Bellamy comments 'irrational'

He really really lost it. Made such a fool of himself.
Not like it was on the spur of the moment cos they had it all planned to do the interview and what they would say.
Very upset Craggie over his boy.
Settle down mate. It's not the end of the world FGS

Do get his point on the media however. Make or break any player. In our case the whole team.
I wonder if they can sue him.

He went on about the integity of the judiciary, there is a former District Judge on the panel.
Fair dinkum, talk about giving the media more to write about. That whole 15 minutes of carry on achieves precisely nothing, at least in a positive sense.

Waldron's always been a first class clown, but that was getting a touch ridiculous from Bellamy aswell.
As much as it is a huge whinge, he did make some very valid points.

i) why was Ricky Stuart not fined $10,000 for his comments pre-judicary
ii) agree shouldn't be betting on the judicary
iii) I remember that tackle of Stuart Webb's and it was a bad one and must say with them getting knocked out of the finals I forgot all about it and whether he got charged or not, I assume not now seeing Bellyache.

That's all I'm saying you guys write and decide for yourselves icon_thumbs_u
You could say why wasn't current players fined etc, when they said he shouldn't have been charged.

People bet on all things so why not the judiciary.

Just proves Bellamy knows nothing about betting.
Russo said:
As much as it is a huge whinge, he did make some very valid points.

i) why was Ricky Stuart not fined $10,000 for his comments pre-judicary
ii) agree shouldn't be betting on the judicary
iii) I remember that tackle of Stuart Webb's and it was a bad one and must say with them getting knocked out of the finals I forgot all about it and whether he got charged or not, I assume not now seeing Bellyache.

That's all I'm saying you guys write and decide for yourselves icon_thumbs_u

Agree Russo, they are all good points, but he picked a really bad case to argue those points.
Just imagine how much he would have gone on had the sharks rolled them. He's a wanker, nothing worse than a poor winner.
Hammo said:
In saying all that; Bellamy, whilst incorrect in this particular circumstance, raises the issue that I have raised all year. The media, especially Channel 9, have a MASSIVE influence on the game through media. The recent Broncos allegations is evident enough of this. The Hodges commentry during the Parramatta game is another shocking example.

I agree 100% with you about channel 9, but Bellamy being incorrect in this particular circumstance is a big problem. It takes any impact out of the comments because he just sounds like a sook. Few people will actually listen to the overall arguments because they'll be blinded by his complete bias, he has not done the anti-media cause any favours at all with this rant. Now, every time someone hears similar points being made, they'll be reminded of Bellyache and write them off before even thinking.
I agree, there should not be betting on anything Judicial (including criminal) and political (like elections etc).
What's the point of these fines? The club won last year, and are all cashed up. Take it out of his pay and he might shut the **** up.
It should be taken out of their salary cap.
So how does this work anyway, they're owned by News LTD, so basically there paying themselves 50k....
Whilst a number of Bellamy's points are quite valid the whole thing was completely over the top and out of line and they have gone the wrong way about addressing the issues.. The whole thing was calculated and pre-meditated and challenges the integrity of the entire game. They obviously decided that they were going to go into the press conference and have their rant win or lose. I think banning the coach and CEO for a period of time may be more effective against this rant Bellamy and Waldron have obviously spent a lot of time stewing over the conspiracy against Melbourne in the Smith case, I wonder how much time they spent considering the favouritism they have been shown when their players have gotten away without penalty over these tackles for a number of years now. And the conspiracy that not only allowed Crocker to stay on the field but not even face the judiciary for his tackle on Kemp. He also conveniently ignored the media (ie Ch 9 Footy Show and Roast last Sunday) that said there was no way Smith should miss the finals for that tackle. He has completely lost it. Here's some advice for you Craig - if you want to ensure that your club isn't hard done by at the judiciary - stop them committing these type of tackles and teach them to play by the rules.
I've got some advice for him (strangely as an ex-assistant here he shold already know it);

Try being a QLD team in the NSWRL for 10 years....then come talk about conspiracy theories ya fucking muppet
He needs to compose himself a little bit. Right time and place for everything.
I don't mind coaches and players saying what they think, but you should do it in the right way.
anyone listen to Sticky's blast on Waldron?
its gold.
Still i don't understand the point, NEWS LTD own half of the NRL anyway, so they're basically paying themselves the fine.