NEWS All the way (out) with TPJ

What should the club do with TPJ

  • Sack him!

    Votes: 21 31.3%
  • Give another chance - on current contract

    Votes: 9 13.4%
  • Give another chance - on reduced 1 yr deal, with behaviour clauses

    Votes: 37 55.2%

  • Total voters
So much hate directed towards TPJ for what?

So many posts here - graphic illustration of the mind-controlling power of the media, and the compliant, zombie-like mob who attack when told to.

Let's sum up his "horrible crimes".

He went to a barber shop to support a mate.

He shopped himself around - something players typically pay their managers to do but TPJ showed some initiative and did it himself.

Am I missing any other "crime"?

And for these "crimes" ... the zombie mob go into "grrooooooowwwwwwwwlllllll stampede" mode and throw their media-induced saliva all over the shop.

God help us! I despair the ability fo anyone on planet earth to actually think critically anymore.
This is a gross misinterpretation of the errors he committed and the reaction from fans.
I figure surely he needs a rebuild as much as the club does. Maybe he can help fix our problems (including his own) from the inside now instead of bad mouthing the club from outside. Committed help is always better than sniping from outside surely.
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So much hate directed towards TPJ for what?

So many posts here - graphic illustration of the mind-controlling power of the media, and the compliant, zombie-like mob who attack when told to.

Let's sum up his "horrible crimes".

He went to a barber shop to support a mate.

He shopped himself around - something players typically pay their managers to do but TPJ showed some initiative and did it himself.

Am I missing any other "crime"?

And for these "crimes" ... the zombie mob go into "grrooooooowwwwwwwwlllllll stampede" mode and throw their media-induced saliva all over the shop.

God help us! I despair the ability fo anyone on planet earth to actually think critically anymore.
Thanks Tevita for that input. We'll get back to you.......
Theoretically returns to his old ways, Broncos decide they want to get rid of him but can't as he hasn't breached contract, another club will take him but only if we contribute a percent of his contract. Happens all the time
Why do people keep putting this forward as an option for anyone? If another club wants....... Croft, they pay full freight or he sits on the bench, with Milfords Macca's card for a season, No Qcup, No injury call up, No training commitments. If a player wants to go to the ....... Panthers, they get their agent to negotiate a fair deal where we pay nothing, or guess what, a season doing sweet Fanny Adams is going to do wonders for your price moving forward. A contract has to be worth while for both parties, and us paying for someone else cap space with our own is stupidity approaching player options.
Great decision by the board to keep TPJ.

The guy is a huge talent that delivers xfactor, and we are lacking in skilled players and there are none on the market.
This is a gross misinterpretation of the errors he committed and the reaction from fans.

Really. He went to a barber and asked some clubs if they were interested (which typically players pay their agents to do).

Nup. That's it. The "gross misrepresentation" is that of the media blowing what are two ordinary occurrences into something big and nasty and horrible.

We are living in a world where the media play the zombies like a piano.
Theoretically returns to his old ways, Broncos decide they want to get rid of him but can't as he hasn't breached contract, another club will take him but only if we contribute a percent of his contract. Happens all the time
That's not really a "better offer" though, that's a club wanting to punt a currently contracted player and be willing to take a $ impact to do so.

A better offer is us paying TPJ $600k and another club offering him $650k, he asks us to release him, we say ok and we are not out of pocket 1 cent.
So much hate directed towards TPJ for what?

So many posts here - graphic illustration of the mind-controlling power of the media, and the compliant, zombie-like mob who attack when told to.

Let's sum up his "horrible crimes".

He went to a barber shop to support a mate.

He shopped himself around - something players typically pay their managers to do but TPJ showed some initiative and did it himself.

Am I missing any other "crime"?

And for these "crimes" ... the zombie mob go into "grrooooooowwwwwwwwlllllll stampede" mode and throw their media-induced saliva all over the shop.

God help us! I despair the ability fo anyone on planet earth to actually think critically anymore.
I'm happy that you're impressed by TPJ "showing initiative" by shopping himself around to our rivals, but the club planned its salary cap around a certain amount of spending going towards his contract. Him bailing on the contract after only one year doesn't exactly help the club out, does it?

As for the barber shop incident, even if you're one of those good people that thinks that coronavirus is a beat-up, you have to be able to see that in order to continue operating under current (and potential future) travel/workplace restrictions, the NRL made certain commitments to state governments that players would operate in a bubble that limits their exposure to the general public. Even if COVID-19 turned out to be a hoax (or whatever it is you people believe), the ramifications of breaching the commitments the NRL made are very real and very damaging.
I'm happy that you're impressed by TPJ "showing initiative" by shopping himself around to our rivals, but the club planned its salary cap around a certain amount of spending going towards his contract. Him bailing on the contract after only one year doesn't exactly help the club out, does it?

As for the barber shop incident, even if you're one of those good people that thinks that coronavirus is a beat-up, you have to be able to see that in order to continue operating under current (and potential future) travel/workplace restrictions, the NRL made certain commitments to state governments that players would operate in a bubble that limits their exposure to the general public. Even if COVID-19 turned out to be a hoax (or whatever it is you people believe), the ramifications of breaching the commitments the NRL made are very real and very damaging.

What you don't understand is that EVERYTHING in the media is no driven by an agenda.

Do you think he's the first one to do that? You don't think other players - unhappy with a coach - haven't done that in the past? Of course they have - but the media didn't have an agenda then as they do now. They elevate the news to suit an agenda.

