NEWS All the way (out) with TPJ

What should the club do with TPJ

  • Sack him!

    Votes: 21 31.3%
  • Give another chance - on current contract

    Votes: 9 13.4%
  • Give another chance - on reduced 1 yr deal, with behaviour clauses

    Votes: 37 55.2%

  • Total voters
Just saw the interview, and as expected it was a train wreck. Not sure what the point was. He gave very little away and the interview probably posed more questions than it answered. If I was on the Board, I'd be very cautious on what the next move is with him.

As others have said, I'd be happy to see him given another chance but on a very fucking short leash.
I agree that I think he and many others do genuinely love the club but can’t stand the coach. I actually applaud him for his honesty with that. It also seems he implied he felt the club lost Dave because of the coach (as well as money of course) and I don’t think this is entirely untrue.

We lost Fifita because of the cash thrown at him which was just a byproduct of Tallis and Mal trying to "get one over us", no need to overthink that one.

As for TPJ, we needed him last night and if he truly loved the club then he shouldn't have broke the very clear rules that were put in place so he could keep his job. I'm torn on him because I love him as a player but also would be completely fine if we cut all ties and used his cash to start bringing in players who give a shit.

None of these two things are on Seibold IMO but I get that it's fun believe they are.
I've actually changed my stance on TPJ ... Initially, like everyone else, i was pissed of at his selfishness, especially given how our season was unfolding (and i still am somewhat) ... i wanted the club to give him the flick.

but he seems to be taking his stand down seriously and it may have been a wake up call for him. (whether because he loves the club or because other good clubs told him to **** off)

so I would give him a final chance provided he signs some sort of behavioral agreement.
Ha ha, who knew that a cooler head view would be the way to go? Oh, wait a minute...
Look actions speak louder than words, but the fact that we're loosing Fifita is the only reason I'm happy to keep him around. First off he adds that x factor type in the forwards, which we won't have for the foreseeable future. Secondly our young backrowers coming through are just coming through the ranks, and we don't need anymore youngsters in our team atm.
Some better guidance and players like welch and possibly Smith could really help this guy.
although, to get that big offer from a rival that he actually wants to go to. he'll need to do several; things that will massively benefit us:

1. behave himself off the field
2. play good footy on the field
3. avoid his frequent trips to the judiciary

I also think it could take a good amount of time before those top teams that he wants to go to (like the Rorters) take him seriously

After he avoids getting the sack he just kicks stones until the club release him and then Broncos continue to pay 40% of his salary whilst he's lining up for the roosters
Just saw the interview, and as expected it was a train wreck. Not sure what the point was. He gave very little away and the interview probably posed more questions than it answered. If I was on the Board, I'd be very cautious on what the next move is with him.

As others have said, I'd be happy to see him given another chance but on a very fucking short leash.
This is one of those instances where I would trust the club to have a better feel of the situation than us. Paul White's an ex-cop. He's seen enough performances of offenders' "remorse" not to be swayed by this routine. I'm not buying any of it. I doubt anyone at the club is either.

A player who admits he's broken his contract on numerous occasions but just needs another chance? Yeah sure, buddy. Get it somewhere else. This is not a bloke you want to coach. This is a bloke who undermines your authority and group cohesion. Yet they put him in the "leadership group" knowing this, probably thinking it would straighten him out. It didn't. And the leadership sucked.

It might be different if he'd already delivered on his obvious potential, but it always seems just over the next hill with him.

I'd like to hear what @Jason Simmons has to say.

Here's the interview:

Another know nothing. I don't believe they'll lose him. I think they'd be mad to get rid of him UNLESS there's something else that's unknown and very serious. I want him to stay because he's EXACTLY the kind of powerhouse madman we need. If he can time his aggression a little better we'll be the winners. He in fact is soooo much like Tallis it's not funny.
Its hard to say from watching that interview. It was soft in my opinion and he didn't convince me that he loves the club that much and is sorry for letting his team down. Hopefully the club gets a better read on him.

The guy has the potential to be something special but its obvious his ego is huge and he just lacks the professionalism of an elite level player. Seems to be the big issue at the Broncos, our high paid players are the least disciplined.

