Broncos fan survey

mrslong said:
I don't understand the obsession you guys have with wanting the players to be your best friend???? who cares, all they do is play footy...what's the big deal if they don't say hello? meh...

I reckon, the players must get really annoyed.
Hammo said:
mrslong said:
I don't understand the obsession you guys have with wanting the players to be your best friend???? who cares, all they do is play footy...what's the big deal if they don't say hello? meh...
[ 8-)
I subscribe to this thinking as well. I've never really understood it at all. Sure, they don't need to be really rude or anything, but aside from that I couldn't care less. I can't imagine what it would be like to be hounded like that, it must drive them crazy at times.
For me, I'd simply be happy with them showing a bit of emotion and excitement at winning a game. So many teams come to Suncorp Stadium and beat us (LOL) and go over to the fence where their fans are and fist pump, clap, cheer their fans. That's great!

I don't expect them to go into the crowd and shake each person's hand individually etc, that's crazy.

I would like to see the Broncos do more than a half arsed wander around the field and clap nobody in particular looking like they just want to get in the sheds and have a beer (as Hodges always signals to people he knows).

I see Broncos out in public regularly and I never do anything more than perhaps a "g'day" as I pass them, if that. They're people, they're not my mates, and I don't expect them to stop and chat.

But if I'm paying $400 a year to watch their games and I'm off my seat applauding their great win, I expect them to show genuine appreciation for those thousands of fans like me who do the same. That's all.

It's no different to a music concert. Show's over, fans are going ape, the band take their bow. Football teams are entertainers, they should observe similar protocols and appreciation IMO.
Completely agree Coxy. I think us Sydney folk have had a better deal over the years when it comes to that than the QLD folk, but it'd still be nice if they did it a little more often. As you said, not asking for much, just a bit of genuine excitement and acknowledgement for the people cheering them on, especially in Sydney where we sometimes risk life and limb to do so!!!

As far as after they've showered and changed etc, meh, I could care less what they do.
Agreed. I don't really understand the people who wait around for the team bus after a game. Fair enough after a Grand Final or leading into a Grand Final - that's exciting.

But week in week out?

Just like the weirdos that go to training every week to get autographs. Fair enough go watch training, but getting autographs every bloody week? What the?
They really should appreciate the amount of people who turn out to watch them.
Ricky Stuart was on Fox awhile back more or less begging their supporters to come watch their team. Broncs don't have to do that so wouldn't hurt to do a little more after the game.
Same said on the people who leave once the game is over and don't clap the team. Buses to catch etc I guess.

I hate people who chase after the players and invade their space outside the game.
One example was at Hamilton when Prince got married. Petero and his heavily pregnant wife were having brekkie and this guy just hovered around the table until this man got up and said something to him. Petero nodded a polite 'thank you' to the fellow who did. Such a nice man is Petero.
What is wrong with people like that idiot?
Coxy said:
Agreed. I don't really understand the people who wait around for the team bus after a game. Fair enough after a Grand Final or leading into a Grand Final - that's exciting.

But week in week out?

Just like the weirdos that go to training every week to get autographs. Fair enough go watch training, but getting autographs every bloody week? What the?
Yeah I understand wanting the fans to be appreciated I suppose, since I don't get to many games I probably don't notice it as much, I'm just glad to be there.

I was mostly talking about the people seeking autographs etc after every game...sheesh, get a life...I understand if you have a kid that is going through a footy-phase, so you take him down to meet Lockyer or whatever, but that's what the fan days are for.