Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I heard from someone today that there are some concerns from some at the club regarding ezra mam.
Apparently are concerns over his excessive late night drinking out(if that is a thing for nrl players). rumour is the club think he hits the clubbing scene a bit to often and more importantly without any of his fellow teamates.
I do know i have seen at least 1 video of him from weeks ago of him walking the valley looking a little worse for wear with no other teammates insight other then ppl taking selfies. I know this is not a crime but it just made me think of this video when i was told this today.
Now this is 100% a rumour without any proof other then the one video i have seen. And what this person has told me
Just Wondering if any one else who might be more in the know has heard anything?
Hoping its all nothing and we dont end up with another milford