NEWS Carrigan Boozing While Injured



State of Origin Captain
Oct 28, 2013
I'm pretty sure we're not the only team ... or the only sport that puts these restrictions on injured players
Yeah why would you do it? The average NRL player makes mediocre money, and gets scrutinised to buggery.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
I reckon when you finish the game sitting on the side line wearing a club polo shirt and sunnies with your leg in a brace, you probably know yourself you're injured.

For the record, I don't begrudge the players having a beer, they should be allowed to do that. Your double standards though are hilarious. If this were Kotoni you'd be singing a completely different tune.

Nobody has said he wasnt injured have they? I'm sure you keep reading things that arent even there. Thats a couple of times now. Saying nobody knew the severity of the injury is about all thats been said 😕

And for the record, no, if your boy Kotoni just went out, had a couple of beers then went home i wouldn't have a problem at all. The thing is, well into his rehab on his ACL, your mate Kotoni went out, got shitfaced, then a Broncos fan wanted a photo with him and he responds buy telling him to basically **** off then uses homophobic slurs. Or shall we talk about the time he was again, well into his rehab, went out, got shitfaced ( again ) and made what was called "unwanted advances " towards a woman in a pub and wouldnt leave her alone.

But yep, i agree, Pat was just as bad as the little toe sucking sleazeball, I mean Kotoni 🙄


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Talking about an injury, that retired him early from the game. Even if it was Grade 1, it was clear it was an injury that would require some form of recovery.

Dont get me wrong, Patty is wonderful - it's just a media sensationalised ridiculous situation.

Some of them can be quite minor though. Thats all i was pretty much saying. You can get minor injuries that force you out one week and you are back a week or 2 later.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
Nobody has said he wasnt injured have they? I'm sure you keep reading things that arent even there. Thats a couple of times now. Saying nobody knew the severity of the injury is about all thats been said 😕

And for the record, no, if your boy Kotoni just went out, had a couple of beers then went home i wouldn't have a problem at all. The thing is, well into his rehab on his ACL, your mate Kotoni went out, got shitfaced, then a Broncos fan wanted a photo with him and he responds buy telling him to basically **** off then uses homophobic slurs. Or shall we talk about the time he was again, well into his rehab, went out, got shitfaced ( again ) and made what was called "unwanted advances " towards a woman in a pub and wouldnt leave her alone.

But yep, i agree, Pat was just as bad as the little toe sucking sleazeball, I mean Kotoni 🙄

That's all well and good but Patty did something he shouldn't have done.

Kotoni isn't my mate or my boy, I don't post pictures of him to others as if I have some sort of a homosexual relationship with him, I think he's a good player, that's all.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
That's all well and good but Patty did something he shouldn't have done.

Kotoni isn't my mate or my boy, I don't post pictures of him to others as if I have some sort of a homosexual relationship with him, I think he's a good player, that's all.

Again, has anyone said he hasnt done the wrong thing? I seriously wonder if you just make things up in your head to suit your argument.

You brought Kotoni into the argument, you could have picked anyone, i just pointed out the clear difference between the 3 incidents. I'm sure if the worst our club had to deal with was a bloke breaking the rules by having a couple of beers and not causing any trouble, we wouldnt be in that bad a place. Trying to say i would have an issue with any player who just made a mistake like Carrigan has is laughable. You might have a point if he caused a heap of trouble, or abused people or even if he kept doing it, but right now its just a stupid thing he did that has harmed nobody but himself.

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