Ben Te'o Assault Allegations - No Charges

I wonder when Max Markson will sign her up. I suspect somewhere in her delusion she thinks this could be her big break.
After talking to my old mate, my former Broncos insider yesterday I have a bit more of an idea what happened.
That info is still second hand,but the boy knows stuff.
I think hitting a woman is the lowest a man can go, however there are circumstances where that is warranted, and it appears to be the case here, with woman going beserk and attacking the players with her stiletto shoe. I certainly wouldn't want to catch one of those in the eye... :scared:

Bitches be bitches.......yo

Did she try to stilletto the Constable during the arrest? :001_rolleyes:
Well, it was under the bail act so I'm guessing it was due to a previous offence.
This whole incident reeked of bullshit from the very start, releasing it after women in league week, saying 3 players involved in a domestic violence case that will "rock rugby league".

Seriously this woman and channel 9 are fucking pathetic, it baffles me that the dirty fuckers in ch 9 will do anything to bag out a product they pay near 1 billion to get rights for! Wtf.
While this certainly reflects she's a woman of suspect character, it does not immediately absolve Te'o of any wrongdoing.

I agree the likelihood is the girl's a psycho, but I'm just throwing it out there that this doesn't change much.
The whole thing sounds very "A Current Affair" to me.

Disgraceful !!
While this certainly reflects she's a woman of suspect character, it does not immediately absolve Te'o of any wrongdoing.

I agree the likelihood is the girl's a psycho, but I'm just throwing it out there that this doesn't change much.
Well it certainly lends credence to her attacking Te'o which would lead me to believe if Te'o did "hit" her it would have been in self defence at worst.
Well it certainly lends credence to her attacking Te'o which would lead me to believe if Te'o did "hit" her it would have been in self defence at worst.

Quite likely, but we don't KNOW that. The warrant could be in relation to unpaid speeding fines for all we know!
That bitch is crazy Coxy and Teo is a mother f!#$!@3. Put them both in jail :)


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