NEWS Broncos bow to player power as pre-season takes huge toll



NRL Player
Feb 25, 2015
He's employed as the head coach of the Brisbane Broncos, Badel is employed to get people reading newspapers and from the sounds of it, he's doing one hell of a job.

Myself, I'd rather watch us play footy and judge Kevvie based on that. You will struggle to find a coach who drops the bombshells in pressers when the media go fishing, it's just not courteous to the players in question to have their contract negotiations leaked out all over the newspapers because the coach was asked a specific question about a specific player. It would be more a shock to us all if any coach (not just Kevvie) leaked contract negotiations out the public before the player did.

I can re-call in the past Wayne was all but heading to the Roosters but apparently they leaked the news before he made it official, he never went as a result of that.
And in professional circles you simply decline to enter into discussion on contracts in negotiation.

Professional strategies in this vein include, changing the topic, feigning lack of knowledge, suggesting that details are still being reviewed. The last thing you do is make up porkies. There are many ways not to let the cat out of the bag other than making yourself look like a clown.


NRL Player
Feb 25, 2015
The situation does not matter AT ALL. He LITERALLY did, and does it often, exactly what you said he didn't do hahaha...

There is no stronger evidence possible. You said he didn't talk in absolutes and deny signing/not signing players to the media. I showed you a LITERAL DIRECT QUOTE FROM BENNETT and you're still doing mental gymnastics to say it's different haha.. It's impossible to improve this level of evidence so I don't know what else to do with this haha
Sure. You win. I'm wrong. He spoke in absolutes about a deal that might have been in the bin at the time.

Doesn't mean he was lying at all though.


State of Origin Rep
Apr 10, 2015
And in professional circles you simply decline to enter into discussion on contracts in negotiation.

Professional strategies in this vein include, changing the topic, feigning lack of knowledge, suggesting that details are still being reviewed. The last thing you do is make up porkies. There are many ways not to let the cat out of the bag other than making yourself look like a clown.
"We won't be signing Latrell," Bennett told Blindside.
Wayne bennett was then south Sydney coach. Latrell then proceeded to sign for south Sydney......

He did not do any of the following: "changing the topic, feigning lack of knowledge, suggesting that details are still being reviewed."...

He simply, made up a porky... every coach does it, a good coach doesn't give a shit what you or I think about their approach (eg "if you start listening to the fans you'll end up sitting in the stands with them" bennett), they take the media for a ride and leave them wondering, ready to use to their advantage when they are in a position to do so (Walters hasn't had this chance considering we are still shit). Is Walters Bennett's level with media? **** no! But to say Walters is shit with them because he lies.. seriously?


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
Walters coaches the team to a good year, I won't give a shit what he says to the monkeys at the press conferences, he can get up there and sing nursery rhymes for all I care.

The only people he should be looking out for are his players and I am really glad that he has been doing that. He doesn't care where you put him in terms of credibility, he's paid to get the team winning football games.


NRL Player
Feb 25, 2015
Wayne bennett was then south Sydney coach. Latrell then proceeded to sign for south Sydney......

He did not do any of the following: "changing the topic, feigning lack of knowledge, suggesting that details are still being reviewed."...

He simply, made up a porky... every coach does it, a good coach doesn't give a shit what you or I think about their approach (eg "if you start listening to the fans you'll end up sitting in the stands with them" bennett), they take the media for a ride and leave them wondering, ready to use to their advantage when they are in a position to do so (Walters hasn't had this chance considering we are still shit). Is Walters Bennett's level with media? **** no! But to say Walters is shit with them because he lies.. seriously?
Please provide evidence that latrell was signed three weeks before he was announced. I'll wait.


Because latrell was carrying on like a pork chop playing teams off one another and pissing them all off.

When Wayne said that the talks could have at that time been very much at a dead end.


NRL Player
Jan 15, 2017
This is pretty much just another case of media taking any opportunity to report some negative press against us. The only way this ends is we start winning. Should the same scenario have occurred at Melbourne or the roosters then the story is suddenly positive about how hard they're training.

There is alot of science and monitoring that goes into elite sports training so you just have to hope we are trusting that. I just hope its not a case of little niggles and injuries and guys been forced to train through them.

I'm guessing whats happening is we are in an intense part of our training and guys expected that to ease off with trials starting. In an effort to get these guys ultra fit we may be doing intense sessions during the week in addition to the weekend trials which work on match fitness.

