a little inside everytime that word is mentioned in written or spoken form. Each to their own though.
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