Broncos withdraw their two year offer to Greg Inglis



NRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
nopatience101 said:
The whole thing is suspicious, Inglis as of Monday was at Red Hill and at some point throughout the week he met with Mundine and co. and back flipped on not only playing for the broncos, but on living in Brisbane, his fiancé working in Brisbane and not wanting to live in Sydney. The Broncos deal was worth 600k a season so he would have only back flipped like that if he was offered a much greater incentive and I'm not sure paying his legal fees would be great enough to entice him to change his mind so dramatically, especially considering he was willing to pay 87k of his fees to start with. The secrecy surrounding his second meeting in Sydney only further adds to the suspicion imo. Nobody changes their mind like that without a very good reason or compensation and if his souths deal is not dramatically better than the Broncos i don't see how Schubert can clear it or even if it was how souths could pay it. There wouldn't be one ceo in the game outside of Richardson who doesn't think the circumstances around his change of heart is suspicious to say the least.

You may be right but really I think the likes of Mundine and Crowe are master manipulators of ego. Look at the worlds they inhabit - pro boxing and Hollywood. You need to know how to massage egos to do well. Ingis, after a year of bad press and average form would have loved being fellated by these two big shots.


QCup Player
Aug 3, 2009
I'm hoping Hodges doesn't get too cut up about it. He seemed sooo stoked to have Inglis coming. After a year off and with Inglis a no show we're gonna need him firing next season. Don't want an even more jaded Justin considering how he was after K left.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
simmo77 said:
I'm hoping Hodges doesn't get too cut up about it. He seemed sooo stoked to have Inglis coming. After a year off and with Inglis a no show we're gonna need him firing next season. Don't want an even more jaded Justin considering how he was after K left.

Meh. If hodges doesn't grow up I want him gone too.


QCup Player
Mar 12, 2008
Someone needs to tell Hodges that Inglis didn't want to play with him...

I'm sick to death of the Broncos being the go to team for contract negotiations where the player has no intention of playing here.


NRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
A real cluster **** from all parties involved.

Someone should have sorted this because all the juniors in the world don't equate to having the best centre in the world in your team. Why couldn't the thoroughbreds just chip the money in?


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
audio from Inglis' manager on triple m

he does say that he can sign a contract, it just wont be registered until the release come through


State of Origin Rep
Mar 4, 2008
nopatience101 said:
Nobody changes their mind like that without a very good reason or compensation and if his souths deal is not dramatically better than the Broncos i don't see how Schubert can clear it or even if it was how souths could pay it.

Aeetee said:
Hey Greg , how about I (Crowe) give your GF a really awesome job working for me......

And in a movie role when his footy career is over and walllarr... back flip completed.

Or maybe just maybe, the Broncos and GI got together and said we'll release you, see what Melbournes stance is and what they will do, and as soon as they say 'since its Souths we'll drop the fee and BAM Brisbane jump in and GI signs for them and Brisbane use the if its good enough for them its good enough for us. ....... maybe?


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Does anyone else remember the Storm were only going to release GI to Brisbane because he only wanted to leave them for family reasons.

Inglis is just money hungry, he wanted others to pay his legal bills & the Broncos weren't willing to do that & it seems Souths aka Mundine are.


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2008
The Rock said:
Brisbane were fooled. How can a so called professional and wealthy club be fooled into such acts? This whole thing reminds me of the Karmichael Hunt issue. We took his word for it and it all fell apart. We didn't give Hunt a proper deadline, we just "took his word for it". Same with Inglis. "Yeah sure Greg no worries, just sort out your legal fees and come join us at training in November. "

Fail on so many levels.

Perhaps the club learnt its lesson there.

To be honest, although Greg Inglis is a superstar, no player is bigger than the club.

This is well from over.

The Storm are a disgrace. Typical Victorian attitude to business.

That plus I am yet to see the NRL step in hear. If it was Mark Gasiner or Andrew Johns it might have been a different ketle of fish.


NRL Captain
Mar 5, 2008
gUt said:
I'm not too cut up about this. Inglis looks nothing like the lean athlete of 07/08/09 and we have plenty of young talent who've been waiting for a chance in the backs. Plus Hodges coming back. This money can be used to lock up the likes of Hoffman and Gillette forever.


I would have been happy to have him in the side - but there are plenty of positives without tying up all our money with him too.

Alec said:
Our juniors aren't as talented as Inglis tho.

We lack experience - even if we bring in lots of younger players, there isn't really anyone around to guide them, especially once Locky retires. But then Inglis is still young himself, even though he has done pretty much everything in league...multiple times even.

Most sides have to go through a rebuilding stage (and IMO, is us right now). We can't expect to be on top of the NRL year after year with experiences players all of the time. I'm all for nurturing these younger talented players that we already have - and have proved they have the ability to be top first grade players in the next couple of years. If we do it right that way, we could be virtually untouchable in the next few years.


