OFFICIAL Anthony Seibold has left the building

Nothing shameful about supporting the coach that has been placed in charge of the team you love.
Of course anyone still thinking he should stay needs some professional help, but I haven't see anyone really saying that, unless I missed it.
Only people who should be hanging heads in shame are those 'supporters' who death rode the coach from the start and are delighting in the result. Not sure if anyone actually fits that category either to be honest.
Might be one or two.
In his defence, some of us copped a fair bit of grief for pointing out where Seibold was lacking and were proven to be pretty damn right about how this entire thing would go. I’ve seen a few people admit they were wrong recently and I wouldn’t ever expect an apology, but wouldn’t it be nice?
Mate if you expect apologies from robust discussion and banter on the internet, you are likely to be sorely disappointed.
Mate if you expect apologies from robust discussion and banter on the internet, you are likely to be sorely disappointed.
I said it would be nice, I definitely don’t expect it.
Can I take this off my fridge yet?
Can I take this off my fridge yet?
View attachment 9618

Hey that CM/Badel prediction could still turn out to be correct. I believe the Belurusian National Rugby Football League Competition could be right up Seib's alley. He will have his opponents (and own players for that matter) completely mystified (i.e. bamboozled) by his coaching wisdom.
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So. The next coach coming in will know that whatever his contract states, and for whatever money, the players have the power at any time to decide he has "lost the dressing room", play like crap, and get him fired. Only takes one bad trot and that's that. Who in their right mind would relocate and uproot their life to move to Brisbane, knowing this can happen to them too? However good or poor a coach they are, only takes players deciding to destroy him and phone it in for half a season and his job is under threat.

Edit: having said that, glad he is gong but also disappointed. The train wreck was entertaining. For all the wrong reasons, sure, but entertaining. And we just lost the conductor. Slightly sad.
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So. The next coach coming in will know that whatever his contract states, and for whatever money, the players have the power at any time to decide he has "lost the dressing room", play like crap, and get him fired. Only takes one bad trot and that's that. Who in their right mind would relocate and uproot their life to move to Brisbane, knowing this can happen to them too? However good or poor a coach they are, only takes players deciding to destroy him and phone it in for half a season and his job is under threat.

Edit: having said that, glad he is gong but also disappointed. The train wreck was entertaining. For all the wrong reasons, sure, but entertaining. And we just lost the conductor. Slightly sad.

I do see your point, and agree in most part. I think a lot of Seib's issues though, and the subsequent negativity around his time here, stems from an apparent stubbornness on his part to keep selecting these players in the team. Everyone else seemed to be aware some of them were playing with less than 100% effort, yet he didn't, or couldn't, stamp his authority to rid the team of these destabilising elements.

In the end, I think this reluctance to drop these shitheads proved his eventual undoing.
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Hey that CM/Badel prediction could still turn out to be correct. I believe the Belurusian National Rugby Football League Competition could be right up Seib's alley. He will have his opponents (and own players for that matter) completely mystified (i.e. bamboozled) by his coaching wisdom.

It's the Belarusian National Rugby Football League Competition where if you lose a game, the coach mysteriously disappears. Their FB incidentally was Dariusz Boidkovsky who after failing to clear up a rolling ball in the in-goal also mysteriously disappeared, not that anyone noticed any difference.
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He's now going to become an expression like 'Doing a Bradbury'.

Anyone who gets a contract they haven't deserved or isn't warranted will now be called 'Doing a Seibold' or when things go expectedly pear shaped in any situation, it will be termed, 'That's a Seibold waiting to happen.'
So. The next coach coming in will know that whatever his contract states, and for whatever money, the players have the power at any time to decide he has "lost the dressing room", play like crap, and get him fired. Only takes one bad trot and that's that. Who in their right mind would relocate and uproot their life to move to Brisbane, knowing this can happen to them too? However good or poor a coach they are, only takes players deciding to destroy him and phone it in for half a season and his job is under threat.

Edit: having said that, glad he is gong but also disappointed. The train wreck was entertaining. For all the wrong reasons, sure, but entertaining. And we just lost the conductor. Slightly sad.
Well that's just the difference between the best coaches and the worst. The best know how to make the playing group love them, and play their hearts out for them week in week out. Sure, it's a shit world where Seibold could be a tactical genius, but if you can't manage a roster of 30+ men to be happy and believe in your coaching ideals, you're not going to cut it in the NRL.

Maybe a different roster with different personalities would have suited him better, we'll never know how his second year would have gone if he had have stayed at Souths.

At the end of the day though, he had a job that was going well, in a club that put faith in him, promoting him to the top spot and offering him a multi year deal, and he rejected it to take a job under hostile circumstances. He's not an innocent party in all this, he knew what he would be getting into when he took the job and failed miserably.
Was going through some old Seibold threads and found this. Woah, good call @Renegade

Edit: not sure if it worked but it’s Renegade saying “at least we have some sex tapes to look forward to” in 2019

mod edit: Link fixed
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So. The next coach coming in will know that whatever his contract states, and for whatever money, the players have the power at any time to decide he has "lost the dressing room", play like crap, and get him fired. Only takes one bad trot and that's that. Who in their right mind would relocate and uproot their life to move to Brisbane, knowing this can happen to them too? However good or poor a coach they are, only takes players deciding to destroy him and phone it in for half a season and his job is under threat.

Edit: having said that, glad he is gong but also disappointed. The train wreck was entertaining. For all the wrong reasons, sure, but entertaining. And we just lost the conductor. Slightly sad.
As I have said, whoever gets the job needs to understand the expectations from the get-go (hint: if youre not in the 8 at seasons finish you best be sure to be in the next and pretty early, 12 or worse, you're gone).
They also have to be completely in charge of all decisions regarding the team (sure the board and football manager go over contracts with him, but he needs to have who wants when he wants, if he wants).
Without the above, we are setting the next coach as siebolds 2.0.
One thing that is absolutely essential is to fully support him with whatever assistance we can muster. Now is not the time to be cheap.
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