Broncos Vs. Storm *SPOILER*

ningnangnong said:
I don't want to sound really negative here, but i feel it's going to be a good few years before we come that close to making the Grand Final.

I really thought this year was going to be ours.

Now we're losing Kemp, Boyd, Eastwood, Carroll, Ennis and Hannant.

Someone said it earlier, it's the end of an era with WB's departure.

Rebuilding begins now.

I think all the Bennett bashers who have been here for years will be wishing he was back a couple of years from now. That's because the effects on the team while he was here were more than just his coaching of players to play better - they were also due to his man-management, his concern for each individual as a person not just a player, and, I think most crucially, the way his presence attracted players to the club and kept them there when they could have got more moolah elsewhere. That will be gone from next season (he's already taking a couple with him) and that just might make us struggle for a while, more than anything else. These are the sorts of things we don't see day to day and are easy to take for granted until you notice that they are gone with the great man.

Make no mistake, Bennett will be missed. We have been incredibly blessed to have him as Broncos coach for 21 years.
bloke said:
can someone tell me how does SIMS fathom sleeping at night for the next 5 months?

By closing his eyes.

We had our chances.

If we took those 2 points earlier, the game could have gone into extra time.

I am over the loss. icon_smile
last|soldier said:
Nah mate that's great. Thanks. It actually feels better knowing he was onside.

I know what you mean, that's why I went hunting. The last thing you need is something else to be angry about.
Give him more than 2 weeks and rub him out of part of the world cup. That'll make him and others think twice. The thing is smith had him around the neck, someone else in a wrestle hold on Thaidays' right arm, and then they twisted him backwards and to the side.

I can't believe that kind of shit is in our game.
Burg said:
It’s apparently obvious that you don’t know so let me help you out “Involving the willing participation of both or all parties, especially in an illegal transaction or practice: the consensual crimes of prostitution, drug abuse, and illegal gambling.â€Â

I say get a life because it’s painfully obvious you haven’t had one. Besides an allegation is just that or do you need me to help you with that as well?

Meh. You have missed my point so spectacularly it's obvioulsy not worth trying to explain it to you again [icon_non
Great photo schmix, I must have saw Cronk as the guy on his inside when I saw it, sorry everyone :P
last|soldier said:
I can't believe that shit is in our game.

It's in our game because the NRL doesn't have the balls to ban such things.

And if a players does them the judiciary doesn't send out a message by suspending them for a LONG TIME.
Bloody Hayne (thought it was Archer, curse my failing vision).

Gutted, absolutley gutted. Not as much as Locky was though, his expression was absolutely spot on.

Everyone played their best, can't ask any more of them.

Bloody grapple tacking cheats.
Boy, (so apt) I'll explain what I've said to you to you when you get older, until then you believe what your mum reads to you from the news papers.
i can't blame the ref for any of our misfortune at all. One comes to expect such decisions over the year....
One pleasing aspect was to see the boys standing up for each other when things got heated.

Case in point, the high tackle on Kemp.
Kaz said:
last|soldier said:
I can't believe that shit is in our game.

It's in our game because the NRL doesn't have the balls to ban such things.

And if a players does them the judiciary doesn't send out a message by suspending them for a LONG TIME.

...and it's also in the game because we have blokes like Bellyache coaching it - surely the most f#&ked up dude ever to coach a team. To think he did his apprenticeship at the Broncos is staggering. I'd so like to disown that part of history completely.
Burg said:
Boy, (so apt) I'll explain what I've said to you to you when you get older, until then you believe what your mum reads to you from the news papers.

Not even worth responding to - except to say hahaha you are funny - to laugh AT [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.
A priceless moment was Ennis putting the niggle into that spanner Slater. Turned around swinging immediately. Showed his true colours there.
i am fucking DISTRAUGHT... was in the stands crying... final try was scored like infront of me (i think, can't remember had me head in me hands before it was scored, but it was damn close enough!).... was absolutly shattering stuff.

That just really isn't fair at all.
Astroboy said:
...and it's also in the game because we have blokes like Bellyache coaching it - surely the most f#&ked up dude ever to coach a team. To think he did his apprenticeship at the Broncos is staggering. I'd so like to disown that part of history completely.

Wrong Bellyache doesn't coach it.

Bellyache is not there when they are practicing them. Though he knows it's being taught.

So when he says I have never seen it happen, he isn't lying.
wally said:
i am **** DISTRAUGHT... was in the stands crying... final try was scored like infront of me.... was absolutly shattering stuff.

That just really isn't fair at all.

store that up somewhere ... and bring it out when the storm come back here next year ... it'll be the biggest f**king revenge game in decades ...
Ah well, he bloody well condones it then. Approves the employment of the people who do it etc. As far as I'm concerned he's responsible for it in a big way.