NEWS Alex Glenn: I have been happy with my performances

The Broncos inaugural wooden spoon winning captain, Alex Glenn, insists he's earnt the right to retire on his own terms:

“I do, and the Broncos bosses have been very supportive of that. I have had some sit downs with Kev and just been really open with him about how my body feels. It feels great. I know I’m 33 and in footy terms, that is getting old, but I don’t feel that way. I am out there and the body feels amazing, it just comes down to being professional and ticking all the boxes leading into games. The main aspect for me is recovery."

“Brisbane’s improvement this season definitely helps for sure. The confidence is going through the roof at headquarters and seeing the boys bouncing around and wanting to keep working, that’s what the Broncos used to be. Having some good signings will strengthen our squad and our club next year, so that fuels the flame for me.”

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Body feels amazing

“I’m not scared of retirement, to be honest. I’m not any closer to a decision. I spoke to Kev and said my focus is finishing the last four games strong and that’s what I want to do. I don’t want any distractions, I don’t want to worry about where I am going to be next year."

“What it comes down to is can I still compete at this highest level? I don’t want to be selfish and be that player that goes one year too long. I’ve always said that I will give myself every opportunity to perform to the best level I can and make my decision at the very last minute."

“I have four games to go and I have been happy with my performances. I am still competing with the best of the best. I don’t want to make a decision too soon and regret my decision later on. I will finish the season strong and these next four weeks are my focus and then I will make a decision.”

Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
“What it comes down to is can I still compete at this highest level? I don’t want to be selfish and be that player that goes one year too long. I’ve always said that I will give myself every opportunity to perform to the best level I can and make my decision at the very last minute."

You already have gone one year too long.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
I rewatched a few games in the background while working from home and it’s pretty painful on second viewing just how bad some of his defensive reads are. The dragons game he had some shockers


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
It's back to Sheep for you.


International Rep
Jun 5, 2015
The Broncos inaugural wooden spoon winning captain, Alex Glenn, insists he's earnt the right to retire on his own terms:

“I do, and the Broncos bosses have been very supportive of that. I have had some sit downs with Kev and just been really open with him about how my body feels. It feels great. I know I’m 33 and in footy terms, that is getting old, but I don’t feel that way. I am out there and the body feels amazing, it just comes down to being professional and ticking all the boxes leading into games. The main aspect for me is recovery."

“Brisbane’s improvement this season definitely helps for sure. The confidence is going through the roof at headquarters and seeing the boys bouncing around and wanting to keep working, that’s what the Broncos used to be. Having some good signings will strengthen our squad and our club next year, so that fuels the flame for me.”

View attachment 14578
Body feels amazing

“I’m not scared of retirement, to be honest. I’m not any closer to a decision. I spoke to Kev and said my focus is finishing the last four games strong and that’s what I want to do. I don’t want any distractions, I don’t want to worry about where I am going to be next year."

“What it comes down to is can I still compete at this highest level? I don’t want to be selfish and be that player that goes one year too long. I’ve always said that I will give myself every opportunity to perform to the best level I can and make my decision at the very last minute."

“I have four games to go and I have been happy with my performances. I am still competing with the best of the best. I don’t want to make a decision too soon and regret my decision later on. I will finish the season strong and these next four weeks are my focus and then I will make a decision.”

Stupid question but is that him in the picture?


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I'm not overly concerned about this tbh. Kev on his own might be naive enough to fall for this shit, but Donuts isn't. If we can see Glenn is well past it, he can as well.

If Kev wants Glenn, he'll get Glenn
Jason Simmons

Jason Simmons

NRL Captain
Apr 18, 2013
I rewatched a few games in the background while working from home and it’s pretty painful on second viewing just how bad some of his defensive reads are. The dragons game he had some shockers
Alex Glenn can read?



International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
Do not want. But we've worked out how to use him better recently. Just pass him the ball when the opposition halfback isn't in front of him and he's guaranteed a try.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Right now he's keeping Piakura from making his debut.


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
Right now he's keeping Piakura from making his debut.
Not really as the kid has been plagued with injuries to date. But yeh once fully fit Lexy should take a day off for the team.


State of Origin Captain
Apr 4, 2014
You were given your undeserved testimonial as hint this year. Take the hint and retire already. We don't need a token captain of the side next year. We actually signed someone with proper leadership for next year. The days of being the best of a terrible bunch are over for Glenn.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Darius vibes.
Very much........I'm a bit surprised just how arrogant he is coming across.

If your body is so good Alex....why are you breaking down during a fucking warm up, you spud!!

FMD......if he's too dumb/greedy to see it. Someone at the Broncos will need to show him the light.....

He shouldn't be going around again next year in Brisbane colours....

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