I'll come out with it, i'm not convinced Walsh is a generational player. I'd call Lockyer a generational player, dont think Walsh is in the same bracket as Locky after 4 years.
I think he's another guy in our team that just isn't focussing on nailing the basics enough.
He gets caught in the ruck on our goal line a lot... and that's sometimes just him getting into tackles that he doesn't necessarily need to be in. If he's going to be putting himself in that position then he has to realise that he's gotta get on his bike, because the opposition will be looking for a kick in behind, especially when he gets himself caught in the ruck out on the edges. Too often he'll be sitting at marker on the 10m line... why?? get the **** back to fullback and defend with 1 marker.
His focus is almost entirely on attack and he appears to fatigue himself, because he doesn't show enough urgency to be covering side to side... the fullback is too important covering in behind the defensive line nowadays to have him not be following the ball... it's like the bare minimum for fullbacks defending on the goal line... follow the fucking ball.
The good thing with him though is he always wants the ball in his hands and is always competing, you absolutely want that in a player, especially when he's an elite attacking weapon like Walsh... however he has no composure whatsoever and that is why he needs structure around him... harder for him to go off script if it means going outside the structure. Just focus on doing some basic shit and then hit the go button when a quick ptb occurs or the defence gives you something.
In general he needs to run the ball more... his first thought is to pass, because he wants to be in the next tackle or the one after that, but for the first half he should pretty much just fucking run... not only in good ball, but also in yardage. I don't want him taking one out hitups and getting bashed, but he plays DH in yardage sets... fake to the one out man and then run from dummy half to try and get in behind the markers. Poke your nose through and then look for a quick ptb for your teammate. He should be a threat to the defence every time he touches it, but they don't even care that him or Ezra are in there.
It should also be a trigger for him and Ezra that if a quick ptb happens between our goal line and the opposition 40m, that they should be pushing up with the ball. Either trailing the DH, running from dummy half themselves (just Hodgo and push them out) or the team looking for either one of them and then just fucking run... don't hesitate looking for a pass, just run. If there's not much on poke your nose through, but focus on getting that quick ptb and give the next guy a chance.
It will become second nature that if there's a quick ptb they're off and they know the ball is coming to them or the team is looking for them... and they will know the other one is coming with them and will be available for a pass. The team will also know that if there's a quick ptb then it's the responsibility of the whole team to be pushing up with the ball, because if they don't create something a quick ptb is more than likely following it and then you just keep rolling.