NEWS Broncos bow to player power as pre-season takes huge toll



State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
I think it’s possible that people are getting a false impression of this..these guys have been doing work required to be ready for an NRL season since November - they’re fit. But with matches now happening, managing the fatigue that is generated from hard training becomes a very important consideration. Players need to be fresh enough to ‘express’ their fitness.
I would hazard a guess that this is the issue players have discussed - that they’re carrying too much fatigue into games.
Ehh, we are not hearing any other clubs players having a sook about it all being too hard.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
The other thing to keep in mind, is Kev is not new to NRL training levels.
The bloke has been around forever, both as player and coach, he would fully know what training too hard encompasses.

I am more inclined to believe this is all Milfords fault for several years of setting a bad example. (jk btw)


State of Origin Captain
Apr 4, 2014
Well if they dont play for 80 minutes against the cowboys on the weekend, then flog the **** out of them again. We finished 13th last year not 1st
Bull Shark

Bull Shark

State of Origin Rep
Jun 4, 2008
Ehh, we are not hearing any other clubs players having a sook about it all being too hard.
Maybe that’s because their coaches are more adept at knowing what not to let slip at media chats ?
I’m certain it would’ve been an issue at other clubs at various points in time.


State of Origin Rep
Apr 10, 2015
I can't believe the reactions on here...

This is a definite ploy by Walters.

Kevvie is actually the best at media manipulation we've had since Bennett. He's done it on several occasions. Half the stuff he says isn't true, he deflects really bloody well, and he knows how to take the pressure off the players. He's also a good motivator by all accounts
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Maybe that’s because their coaches are more adept at knowing what not to let slip at media chats ?
I’m certain it would’ve been an issue at other clubs at various points in time.
I get where you're coming from and you might be right......but still, as a Broncos fan and based on the teams last few years **** wants to hear this shit about "Kevvie is training us too hard".
FFS guys.....!! Have a look at yourselves.

**** knows why Kevvie would talk to the media about this. Certainly doesn't fill fans with any confidence that he has the ship righted. Seems like the players are the ones still calling the shots.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
I can't believe the reactions on here...

This is a definite ploy by Walters.

Kevvie is actually the best at media manipulation we've had since Bennett. He's done it on several occasions. Half the stuff he says isn't true, he deflects really bloody well, and he knows how to take the pressure off the players. He's also a good motivator by all accounts
Whats the angle.....of Kevvies masterstroke ......of media manipulation?
Bull Shark

Bull Shark

State of Origin Rep
Jun 4, 2008
I get where you're coming from and you might be right......but still, as a Broncos fan and based on the teams last few years **** wants to hear this shit about "Kevvie is training us too hard".
FFS guys.....!! Have a look at yourselves.

**** knows why Kevvie would talk to the media about this. Certainly doesn't fill fans with any confidence that he has the ship righted. Seems like the players are the ones still calling the shots.
That ties in to my previous post about what this dispute / discussion was really about.. I would bet good money the players’ concerns are about the training load in proximity to games.
By mid-February the really hard work has been done by every NRL squad, so if this was raised two months or even a month ago then yeah you’d be questioning whether some of these Broncos are awake to what’s required.. but the fact it’s an issue now indicates to me that it’s a ‘fitness-fatigue’ thing and that some of them have felt like they’ve carried too much soreness or fatigue into these trials


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I think we probably just tried to condense training into a shortened preseason.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
That ties in to my previous post about what this dispute / discussion was really about.. I would bet good money the players’ concerns are about the training load in proximity to games.
I'd find this easier to agree with IF it wasn't coming before the season has even started......


Aug 24, 2017
Coincidence that this news comes out the same week Boyd is spotted at training?
It could just be a misunderstanding; rather than training too hard, maybe what they meant to say was that they’re trying too hard*.

*thanks for the memories, Darius.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
I can't believe the reactions on here...

This is a definite ploy by Walters.

Kevvie is actually the best at media manipulation we've had since Bennett. He's done it on several occasions. Half the stuff he says isn't true, he deflects really bloody well, and he knows how to take the pressure off the players. He's also a good motivator by all accounts

I get the vibe that everyone around him loves the bloke, he's a bit of a larrikin and easy to make fun of but I reckon the players love him and that's half the battle, there've been so many good footy brains who tried their hand at coaching but just couldn't build a relationship with the players.
Bull Shark

Bull Shark

State of Origin Rep
Jun 4, 2008
I'd find this easier to agree with IF it wasn't coming before the season has even started......
99.5% of every NRL team’s fitness base has been built by now.. these next two and a half weeks won’t make or break whether a team is fit enough for round one.. it’s about maintenance & tapering between now and March 11 💡


NRL Player
Feb 25, 2015
I can't believe the reactions on here...

This is a definite ploy by Walters.

Kevvie is actually the best at media manipulation we've had since Bennett. He's done it on several occasions. Half the stuff he says isn't true, he deflects really bloody well, and he knows how to take the pressure off the players. He's also a good motivator by all accounts
More like best at just making shit up and looking like a complete tit - see pretty much every player that's left under his tenure. If it's deliberate, it's sabotage of his own credibility. There's a smarter way to play this - the Bellamy way for one, just "yeah, nah, we'll see what happens"
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
Probably one of the most pathetic headlines you could read coming in to a fresh season. You would never see this sort of shit coming out of Melbourne, Sydney or Penrith. Bellyache, Robinson and Cleary wouldn't have even bothered publicly sharing it, they would have just ripped the whining players a new asshole and even threatened to cut them for pisspoor attitude. That's what I would have done. You're not fucking here to throw the ball around with your mates and have fun while getting paid a 6 figure salary. You're here to win premierships. When the **** will these little ***** get that through their heads?

It's probably blind optimism but lets hope this is just the last little flailings of that complacent, toxic culture that has plagued us for so long being wrung out of the towel.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
We had plenty of hard training and tough army boot camps under Wayne and nothing like this came out ( could be wrong, but dont recall it ). I guess if we are getting a few niggles this early its worth looking into, but its a dangerous game letting the players have too much power.

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