I would fire TPJ any day of the week for a Pat Carrigan or Teo. Teo was good last night better then Fiffita even. These are the type of players we need at the Broncos.
The Broncos might be using this TPJ situation as an opportunity to bring the entire playing group in check.
So many conflicting reports that the player group is split and that there is a sense of entitlement among some of the younger guys, that this might be the way to show them they are all expendable if they dont pull their heads in.
Just me speculating of course, but if its anything like is being reported, then smarter heads than mine could see this as an opportunity to put some perspective back into the team.
If someone like TPJ, on his money, with his skillset, can get arsed from the club for stepping out of line, then anyone can be.
Another know nothing. I don't believe they'll lose him. I think they'd be mad to get rid of him UNLESS there's something else that's unknown and very serious. I want him to stay because he's EXACTLY the kind of powerhouse madman we need. If he can time his aggression a little better we'll be the winners. He in fact is soooo much like Tallis it's not funny.
He seems to be someone that is pathologically unable to control his behaviour on and off the field. That interview was 100% selfish. He wants to keep his contact. That It's it. He is happy to have risked the whole game intentionally and I don't believe he cares for the Broncos or the fans. I would prefer 650 to go on two hard working battlers than one overrated x factor who causes more problems than he solves. This is Dave Taylor all over again. Tallis was aggressive but attitude was much better. He would hate the comparison. The problem with our roster is most of the players think they deserve the big money without actually delivering. They live in a bubble. They are all about the money and status and it shows.

We need a gun fullback and an experienced half to partner Deardon. We can live with hard working reliable second rowers. Inconsistent x factors are not a good substitute on my view. Although I would have liked to keep Fifita I am glad we aren't paying titans money to keep him. He can develop for two years and we can look to get him back then. As talented as he is is he is not a finished product that is a reliable consistent elite second rower every match at the moment. He will be in two years when he has honed his talent further.
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He seems to be someone that is pathologically unable to control his behaviour on and off the field. That interview was 100% selfish. He wants to keep his contact. That It's it. He is happy to have risked the whole game intentionally and I don't believe he cares for the Broncos or the fans. I would prefer 650 to go on two hard working battlers than one overrated x factor who causes more problems than he solves. This is Dave Taylor all over again. Tallis was aggressive but attitude was much better. He would hate the comparison. The problem with our roster is most of the players think they deserve the big money without actually delivering. They live in a bubble. They are all about the money and status and it shows.

We need a gun fullback and an experienced half to partner Deardon. We can live with hard working reliable second rowers. Inconsistent x factors are not a good substitute on my view. Although I would have liked to keep Fifita I am glad we aren't paying titans money to keep him. He can develop for two years and we can look to get him back then. As talented as he is is he is not a finished product that is a reliable consistent elite second rower every match at the moment. He will be in two years when he has honed his talent further.
Fine, believe what you want. I reckon if he played last night we'd have won by 18. I too agree in part, I love honest hard-working toilers. 650k probably is unders for a reformed TPJ and unlike you I believe in second chances and redemption. I'd stick with him on a final warning but I respect your right to scream for his head on a platter.
Given we can't make the finals ee should draw a line on the sand. No Siebold, No Milford, No TPJ Oates again. They can move on (with Bird) or keep their money but they don't play again. Fifita to play off the bench. I'd go hard for Saab. Him and Coates on each wing would be like for like. I would try and bring Mitch Aubusson, Aiden Tolman and Christian Welch. Welch being my number 1 target. Hewould be great on and off the field. Opposite of TPJ as a bloke. An experienced steady half is key but can't see many on the market
Fine, believe what you want. I reckon if he played last night we'd have won by 18. I too agree in part, I love honest hard-working toilers. 650k probably is unders for a reformed TPJ and unlike you I believe in second chances and redemption. I'd stick with him on a final warning but I respect your right to scream for his head on a platter.
Please. He has used all his chances. He is great for 3 big plays a season but that's it. That's when he can stay on the field or out of trouble. I would pick Mitch Aubbusson or David Stagg every week over TPJ. He can have second/fifth chance at another club and I wish him all the best. This is the problem with our club we tolerate substandard behavior and it's all through our culture.
Please. He has used all his chances. He is great for 3 big plays a season but that's it. That's when he can stay on the field or out of trouble. I would pick Mitch Aubbusson or David Stagg every week over TPJ. He can have second/fifth chance at another club and I wish him all the best. This is the problem with our club we tolerate substandard behavior and it's all through our culture.
Rightio, he's used all his chances ACCORDING to you. You seem to know a great deal about the inner workings and machinations of the club, are you 'in the bubble'?