I won't say much on the game itself, execpt that although its a shattering way to exit, we've done the same to other teams before - it had to happen one day. As for Melbourne - you are a fantastic and well drilled unit, clearly the best in the competition. But I truly hope karma bites your arse cheeks hard in the coming weeks. There is no room in the game for your blatant, dangerous and consistent grubiness.
On to us.
Ashton Sims has been ordinary for 95% of the season after starting the year in superb form. He's copping a huge roasting already and will continue to do so, but as bad as he's been I feel absolutely shattered for him.
Despite his form, I personally rate the effort and and enthusiam he puts in to his footy. He's a passionate man out on the field and for someone who's form is shot, that's all I can ask for. He didn't deserve to have that happen to him and he'll be sick in the guts about it for a while, i'm sure.
Perhaps this will be the catylist for an improved season in 2009 from him, who knows. All I can say is chin up Ashton, and work your arse off over the summer. Do everything you can to right the wrongs - sport is a great leveler, as the cliche goes.
As for the rest of the team - I am lost for words. Darren's reaction was stunning and sickening - i've never seen him so dissapointed. Infact i'm struggling to remember a more shattered looking footballer. He loves this team and he's a proud player, that would've been a knife in the guts for him.
And Tonie as well, poor bastard didn't deserve that. He was a great clubman and will obviously be sorely missed. It was a pleasure cheering for him all these years and I wish him the best in his retirement from football. Congrats Tunza!
Wayne - what a legend. I really can't think of anything to say about him, but i'm sure I don't need to it's so obvious. Thanks Wayne for fathering this great club and turning it into what it is today, one of the best sporting organisations in the country. You will be missed, but you'll always be regarded as a true Bronco - even during your quick stint with the Illawarra Stains.
It's uncertain times ahead for us with plenty of players leaving, and the coach. We may not be as much of a force, but it'll certainly be exciting to watch us head into a new era. To Darius, Mick, Joel, Ben, Denan and Greg - thank you immensly for your services to the club. You have all been good servants and will be missed. Hope to perhaps see a few of you back in our colours some time in the future.
On to 2009, and hopefully the beginning of an exciting, prosperous new era for the Broncos.