Australian Summer Of Cricket '08/'09

Australia's skin head spinner knocked him over. Amla clearly couldn't see the ball through the bush attached to his chin.
Got 'im! Yes! Piss off you're out! Graeme Smith, the smug piece of shit setheffrican has his castle SMASHED by the mighty defecting power ranger Mitch Johnson!
I have a man crush on Mitch Johnson lol he rocks my world...

I do go off like that when the Aussies get a wicket..
I wonder if there are south african cricket fans sitting at home at the moment watching score updates on the net, whinging about their team and how they all need to be sacked.
Johnson has 5 wickets and has bowled superbly today.. I am creaming myself here over Mitch I lo0ve him get him up here I wanna boof him!!!!
I am shocked and amazed that Kallis had a better strike rate than De Villers. He even got over 50%!!

Must be a red letter day in his book!
Yeah what a spell, 5 wickets in 5 overs for 4 runs I think?
Johnson was legendary this arvo. Orsm spell....the thing is, he always seems to get his wickets off loose balls.

Orsm stuff.
Wow didn't see that coming from Johnson..

Find it hard to believe he's done so well at test level, his wickets tend to come off crap deliveries.
Can't have been too many crap deliveries in those 5 overs.
No ethos is right, there were a few. 2 wickets were from what seemed like shocking balls....that said, batsmen are still putting the bat out there.
Hammo said:
No ethos is right, there were a few. 2 wickets were from what seemed like shocking balls....that said, batsmen are still putting the bat out there.

It doesn't matter how you get the wickets mate they still go in the score book under his name!!!
He's awesome!! Great work, a bit fishy that he's getting so many wickets off crap balls - he's obviously setting the batters up to make the dodgy shot, good work son! I've been sayin all along that he's superior to that whingey pingey Lee!!!