Broncos Vs. Storm *SPOILER*

bunniesRevil said:
I am so devastated this morning. I was ok last night because I had prepared myself for a loss, and I was drinking.

But this morning it just hit home, soooo close :(

I was disappointed with Hodges last night, not that he's to blame, but I thought he didnt bring much at all, he's had better, just a few really silly errors. Moon also struggled too. Arrgh if only...

Also it makes me even sadder to realise we're losing Kemp next year.

Maybe Hodges would play better if he actually thought about playing football, rather than yelling and whinging to the ref the whole game. Fair dinkum, this guy has become a complete wanker on the field this year, on the rare occasions he hasn't been suspended. Where is the Hodges of 2 years ago, actually fulfilling his potential? Given the standards of behaviour the Broncos have generally upheld I wouldn't be at all sad if we let him go again TBH.
Better luck next year peoples. Storm didn't deserve to win although the Broncos let their guard down and that was their downfall.
Would rather lose the whole match then the way we did.
No one player cost us the game so stfu about Hodges etc.
Bad luck Broncos. Great game by two great teams. Both teams had their chances to win, it just happens the Storm had the final chance within the last minute.
Feel for the Bronco player, Sims I think, who dropped that last ball. Every player on the field made mistakes at some stage of the game, he was just the unlucky turkey who made the last one.
I know how he feels, I used to be a goalkeeper for a first division soccer team. I used to feel gutted after every loss because I was the last line of defence and was the player who ultimately failed to stop the score. It took a long time, lots of soul searching and good coaching to finally make me realize that before the ball reached me others had failed to stop the ball's passage before it reached the back of the net. Win or lose, it's a team sport, all are responsible.
Something I forgot to mention last night...

The award for the gayest celebration EVER surely has to go to Ryan Hoffman!

First he was jerking around like Peter Garrett. Then he hugged a team mate while lifting his pasty, white leg and wrapping it around him! [icon_lol1.

I wasn't laughing at the time, but now it's funny as hell.
At least with the loss last night, I am over the loss against the Panthers when we were leading by 8 points with 3 mins to go & lost in extra time. [icon_evillaugh
That was quite possibly the worst loss I've ever witnessed - at least it's the worst I've ever felt after a game.

The team played so well, Storm didn't deserve to win that game at all.

IMO, the reason we lost that game is the amount of ball we dropped. We had 13 errors after 70mins. You just cannot do that in finals football, especially against the Storm.

If the Storm are going to play like that for the rest of the finals series, they wont make it to the final. They were extremely lucky to win that game.

There are so many "if only" situations. We lost, that's it. I know it's going to take me a while to get over this one.

It's going to be a very very long off-season [icon_frown
That did feel like we lost the grand final.
That game hurt so badly and it still does.
I keep seeing Lockyers devastation in my mind.

It really hurt. Will take a while to get over. [icon_thumbs_do :cry:
Yeah, I'm still really depressed. Hasn't got any easier as the day has worn on.
I know.
Everyone at work said that they were hurt watching the game and they dont even support the Broncos.
Anyone hear Wayne Bennett on Grandstand? I missed the first of it.
He reckons he wanted to go away and hide for 2 weeks but you have a job and you just can't do that.
All this no emotion he fed the media conference was bs. How hard would that have been ey facing the cameras after a loss like that.
Just have to keep busy people. Don't take a break of any time out to think about what could have been or would have been. I went to Redcliffe today. Sun, surf, international food and a car show. Then came home and slept this afternoon. Now I'm going to go get dinner and watch the lightning. Just keep busy...
Not happy Jan!!! Smith should have been sent off, and taken Crocker with him. I'm not sad to see that thug go to the UK. And for blaming Sims, Sorry but we had 80 mins, alot of handleing errors and such, to blame one person is unfair. Yes! If he had held on to the ball, etc, etc.

So build a bridge------- Get over it!

So now we plan for 09. and the possiblitys it will bring.

And for now: GO THE WARRIORS
Steve said:
Just have to keep busy people. Don't take a break of any time out to think about what could have been or would have been. I went to Redcliffe today. Sun, surf, international food and a car show. Then came home and slept this afternoon. Now I'm going to go get dinner and watch the lightning. Just keep busy...

Spot on. And keep away from the news and papers lol.

I just know that I will cop it at work tomorrow though. But bloody hell, I can't get over seeing all the players hunched over, crying and distraught. Esp Locky. :cry: :cry:
Same here Nadine, I'm going to cop it tomorrow at work.

I got messages from roosters, titans, knights and bulldogs supporters all bagging out the broncos.

What the hell?