With a population of over 5 million and millions of square kilometres of Queensland - and a recovery rate of 99.9% and the average of death of "COVD19 victims" being the same as the average morality age of Australians overall - its clear to anyone with half a brain that a few people being listed as "cases" (tested positive using a test that is rubbish) - is a complete sham. He visited a barber. That's it.

What we have now are COVD19 zombie citizens enlisted by the lying, corrupt media who last told the truth back in the late 1980s. They must obey. They must not question.

What you have to understand, is that TPJ may have "breached COVID", but so have many others. The difference is the elevation by the media. Zombies just gobble this stuff up - no critical thought. Just trust the media to tell you the truth. Outsource your thinking. Abandon criticial thinking ability.
What you don't understand is that EVERYTHING in the media is no driven by an agenda.

Do you think he's the first one to do that? You don't think other players - unhappy with a coach - haven't done that in the past? Of course they have - but the media didn't have an agenda then as they do now. They elevate the news to suit an agenda.

With a population of over 5 million and millions of square kilometres of Queensland - and a recovery rate of 99.9% and the average of death of "COVD19 victims" being the same as the average morality age of Australians overall - its clear to anyone with half a brain that a few people being listed as "cases" (tested positive using a test that is rubbish) - is a complete sham. He visited a barber. That's it.

What we have now are COVD19 zombie citizens enlisted by the lying, corrupt media who last told the truth back in the late 1980s. They must obey. They must not question.

What you have to understand, is that TPJ may have "breached COVID", but so have many others. The difference is the elevation by the media. Zombies just gobble this stuff up - no critical thought. Just trust the media to tell you the truth. Outsource your thinking. Abandon criticial thinking ability.
Do i have to ignore you on your second account as well Broncosgoat?
Take this nonsense to the conspiracy thread.
A lot of the opinions in this thread really come across as the media getting in people's heads. They've had it against him for a long time, and he could cure cancer and the commentators would still find a way to sink the boot in.

I'm surprised. Because what's the worst outside of this that he's actually done? Gone in way too aggressive and copped absolute bullshit suspensions from the NRL? I'm probably missing something, but is he actually that much of a problem in real life, or just a problem on the broadcast?

That all depends on how deep his relations with these bikies and other unsavory sorts actually goes. His attitude towards the club and the NRL (if the media are to be believed, as you stated) hasn't exactly been a source of encouragement either. As we've seen in the past with the likes of Barba, Carney and Hayne, there are certain types who think their farts smell like roses and eucalyptus, and thus they can strut around like peacocks acting like wankers thinking they're untouchable.

Leaving the media completely out of it, my instincts tell me TPJ isn't far off from this mentality. You can see it in the way he plays and even in the way he behaves after he does something tangible on field like score a try or put someone on their ass. We may enjoy seeing him do that as fans (and lets face it we need the mongrel) but it still isn't a very good reflection on his personality.
The bloke openly admitted to the NRL he couldn't promise he wont break the bubble rules again.
He is not playing because the NRL wont let him, not because the Broncos stood him down.

Im so torn on this decision, on one hand, the dude has talent, and mongrel and we sure as shit need that in the team right now.
On the second hand, his attitude stinks, and could be a part of what is wrong with the culture at the Club, something we don't need right now.

Time will tell i guess.
What you don't understand is that EVERYTHING in the media is no driven by an agenda.

Do you think he's the first one to do that? You don't think other players - unhappy with a coach - haven't done that in the past? Of course they have - but the media didn't have an agenda then as they do now. They elevate the news to suit an agenda.
Yes they almost certainly have and I'm sure fans of those clubs were equally disappointed in the players involved. Do you not have a concern over what impact TPJ's decision would have on the club's fortunes? I know it's hard to tie 'media' and 'agenda' into that kind of response, but it was my main point as to why fans might be a little shitty with him.

With a population of over 5 million and millions of square kilometres of Queensland - and a recovery rate of 99.9% and the average of death of "COVD19 victims" being the same as the average morality age of Australians overall - its clear to anyone with half a brain that a few people being listed as "cases" (tested positive using a test that is rubbish) - is a complete sham. He visited a barber. That's it.

What we have now are COVD19 zombie citizens enlisted by the lying, corrupt media who last told the truth back in the late 1980s. They must obey. They must not question.

What you have to understand, is that TPJ may have "breached COVID", but so have many others. The difference is the elevation by the media. Zombies just gobble this stuff up - no critical thought. Just trust the media to tell you the truth. Outsource your thinking. Abandon criticial thinking ability.
I have no intention of diving into whatever conspiracy theory you subscribe to here, so I'll focus on your last point. Others violated the rules put in under Project Apollo and were reported on by the media. They were also sanctioned by the NRL.

Regardless of whatever your thoughts are on COVID-19, you must accept that the NRL will impose very real sanctions on any players (or clubs where appropriate) that violate these rules. Not only is this undeniably true, there is also the very real threat that the NRL could be shut down if it's not seen to be doing everything it said it would when agreements were reached with state governments.
He better wake up to himself on field as well no more stupid unneeded suspensions. I believe keep him away from the 2nd row and leave him in the middle ready for sneaky offloads.

That's really about as much as you can penalise a player without flat out sacking him.
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Board will see it as a win/win, they keep him and make an example of him but that is a hell of a punishment I wonder if he will agree to that