Broncos Confirm 2018 Trials

that 300 baud modem can only handle so much guys.
I'm watching a sharks stream at the moment and zero issues.... WTF Broncos
I can't believe this is a bad feed again. Pathetic. The broncos and nrl should be embarrassed, and the Australian government is a joke in regards to internet. We are getting left behind the rest of the world with this internet.
Not sure what's better super slow mo last week or crickets this week... FFS
I can't believe this is a bad feed again. Pathetic. The broncos and nrl should be embarrassed, and the Australian government is a joke in regards to internet. We are getting left behind the rest of the world with this internet.

Its seems odd a lot of the world ripped up and replaced the technology we are putting in now a decade ago.
Bloody hell i can stream russian table tennis, polish jelly wrestling and nigerian 3rd grade futsul but i can't get a stream of a broncos trial match 200km down the world... makes sense ha?
Broncos should be embarrassed. What's the point of organising a stream if it is going to be a terrible quality or not even work. Seems to happen every time. Just pay a company to do a proper job.