This conspiracy is just fucking lazy. There's nothing creative or sordid in it besides "Kev has somehow bamboozled all of the Broncos' recruitment and performance staff in securing his son a job".
Let's dig until we at least hit water. Let's start with the Walkers Ikin bad blood that all of a sudden was nothing yet still was? Ikin is a smart guy. If he felt slighted, I'd imagine he could put some things in motion. At a minimum he doesn't feel Walters is fit for the job, that's fine, but that's no longer his decision. What can he do in the meantime? Cuddle up to Walters' lovable "silly Uncle" demeanour. "Hey Kev, that kid of yours, he can play a few positions, right? Give him a call, see if he wants a job". Oh wow, says Kev, this Ikin guy is a ripper.
Kid plays... like a depth spine player from Q Cup. But in the absence of anyone better, he's the best we have, right? Here's the #9 jersey. "Your kid's doing great for a depth spine player from QCup, Kev, keep rewarding his... effort".
Meanwhile The Internet is frothing at the Walters clan dragging the Broncos down. What was a joke has become reality, and in its second season is turning in to a nightmare. "Oh well" says Ikin, "At least Billy is the least shit out of a 3-way Shit Sandwich". The season drags on. The Broncos' exciting young players are anchored by dogshit service and can't get anywhere. The outrage grows. The season is coming to and end and once again the Broncos seem as impotent as ever.
The call finally comes. Not only is Walters out, unceremoniously booted, but so is his Son. The whole family is shamefully blacklisted as claims of nepotism become public. Even the Broncos greats of old can't argue. Kev put him and his family above the Broncos, that's unforgivable.