OFFICIAL Anthony Seibold has left the building

Geez this weeks' game is gonna be real interesting now. I wonder if there is a sense of relief from players and they might come out and show a renewed sense of passion and enthusiasm, trying to impress the incoming new coach, whoever that might be. Just last week's game you could sense an improvement of sorts under Gentle's tutelage.
That's what I am banking on. I've taken lot's of different bets on the result.
Geez this weeks' game is gonna be real interesting now. I wonder if there is a sense of relief from players and they might come out and show a renewed sense of passion and enthusiasm, trying to impress the incoming new coach, whoever that might be. Just last week's game you could sense an improvement of sorts under Gentle's tutelage.
Got nothing against Gentle, but please keep him as interim coach till round 20. No one deserves to have the start of their new tenure to be associated with the end of the 2020 season.
Certainly does beg the question about when he could still backflip up until?

It’d be a stunning amount of cash to backflip on mind you.

But imagine if he left because the board didn’t move on Seibold earlier.
They changed the rules in 2015, a contract can only be announced once the cooling off period is served. So when his signing was announced, it was actually signed 2 weeks earlier.

People keep bringing up this backflip but it's not possible. He's well and truly a Titan now.
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Dear Anthony,

I was pleased to hear that you're moving on to greener pastures. If I'm being honest your time with us has not exactly been a bed of roses. Some of your 'innovations' have raised a few eyebrows, unfortunately for all the wrong reasons.

I hope your legacy at this club remains intact for a very, very long time as almost every record you have set while coaching this club revolves around record losses. Just a few questions I'd like answered during your presser tomorrow:

1. Are you still burning money with those shyster lawyers, and if so please stay in touch and let me know how the outcome (if they ever reach one) turns out. My money is on nothing ever being conclusively proven other than they made some serious coin chasing ghosts.

2. Are you taking the big speakers we use at training with you, or will you leave them as a good will gesture to remind us of the Siebold way of doing things?

3. Do you now agree that letting Wong play Minecraft on the same laptop that you both devise the weekly bench rotation on was an accident just waiting to happen? Seriously - replacing a winger at the 60 minute point. You will long be remembered for that one.

4. From mostly all accounts you are a decent bloke, but do you now concede that Head Coach of the Broncos cannot be studied for at Harvard or any other academic institution.

5. Darbs is really pissed that you chose to quit now as all the oxygen given to your story is robbing his book of any chance of being promoted. You dropped almost everyone in the team (and sometimes they were re-instated the same week) but never Darbs. Why is that?
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Needs to go:

Question Marks:
Pangai Jr

It is coming along, just need the right coach an assistants to come in and the right CEO who isn't afraid to make tough calls and follow through.
I actually don't think Lockyer, Milford or Joffa "need to go" just their salaries/role at the club needs to be heavily revised. I'd rather be rid of TPJ, what a cancer he has turned into.
I don't mind Kahu at the club, if he pulls his shit together and is a positive influence