Broncos Premiership or Origin Win

Re: Sack Griffin

I am a part-time QLD fan. I am with them 100% for 3 games of the year and the rest of the time the like of Cameron Smith, Billy Slater and Jonathon Thurston can suck a fat one. Broncos Premiership is much more important to me as I invest a lot more into them. Whether it be going to games, merchandise and just going through the wins and loses with them.

Yeah baby.

State of Origin is the best type of football but I'm more invested in the Broncos than I could ever be in Queensland. Hence why I think SoO needs to be played after the Grand Final or on stand alone weekends.
Re: Sack Griffin

Personally, it's a broncos premiership, without hesitation .. As a fan there's just something magical about a premiership year that sticks with you .. I mean, I only have to hear or see 1992 or 1993 or 1997, 1998 ect mentioned or written in ANY context and the first thing that comes into my head is "premiership year" and a blurry vision of the grand final ..

I can understand some of the 'elder' posters above who went with an origin win due to the years of abuse that qld copped from nsw vis a vis selections / eligibility ect for those bastardised origin games they played before 1980 as well as the general disdain they had / have for us .. My old man is fiercely patriotic to queensland across all sports for that very reason.

While I love watching queensland win origin games and series I have to admit, when I'm watching them I have one eye equally on the broncos contingent nervously hoping none of them get injured .. Also can't help but analyse the level of fatigue & minutes that they log during those games with a view to how much it'll hamper the club that weekend …
Re: Sack Griffin

I am a part-time QLD fan. I am with them 100% for 3 games of the year and the rest of the time the like of Cameron Smith, Billy Slater and Jonathon Thurston can suck a fat one. Broncos Premiership is much more important to me as I invest a lot more into them. Whether it be going to games, merchandise and just going through the wins and loses with them.

Sums it up for me perfectly. Love it at the time but would take another Broncs premiership 1000 times over another Origin series.
Re: Sack Griffin

Premiership, hands down. So difficult to win one.

Origin is a two horse race and you get a shot every year at winning it.
Re: Sack Griffin

I'd give all 7 series back for a Broncos Premiership.
Premiership every day of the week. Like Jeba I'd trade all 7 series wins for a premiership.
Premiership all day everyday. I would trade qlds run of 7 wins for another broncos premiership no question
Re: Sack Griffin

Re: Sack Griffin

Both. No reason I can see why not
Re: Sack Griffin

Broncos premiership, the dedication (both emotionally and physically) that goes into a year of club footy is massive.
Re: Sack Griffin

Broncos Premiership for mine. I wouldn't trade it for the past 7 series. What we've watched over the past 7 years has been amazing.
Re: Sack Griffin

Broncos Premiership for mine. I wouldn't trade it for the past 7 series. What we've watched over the past 7 years has been amazing.


i'm having trouble comparing the two, to be honest. they are different entities entirely.

but if you said to me at the start of the year, 'what would you rather?', i'd definitely say broncs premiersihp.
I think the best way to answer this question is to ask yourself: At the start of the season you are given a guaranteed choice of a QLD victory or Broncos premiership, what would you choose? For me it would be QLD series victory. It is just one thing I cannot live without. Knowing that the Maroons have the Origin Shield I can live a more contented life. Now don't get me wrong, I love the Broncos to death and am anything but a part-time fan, but would choose Qld victory without hesitation.
really? i feel like a broncos premiership would mean so much more to me personally. saying that sounds kind of weird to people who dont "get" having a sports team. its not like i know any of the players personally. but when you stress week in week out over how your team performs, to win the premiership at the end of it all would just be far more satisfying than an origin win (dont get me wrong, I LOVE THEM TOO!)
I think the best way to answer this question is to ask yourself: At the start of the season you are given a guaranteed choice of a QLD victory or Broncos premiership, what would you choose? For me it would be QLD series victory. It is just one thing I cannot live without. Knowing that the Maroons have the Origin Shield I can live a more contented life. Now don't get me wrong, I love the Broncos to death and am anything but a part-time fan, but would choose Qld victory without hesitation.

That's the way I've tried to look at it too. If you had to make one choice ....SOO series or Brisbane premiership, then the series victory gives me more satisfaction. It stays with me for months....for the rest of the year.

Maybe it's because Brisbane are such a successful club and have been since the beginning, that I can live without the ultimate club glory sometimes ........maybe it's because I really really .....REALLY, love shoving it up the NSWankers clacker and I absolutely love seeing them copping it now, year after year after year after......

I dunno. Maybe now that Brisbane are going through a rough patch and could be for the next few years to come, that in the future I might start to feel differently....?

I know I drank a shit load of piss in the mid to back half of '98 & 2006 .........