NEWS Brisbane to Bennett: it's not you, it's us

He arrives at Newcastle and after a slow start he puts the team in the too hard category and starts recruiting a bunch of former Dragons players and legends who are easy to coach. His idea of future proofing the club is signing discards like Dane Gagai and Joseph Leilua who have bad characteristics but it doesn't matter in the short term because he can do something with them. Everything goes wrong and for once Bennett has to accept responsibility for his actions but instead of honoring the final year of his contract, he sacks himself and gets another coach released so he can come into the Broncos right as they're coming good.
Much like broncsgoat I'm not huge on replying to you pete, because getting taken to task by someone with a better memory than me isn't great fun. But in this case I'd say those three words are doing a hell of a lot of heavy lifting. Although Benny has to take his share of the blame for Newcastle, the entire club burned to the ground around him because of Tinkler's actions. I have read that Tinkler wanted to have a premiership asap at any cost as well as demanded several local players be signed even at overs, however I don't know of any direct evidence of this. It is pretty safe to say though that in his final year there the club stopped paying players on time (the team once had to refuse to get off the bus and go into a match to get paid what they were owed), stopped getting TPAs paid because local businesses had been burned by Tinkler not paying his bills and weren't keen on still giving their hard-earned to his football team, Tinkler was sending abusive text messages to players, some staff weren't getting paid on time to the point that Bennett himself was loaning money to guys so they could pay their bills, and if I recall correctly the new ownership group basically claimed all staff contracts were null and void and made people reapply for their jobs at lower salaries.

Then Rick "great game" Stone came in and won 4 from 5 or something to start the season before the wheels absolutely fell off, so the team left behind for the start of 2015 can't have been too bad. I'm not sure what sent them into their death spiral that year but at some point the club did what we did, paid old experienced guys to play elsewhere and bet hard on untested youth.

All of this came out in the media at various points but to my possibly biased eyes the Johns boys and Sydney media (who were always looking for any opportunity to put the boot into Wayne) ran so quickly and so hard with the line that it was all his fault everything else has been kind of sidelined or whitewashed. Ask anyone, especially a Newcastle fan, what went wrong and who was to blame and you'll pretty likely get told it was all on Bennett, when there were so many factors at play.
Thanks for the premierships, Wayne.
Reckon he has all the right to be salty, until coach whoever delivers us our next one.
Could be next year, could take a decade...let's just hope it happens soon enough for Wayne to witness it all and have peace.
Just like the whole baseball park figures discussion you appear to be missing the point. I'm not providing my opinion I'm relaying the opinion of those who criticise him for the way he leaves clubs. Of course it's skewed it's the critics connecting dots.
I owe you an apology here. I DID misread what you wtote. My bad totally.

I should read more carefully. I'm sorry.