Broncos Premiership or Origin Win

:laugh: Alec, I tried posting the same image before but it backfired. :(

I'm really torn, obviously a premiership is more valuable because it's between 16 teams, where as Origin is between 2. However, Origin is just a constant 3 months every season where the best of the best meet and IMO play the best football of the season. Some of the best Rugby League memories are forged their & watching these players carry their broken bodies through such a contest is apart of why I love this sport.

Without Queensland, I don't think there'd be a Broncos. Without the Maroons of '06, I also don't think we would have won the premiership that season. I believe both go hand in hand which is why that season is so special to me and others (well least it seems that way given how often it's brought up!). So as much as it has detracted, I also think it's helped inspire and that's never brought up enough.

If I had to choose, Broncos, just but being a Queenslander means just as much to me.
Like I said, it's shown there's a few part time Broncos fans.
Ahhhh, forget how long I've supported the Broncos (88) or how long I've supported QLD SoO.

I'm old enough to remember how many times this EXACT thread has been made & how every single "failed" season seems to bring out the "holier than you" Bronco fan.

"I'm a bigger fan than you"....that makes me feel better about myself.

Nah it's more like the "meh, Queensland won so I don't care that the Broncos have fallen in a heap" fake fans that try to make themselves sound like dedicated fans when really they're just fairweathers.
I think it is too hard to decide or it is simply not the sort of decision that has a correct answer. I truly enjoy(love?) SOO and the Premiership. Choosing, or making it an either or decision is missing the point. If a person has SOO as the highest priority in a year then truthfully they are not a supporter of any one club rather they are a supporter of a rivalry which exists between two districts which supply some players to a domestic competition.

QLD and NSW these days are just providers of players to a competition which is much broader than those two states. SOO is impacting negatively on teams and hindering performances of individual players and those impacts have a knock-on effect. I can foresee a time when an administrator/coach will choose one player over another simply because he DOES NOT qualify to play for Qld or Nsw knowing he will have that player for the whole season. He will choose that player because there is no chance he will be lost for huge parts of the season or he won't come back to the club all busted and broken.

In my minds eye a truly national competition will evolve. Less and less players are available for selection as players come from all over the world to play and declaring allegiance to one or the other will make a player less attractive. Imagine if you were CEO of a West Aussie side and most of your team came from that state, England and Polynesian backgrounds...state of origin eligibility may be a hindrance.....
Premiership, just to rub it in to my colleagues who claim the broncos are the collingwood of the NRL
At teh end of the day does it matter? I mean, FTR I would say I'd much prefer a premiership but this whole argument about "part-time" fans seems really silly to me.

I've definitely regressed from a hardcore "can't miss a live game anywhere in NSW no matter what the time-slot" to very much the casual fan who quite often (shock-horror) doesn't even watch the game on telly...does that mean I have to hand in some of my Bronco-fan priveleges or can I still just go on like I always have and consider myself a Broncos fan for life?
At teh end of the day does it matter? I mean, FTR I would say I'd much prefer a premiership but this whole argument about "part-time" fans seems really silly to me.

I've definitely regressed from a hardcore "can't miss a live game anywhere in NSW no matter what the time-slot" to very much the casual fan who quite often (shock-horror) doesn't even watch the game on telly...does that mean I have to hand in some of my Bronco-fan priveleges or can I still just go on like I always have and consider myself a Broncos fan for life?

No I'm similar. Life has moved on and seeing every single minute of every single Broncos game is not the priority it once was. However, while a Queensland Origin win (or loss) pisses me off/excites me for a day or so, the day the Broncos are knocked out of the premiership or the day they win the GF lingers with me for months.

I just can't fathom how anyone can call themselves a club fan and be OK with them being bundled out, just because Queensland won the Origin wankfest mid year. Hell, winning both is the ideal (hello 2006) and you know if they did something about scheduling that'd be more likely more often.
The big test is how gutted you were after THAT knock on or THAT injury to locky?
I wonder if peoples opinions would differ if the broncos had won 7 premierships in a row, and QLD hadn't won a series since 2005?
I actually haven't watched a Broncos game in about a month.

But as other have said, as emotional and passionate Origin makes you feel it is basically a two horse race. NRL seasons consist of 16 teams fighting it out across the course of 30 or so weeks. Premierships require a lot of things to fall into place - the stars have to allign really. They're rarer and therefore surely more valuable?

I think we as Broncos fans have all been a bit spoilt for success. I mean clubs like Cronulla have toiled away and never lifted the trophy. They'd probably trade a lung for a premiership.

But in saying that, wouldn't swap all seven series wins for one Brisbane premiership in that time - the Origin streak has been something very special in itself.
No I'm similar. Life has moved on and seeing every single minute of every single Broncos game is not the priority it once was.

Well...there you go, because I for one still do.

I'd spent a couple years living in Sydney where the 2nd game on a Friday night was always the Brisbane game. Try staying awake for that with half a dozen stubbies under your belt and knowing you had a 5.30am start at work the next day. I did and never missed a game

I was living in the Phillippines for a couple of years around '99-2003 and had a mate mailing me videos of Brisbane games of which I then had to have converted to a format to suit the different voltage over there simply to play the ***cking things. If you have any idea how hard it is to something like that done in the PI .....then you would know what I mean when I say it wasn't easy. Just getting the effin things from the local postman without him either a) stealing it or B) delivering them to the wrong house was a mission in itself.....

My elder sister got married and had her reception on the same night as the Broncs V Warriors semi last year. I had one ear on the speeches and the other one on the TV in the foyer .......

I would say win lose or draw, if physically possible ......I'll watch every single second of every single Broncos game

YOU have the hide to be carrying on about part time or fair weathered Bronco fans and then come out with something like this??

Unbelievable !! Wake up to yourself........
Well...there you go, because I for one still do.

I'd spent a couple years living in Sydney where the 2nd game on a Friday night was always the Brisbane game. Try staying awake for that with half a dozen stubbies under your belt and knowing you had a 5.30am start at work the next day. I did and never missed a game

I was living in the Phillippines for a couple of years around '99-2003 and had a mate mailing me videos of Brisbane games of which I then had to have converted to a format to suit the different voltage over there simply to play the ***cking things. If you have any idea how hard it is to something like that done in the PI .....then you would know what I mean when I say it wasn't easy. Just getting the effin things from the local postman without him either a) stealing it or B) delivering them to the wrong house was a mission in itself.....

My elder sister got married and had her reception on the same night as the Broncs V Warriors semi last year. I had one ear on the speeches and the other one on the TV in the foyer .......

I would say win lose or draw, if physically possible ......I'll watch every single second of every single Broncos game

YOU have the hide to be carrying on about part time or fair weathered Bronco fans and then come out with something like this??

Unbelievable !! Wake up to yourself........


game set match
Well then Mr Fourex, I can't comprehend how you can accept Origin ****ing over the Broncos year in, year out if you're so bloody passionate about it.

Your priorities are clearly out of whack.
I don't think it is unreasonable to have Origin on standalone weekends. It really is what the game should be pushing for. Either that or Origin players are simply not eligible to back up and we get on with it.