For me, I'd simply be happy with them showing a bit of emotion and excitement at winning a game. So many teams come to Suncorp Stadium and beat us (LOL) and go over to the fence where their fans are and fist pump, clap, cheer their fans. That's great!
I don't expect them to go into the crowd and shake each person's hand individually etc, that's crazy.
I would like to see the Broncos do more than a half arsed wander around the field and clap nobody in particular looking like they just want to get in the sheds and have a beer (as Hodges always signals to people he knows).
I see Broncos out in public regularly and I never do anything more than perhaps a "g'day" as I pass them, if that. They're people, they're not my mates, and I don't expect them to stop and chat.
But if I'm paying $400 a year to watch their games and I'm off my seat applauding their great win, I expect them to show genuine appreciation for those thousands of fans like me who do the same. That's all.
It's no different to a music concert. Show's over, fans are going ape, the band take their bow. Football teams are entertainers, they should observe similar protocols and appreciation IMO.