NEWS Carrigan Boozing While Injured



International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Source: Courier Mail

Carrigan spotted at Mr Percival's drinking hours after his injury against team rules.

“It’s not acceptable and Pat agrees with that,” Walters said. “He has acknowledged that and we have dealt with Pat internally. “I feel a bit sorry for Pat. He has had a troubled 18 months and it’s not always fun when you get injured and come back and get injured again. We have dealt with it. We are getting on with things, Pat is getting on with things with his knee.

“To be honest, I have never seen a player more dedicated to his body and making sure it is right every week.” Walters said Carrigan was not drunk.

“He wasn’t out on the drink, he had two or three beers, which breaks our rules, so we have dealt with him internally,” he said. “You guys (media) have seen how professional Pat is, that’s the sad thing with this one, Pat is normally so good. It was a little indiscretion.”

When Walters was asked if he was fined “That stays internal, but Pat is aware of the situation, we all are.”"


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
Source: Courier Mail

Carrigan spotted at Mr Percival's drinking hours after his injury against team rules.

“It’s not acceptable and Pat agrees with that,” Walters said. “He has acknowledged that and we have dealt with Pat internally. “I feel a bit sorry for Pat. He has had a troubled 18 months and it’s not always fun when you get injured and come back and get injured again. We have dealt with it. We are getting on with things, Pat is getting on with things with his knee.

“To be honest, I have never seen a player more dedicated to his body and making sure it is right every week.” Walters said Carrigan was not drunk.

“He wasn’t out on the drink, he had two or three beers, which breaks our rules, so we have dealt with him internally,” he said. “You guys (media) have seen how professional Pat is, that’s the sad thing with this one, Pat is normally so good. It was a little indiscretion.”

When Walters was asked if he was fined “That stays internal, but Pat is aware of the situation, we all are.”"
Wonder who dobbed him in?


NRL Captain
Mar 25, 2013
What the actual ****, Pat. These guys must be all as dumb as dog shit, honestly. Again, this is really nothing, but it shows a disrespect for the rules and from a past and future captain at that.

It seems like these players are not buying what the coaching team or club are selling them.


State of Origin Rep
Sep 8, 2009
Source: Courier Mail

Carrigan spotted at Mr Percival's drinking hours after his injury against team rules.

“It’s not acceptable and Pat agrees with that,” Walters said. “He has acknowledged that and we have dealt with Pat internally. “I feel a bit sorry for Pat. He has had a troubled 18 months and it’s not always fun when you get injured and come back and get injured again. We have dealt with it. We are getting on with things, Pat is getting on with things with his knee.

“To be honest, I have never seen a player more dedicated to his body and making sure it is right every week.” Walters said Carrigan was not drunk.

“He wasn’t out on the drink, he had two or three beers, which breaks our rules, so we have dealt with him internally,” he said. “You guys (media) have seen how professional Pat is, that’s the sad thing with this one, Pat is normally so good. It was a little indiscretion.”

When Walters was asked if he was fined “That stays internal, but Pat is aware of the situation, we all are.”"
Has to be a three week suspension, surely. Gotta wait until he’s fit, first though.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Oh My God Reaction GIF by Friends


NRL Player
May 1, 2016
Is this strict over monitoring the same thing other clubs do? Otherwise, could explain why people don't wnat to play for the Broncos.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
Is there a reason they are not allowed to drink while injured? Is it just club policy or is there another reason for it?
I just don't get why a few beers is not allowed.
Obviously partying till your legless would not be a good idea, but a few beers seems fine to me.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 13, 2017
i think they dont want injured players drinking because it may affect recovery times idk the science behind it but that is what i recall.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Someone check on @Wolfie

If he broke clubs rules then he blokes club rules. Its that simple. Not much he can do about it really. I'm actually interested to find out what these rules are because i know for a fact i've seen players drinking more than a couple after the game. Lets face it, you see them sinking a beer or two in the sheds when they show the dressing room after the game.

You have to admire Badel and Meyn though for stretching this one out to the max. Kevvie lashing him for being unprofessional but then going on to basically praise the bloke for being the most professional player we have.

Being honest, i was expecting to see some big story about how he smashed Payne for not signing a contract while he was drunk. Very disappointing to see it was just Pat having a couple of beers after the game.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Is there nothing in this world left to believe in any more....?

I feel so empty.....I feel like saying **** it!!

If Pat doesn't believe in anything...why should I !!

Fed Up Reaction GIF


International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
If he broke clubs rules then he blokes club rules. Its that simple. Not much he can do about it really. I'm actually interested to find out what these rules are because i know for a fact i've seen players drinking more than a couple after the game. Lets face it, you see them sinking a beer or two in the sheds when they show the dressing room after the game.

You have to admire Badel and Meyn though for stretching this one out to the max. Kevvie lashing him for being unprofessional but then going on to basically praise the bloke for being the most professional player we have.

Being honest, i was expecting to see some big story about how he smashed Payne for not signing a contract while he was drunk. Very disappointing to see it was just Pat having a couple of beers after the game.

It is not drinking- rule is drinking injured. We know drinking increases injury time.

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