Anthony Watts in assault investigation

De-register the both of them.

They've had more than enough chances.
Carney probably shouldn't be drinking at all as it's obvious he can't handle it when he drinks too much, however is it actually stipulated anywhere that he shouldn't be drinking? Because in this case, he doesn't seem to have actually done anything wrong (assuming it's not in his contract or some similar that he shouldn't be drinking).
Nashy said:
He's in AA at the moment as well I've read.

I guarantee you the Roosters will say that "it'll just send him on a downward spiral if we sack him, we have to look after him". Blah blah.
Coxy said:
Nashy said:
He's in AA at the moment as well I've read.

I guarantee you the Roosters will say that "it'll just send him on a downward spiral if we sack him, we have to look after him". Blah blah.

I'd accept that IF, behind closed doors, they rip him a new one. He's too insulated from his own dipshittery, and it's something the club are awful at dealing with - see Jake Friend for further examples.
This is the problem. They've taken a softly softly approach to player behaviour for too long. If they do it again I think the NRL need to step in.
The Rock said:
Flutterby said:
There was a thing on the Today Show this morning talking about head collisions and concussions in sport and the damage it does etc etc etc. But one of the things the 'expert' chick was saying is the head knocks are probably to blame for behaviour such as this as it mostly affects the frontal lobes of the brain, which affects impulse control, social interaction behaviours (ie treatment of women) etc. Whilst I am sure there is some affect in this regard I really think she was over-stating it. I can't wait for players to latch on to this and then put the blame for their behaviour squarely at the feet of the sport they play, instead of taking personal responsibility.

Lolz. I am sure it's "somewhat" true. But this is a society problem, not a rugby league problem.

Take 1000 League Players and 1000 people from the general public. Purely at random. Do you reckon that the percentage of people who involved themselves in these altercations would vary much between the 2 groups? I don't reckon. Seriously, half the people I've seen throw punches at Kings Cross at 2am don't seem like footballers, they are scrorny little 20 year olds or try hard over-weight lebs.

Going by her logic, Martin Lang must have a lengthy criminal record by now.

Actually, I would love to see a study done of exactly this. I would predict like Rock, that there would be very little difference in the results and if anything, it may be proven that the footballers come out ahead of the non-footballing sample in terms of less acts of drunken violence or misbehaviour.
you'd have to take males age 17-34 as the "random" demographic for the study to have any true bearing though. You couldn't take a group that included 70 year old women and use it as an example against footballers.
BTW I am of the opinion that Todd Carney has done his dash. He is another Julian O'Neil and there's nothing more that can be done for him. He needs to be let loose and learn consequences.

And usually I'm quite lenient on the alcohol offences, 1 or 2 times can be excused but this is his 6th or 7th.

Anthony Watts needs to foad.
OXY-351 said:
Carney probably shouldn't be drinking at all as it's obvious he can't handle it when he drinks too much, however is it actually stipulated anywhere that he shouldn't be drinking? Because in this case, he doesn't seem to have actually done anything wrong (assuming it's not in his contract or some similar that he shouldn't be drinking).

AFAIK, when he got done for drink driving earlier this year, the NRL demanded he detail how is he going to keep things on the straight and narrow for the future. This was part of the discussion with Gallop to decide what should happen to him.

He admitted to Gallop he has an alcohol problem and promised to stay off the drink. He has broken that promise.
And I'm pretty sure it was part of the condition of his reentry into the NRL last year that he stays off the alcohol during the season.
That will do me. A magistrate WANTED to send him to jail a week ago over another alcohol fuelled incident. He would have gone to jail had their not been a stipulations in place that you can't go for low range drink driving. You'd have thought that would be the mother of all wake up calls.

Carney is the competition dunce.
Well.. then there's the fact he was forced to play for Atherton.... I mean, what will it take for this retard to learn?

Off to England. Forever.
Has he been convicted though? I think he's got off with slaps on the wrist for all his stupid shit. Which is part of the problem. He's not had any punishment.
He tried to go to England after he got the sack from the Raiders and couldn't get a Visa.
Nashy said:
Has he been convicted though? I think he's got off with slaps on the wrist for all his stupid shit. Which is part of the problem. He's not had any punishment.

Pretty sure all his driving offences count on his criminal record. Hell, there are people struggling to get working visas in the UK because of too many speeding fines.