Broncos Roster, Signings and Rumours Discussion 2023



Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Lol. He’s the male hodgoberro

Wolfie would love his cover photo



International Rep
Mar 25, 2008
Because he's the proud son of first-generation Broncos supporter. Proud father of third generation Broncos supporters.

Why would you want to hear from anyone else?

Confused Trailer Park Boys GIF

Turns out I’m a proud first generation broncos supporter 😂😂😂


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Herbie admits he's fucking off to the Dolphins for more money and a better time:

“It’s a tough question. Probably the contract from the Broncos wasn’t where I wanted it to be. And there were a few things that probably didn’t really favour me going forward and trying to push myself more and more at the Broncos.
"I obviously love the club. I’ve been here since I was 14 or 15, so it will be weird going somewhere else, but it will also be good to move to the Dolphins.”​
“The Dolphins was the best fit for me. I am pretty keen to join them next year and work under Wayne. They have a really good side there as well. It will be pretty cool to be part of the Dolphins’ second season and build a platform for other players to come through. That was a big pull towards going to the Dolphins.”​
“It would be massive to break the drought. I am super keen. It could be my last game for the Broncos against the Warriors, but hopefully not. All the boys are really keen to get this win and move onto the grand final. I really want to do something special in my last year here. It would be unbelievable to leave with a premiership. It’s been a dream of mine and every player here, to win a grand final at the Broncos. It’s been a long time, so hopefully we can bring a premiership to the city of Brisbane.”​

If we make the GF, drop him.


NYC Player
Jul 21, 2017
Anyone else think Mam on anything like 700k for 3 years is overs? Or at least paying him on potential? I want him to stay but he’s only played 36 games and hasn’t yet showed he can dominate a game without Reyno. Yet that’s not far off what Reyno gets. I’d be ok with 550k max.


QCup Player
Jul 26, 2020
Anyone else think Mam on anything like 700k for 3 years is overs? Or at least paying him on potential? I want him to stay but he’s only played 36 games and hasn’t yet showed he can dominate a game without Reyno. Yet that’s not far off what Reyno gets. I’d be ok with 550k max.
if he continues current trajectory you could view it as 600, 700, 800 which looks better value with a dearth of halves in the market and an increased cap


NRL Player
Jul 3, 2021
Anyone else think Mam on anything like 700k for 3 years is overs? Or at least paying him on potential? I want him to stay but he’s only played 36 games and hasn’t yet showed he can dominate a game without Reyno. Yet that’s not far off what Reyno gets. I’d be ok with 550k max.
Yeah I do agree but unfortunately that's what I think we're going to have to pay because I reckon some clubs would offer him more than that.
550k would be good with performance based upgrades as he progresses because ATM he's just playing a support role.


State of Origin Rep
Sep 19, 2012
if he continues current trajectory you could view it as 600, 700, 800 which looks better value with a dearth of halves in the market and an increased cap
Yeah, this is basically how I see it being contracted. Basically a nice 100k pay bump each season without breaking the bank the first year.
Older players are always going to be victims of salary cap increases making it look like younger players are earning more than they should comparatively, but it was the same for them early in their careers too (mostly).
Mam gets so many wraps from Joey Johns and Freddy Fitler that Sydney Clubs would definitely be chasing him on their hype.
I personally think Mam is good, but not as great as he is made to look in this team of fit young guys being led by a genius half. But for that he is also lucky, and best placed to take advantage of some prime training.
His kicking game needs a lot of work. His pass selection too. He's nowhere near Cody Walker in terms of setting plays down the left edge. But his support plays and defensive efforts, speed and fitness are all excellent for his age, and he compliments the team very well.
The real problem will be getting his game control to the next level so he can balance Madden, or whoever's going to replace Reynolds.
Fortunately, Walsh can often run those left edge plays too.

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