If we are still in an intense period of training the staff may be aware that guys could be flat come weekend trials but they accept it as it will bennefit in the long run. Ultimately if you're getting flogged during the week and then again in match scenario's on the weekend you are likely to be flat but would really be doing wonders for the base fitness.

With two weeks until the season starts I'd imagine we start tapering off and the training intesnity drops pretty significantly so they start to freshen up. If they've trained hard enough the base fitness should tie them over enough so that they'll go into round one fresh but fit.

Towards the end of every season there is talk that Melbourne go back into a heavy fitness phase of training before tapering off to freshen for finals but also to have that extra edge of fitness. They generally appear flatish in a game or two towards the end of season as a result.

Probably reading way to much into it but that would be my take on what's going on.


NRL Player
Jul 3, 2021
This story that Kev has leaked out could be total bullshit.
The 2 players that have been named that complained in Haas and Reynolds, Haas would run hills sprints up Mt tamborine for fun and wants to win premierships he's probably been sick of carrying the team the last few years and would be happy if they were on his level, Reynolds has had Pre seasons under Maguire and Bennett he knows the hard work it takes to win a Premiership he's probably joked to Kev about the trainings too hard and Kev's ran with it.. it's something Alfie would joke about.
This could all be a ploy to take media pressure off Selwyn at Fullback or Mam maybe playing 6.
Even if Adam and Payne didn't have 'soreness' you really think your 2 best players and most important players who can change the season if they play or not would be lining up to play a reserve grade titans team.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Even if Adam and Payne didn't have 'soreness' you really think your 2 best players and most important players who can change the season if they play or not would be lining up to play a reserve grade titans team.
Yeah agree with this. Payne doesn't need any extra workload, and Reynolds is a seasoned pro, trials are not at all necessary. It's all just manufactured drama. If he has to miss round 1 so be it too.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
This story that Kev has leaked out could be total bullshit.
The 2 players that have been named that complained in Haas and Reynolds, Haas would run hills sprints up Mt tamborine for fun and wants to win premierships he's probably been sick of carrying the team the last few years and would be happy if they were on his level, Reynolds has had Pre seasons under Maguire and Bennett he knows the hard work it takes to win a Premiership he's probably joked to Kev about the trainings too hard and Kev's ran with it.. it's something Alfie would joke about.
This could all be a ploy to take media pressure off Selwyn at Fullback or Mam maybe playing 6.
Even if Adam and Payne didn't have 'soreness' you really think your 2 best players and most important players who can change the season if they play or not would be lining up to play a reserve grade titans team.
The story is overtraining soreness within the group, but has now morphed into Reynolds having a possible hamstring injury. I don't think any of us here, or any reporters for that matter, can comment on whether the "soreness" will set us back. It generally means you need to rest until the muscles settle down. A few days at most, and then back at it again, but harder.

In case anyone reading this is not familiar with training at an elite level, one of the biggest obstacles to gain is trying to figure out how long to rest after increasing load. It's not going to be the same for everyone, but the muscle growth happens during the time they're resting, not when they're under load.

The conflict is you also need to maintain and increase aerobic activity to gain fitness. It's hard to do that without using the muscles you're trying to rest, especially if those muscles are legs and you're a big bloke or an older bloke. Which is why you hire specialist trainers rather than ex-footy players who are mates or good old boys around the club.

Training Adam is going to be a real challenge. His autumn is fast approaching, so getting gains from him is going to be tricky and possible futile. It may be the priority to stave off injury, but that varies between individuals. Look at the age of some of the top tennis players and boxers.

The Broncos right now are signaling Adam is in maintenance mode, which is fine if we can get Adam 2021 for a couple more years. We don't need to him to get bigger, faster or stronger, just to stay on the field.


NRL Player
May 10, 2019
Always a big risk with Arey, not at all like Cooper Cronk being recruited for the Politii when he was just Icing on a cake. Arey is cake, entree and main course all in one bet for the Broncs..

Let’s hope his hamstrings are better than Turbo’s!

Can understand Arey knowing his own body and when to pull back, the rest of the Broncs you have to question their qualifications when it comes to assesing training loads and their impact on wins.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Defo have no probs with Reynolds being kept in cotton wool......

All the great players in their time as they aged were able to adjust their own training to suit their particular body needs....


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