Life is a Fantasy League
Jan 9, 2011
Hoffman, Yow, Hodges, Copely, Gagai... I can live with a few loses if it ment those guys are getting the experience. Keep in mind we have Glenn and Kemp who can slot in the back as well. We are safe without Inglis.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Just posting the interesting parts

The Broncos deal fell over because of an unpaid $113,000 legal bill that has to be settled with the Melbourne Storm before he can be granted a release.

Brisbane refused to pay the bill because it would have put them over the salary cap, but Souths claim they can squeeze in Inglis on a back-ended deal.

How this could be achieved without having to shed another star player is the biggest talking point among rival clubs.

They are preparing to challenge NRL boss David Gallop and demand answers from salary cap auditor Ian Schubert if the deal goes ahead.


There was irony in Inglis returning to Brisbane to be with his fiancee because the Test centre only gained a release from the Storm on compassionate grounds after Sally Robinson was transferred to Queensland by her employers.

It's those original terms of release that has left the Storm club bewildered by a potential move to Sydney.

"We're just as confused as the rest of the marketplace," Storm CEO Ron Gauci said.

"It was on compassionate grounds (that the Storm offered to release Inglis.

"All of these admissions were agreed upon, and supposedly they're now reneging on those agreements.

"It's very confusing." ... 5948929445


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
thats a Rothfield article, so take it with a grain of salt... Cullen said on fox sports new Brisbane withdrawing the offer had NOTHING to do with the legal bill


State of Origin Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Same story I think.

I found this bit the biggest piece of dog shit I have ever heard:

It's believed Mundine has changed tack and offered to pay all legal expenses in a court action against the Storm over the disputed bill.

"Choc doesn't like seeing any of his brothers getting dudded," said a close friend of Inglis. "He's vowed to back him to hilt."

**** ing lying piece of shit, if that's true then why didn't he look after his 'Brother' from the start. Playing the race card when hes coming to your club... hope you die in a fire you over rated racist c**ksmoker. ... 5948779736
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
That was brilliant tee.......


NRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
The Rock said:
Foordy said:
thats a Rothfield article, so take it with a grain of salt... Cullen said on fox sports new Brisbane withdrawing the offer had NOTHING to do with the legal bill

That makes Bruno look like more of an idiot. What harm is done by just letting it flow and see how things pan out? We aren't going to spend the money anyway like Bruno said, so how does is affect anything? And no one give me this bullshit about how it will disrupt pre-season training, because it won't. Inglis could still train.

It's just yet another case of Bruno trying to playing hero by trying to make us look like the better man.

P.S. Tee = Post of 2010-2011.

Supposedly Inglis met with Cullen one morning and said he was committed to the Broncos and moving to Brisbane to be with his fiance, then was on a plane an hour later to meet with Souths. Complete dog act and I don't want someone with so little integrity near my club. People can say what they like about Hodges (childish etc, it's probably all true), I have never once questioned his commitment to the club since he returned. I don't want our young guys looking up to a player who has such a questionable attitude.

Mundine is a stain on this sport. I would love for the NRL to find a way to ban him from being involved in any way. He is always nearby when a player acts like a total douche - Sonny Bill anyone?


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
schmix said:
The Rock said:
Foordy said:
thats a Rothfield article, so take it with a grain of salt... Cullen said on fox sports new Brisbane withdrawing the offer had NOTHING to do with the legal bill

That makes Bruno look like more of an idiot. What harm is done by just letting it flow and see how things pan out? We aren't going to spend the money anyway like Bruno said, so how does is affect anything? And no one give me this bullshit about how it will disrupt pre-season training, because it won't. Inglis could still train.

It's just yet another case of Bruno trying to playing hero by trying to make us look like the better man.

P.S. Tee = Post of 2010-2011.

Supposedly Inglis met with Cullen one morning and said he was committed to the Broncos and moving to Brisbane to be with his fiance, then was on a plane an hour later to meet with Souths. Complete dog act and I don't want someone with so little integrity near my club. People can say what they like about Hodges (childish etc, it's probably all true), I have never once questioned his commitment to the club since he returned. I don't want our young guys looking up to a player who has such a questionable attitude.

Mundine is a stain on this sport. I would love for the NRL to find a way to ban him from being involved in any way. He is always nearby when a player acts like a total douche - Sonny Bill anyone?
he shook Gees hand and said he was commited to playing for the broncos next season and then an hour later was touring souths training facilities and meeting souths management with his parents.


Forum Staff
Mar 5, 2008
nopatience101 said:
he shook Gees hand and said he was commited to playing for the broncos next season and then an hour later was touring souths training facilities and meeting souths management with his parents.

That's pathetic really. He's a mercenary.

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