BroncosHQ Tipping Competition - 2023

But wouldn't they all just be tipping the Broncos to win?

Have I won yet?

There was no automation so I had to update the score manually 🥲

A big congratulations to @Ronald with 147 POINTS - One of BroncosHQ's most well known members! You'll take home a Broncos jersey, and a $100 Broncos Shop voucher.

Our runners up get more than just a GF loss in this comp. @RolledOates coming in second place on 146 points for the season will take home a $100 Broncos Shop Voucher. And @Cult in third with 145 points will score a $50 Broncos Shop voucher!

Our three winners, can you please contact me via Private Message to claim your prizes and tell me where to send them. For vouchers, your registered BroncosHQ email address will be used, so please make sure you confirm it is correct and still in use here

And the top points scorers of the year:

This happening again? If so, I've decided that I'm going to be winning it.
This happening again? If so, I've decided that I'm going to be winning it.

We're still working it out, but yeah. You can join the pool now from the menu above, and the first 4 rounds should be available to tip. I setup the pick a draw 2 points thing properly this year too... I think.