NEWS Capewell coming from 2022 or Fake News?

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International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
I hope Kev isn’t that type. Once it’s out there’s not a lot of point in denying it though.
Kevvie - and Wayne, for that matter - seem to have genuine affection for Dobbo. If you watch their press conferences, first thing they is ask "where's Dobbo" and then grin. Their relationship with Badel and the rest is way more formal.

My guess is Kevvie told him during, or in the aftermath, of this interview. It would've been off the record, or as a kind of face-saving assurance of "we've got this:"



International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
2x Penrith players this morning told me it is not official yet. They believe it is true however.
Were you sitting between them on the plane?


NRL Player
May 10, 2019
Yip I personally think Ikin has started out with us on a fairly low note. He only had to keep his mouth shut until after the weekend, but it looks like ego overtook brain and he had to make it look like he was off to a flyer before he left Faux sport.
When I buy an asset I do everything possible to stop the competition from knowing I am interested in buying. Not sure what the benefit of telegraphing your future recruitment offers would be?


QCup Player
Feb 7, 2012
2x Penrith players this morning told me it is not official yet. They believe it is true however.
When is the dodgy mobile phone vids getting leaked to the media...
Bull Shark

Bull Shark

State of Origin Rep
Jun 4, 2008
Kevvie - and Wayne, for that matter - seem to have genuine affection for Dobbo. If you watch their press conferences, first thing they is ask "where's Dobbo" and then grin. Their relationship with Badel and the rest is way more formal.

My guess is Kevvie told him during, or in the aftermath, of this interview. It would've been off the record, or as a kind of face-saving assurance of "we've got this:"

Because Dobbo is a soft touch.. he’s not a journalist whose job is to ask tough questions when tough questions need to be asked.
Bull Shark

Bull Shark

State of Origin Rep
Jun 4, 2008
Maybe i missed something but not sure i blame the club on this. They didn't announce anything official did they?

Seems the most likely situation is Capewell has verbally agreed but probably wanted to control the message himself and tell his mates and club about it first as well as get through the Origin game. Someone got wind of it and the story ran.

Ikin fanned the flames on NRL360 with Capewell and the media has been all over it since.
That’s exactly what’s going on.. some folks need to calm down about this.
Capewell played it perfectly yesterday - the last thing you want a couple of days out from a huge origin game is a side story about joining another club next year. Capewell would also want the opportunity to inform his Penrith teammates before anything becomes official


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
When I buy an asset I do everything possible to stop the competition from knowing I am interested in buying. Not sure what the benefit of telegraphing your future recruitment offers would be?
It's the other way around. The player doesn't want the media giving consent on his behalf. I'd say he's agreed in principle, with terms yet to be completed.

It's more like you're selling your car. A guy calls you and tells you he'll buy it. Have you sold it?


International Rep
Jun 5, 2015
He’s going from a top team to the wooden spooners, he’s probably embarrassed and doesn’t want his friends to laugh at him.
Dazza 92

Dazza 92

NRL Captain
Oct 13, 2014
Does Capewell play 6, or 1...?

Penrith are busying extending deals to their key players.....which tells me they are spending Capewells cap-hold already, so hes definitely gone....just where he is going....

Its probably us....just the question of signature on paper...

Does anyone worry that, with the club seemingly quite happy to let the trouble gang (copywrite trademark) leave mid-season, who exactly are we bringing in mid-season to replace them?

Everyones coming next year, but we need wins now..?


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
Our clubs inside knowledge is as leaky as an old shed in heavy rain.
Does Capewell play 6, or 1...?

Penrith are busying extending deals to their key players.....which tells me they are spending Capewells cap-hold already, so hes definitely gone....just where he is going....

Its probably us....just the question of signature on paper...

Does anyone worry that, with the club seemingly quite happy to let the trouble gang (copywrite trademark) leave mid-season, who exactly are we bringing in mid-season to replace them?

Everyones coming next year, but we need wins now..?
The problem with players coming straight away is it requires Something in return, we are likely offloading TPJ in the next few weeks who plays in the same position as capewell, but unless he goes to penrith there is zero benefit for them to release Kurt early and why should they?

Penrith have a solid chance to win the whole competition and we are kicking shit at the bottom of the table.
Dazza 92

Dazza 92

NRL Captain
Oct 13, 2014
Our clubs inside knowledge is as leaky as an old shed in heavy rain.

The problem with players coming straight away is it requires Something in return, we are likely offloading TPJ in the next few weeks who plays in the same position as capewell, but unless he goes to penrith there is zero benefit for then to release Kurt early and why should they?
Kurt would be mad to leave....but this is my point.....we have been linked with spine players for ages and yet let the close of the transfer window close and THEN hawker our guys around...

There is a hint of panic about the whole thing, regardless of how the club want this to be protrayed in the media...


NRL Captain
Sep 22, 2016
Kurt would be mad to leave....but this is my point.....we have been linked with spine players for ages and yet let the close of the transfer window close and THEN hawker our guys around...

There is a hint of panic about the whole thing, regardless of how the club want this to be protrayed in the media...
Theres little to no one available off contract. Deal have to be brokered. In the past weve spent over on players when if negotiated better wouldnt have hurt our cap so much.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
Does Capewell play 6, or 1...?

Penrith are busying extending deals to their key players.....which tells me they are spending Capewells cap-hold already, so hes definitely gone....just where he is going....

Its probably us....just the question of signature on paper...

Does anyone worry that, with the club seemingly quite happy to let the trouble gang (copywrite trademark) leave mid-season, who exactly are we bringing in mid-season to replace them?

Everyones coming next year, but we need wins now..?
I have wondered myself with this proposed shifting out of players mid season who is coming in to replace them in the top 30.

Surely we dont try to promote from within to replace TPJ, Lodge, etc. those guys are on $600k plus and we have to spend 95% of our cap... so we must be lining up trades.

Possibly Kodi for Lodge, but we'll be paying some freight on Lodge as he's on more money??

Warriors have picked up the Chad (lol) and now have SJ lined up for next year

I believe we still have to replace Dearden in the top 30 and the cash associated with him.

Not sure who comes in for TPJ at this stage as his management have to find a suitor first.

A midseason switch to bring Hodgson would be great, but not sure what's happening there.

I believe the rosters need to be finalised by August 1, so I'm guessing we will start seeing some movement soon.
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