NEWS Carrigan Boozing While Injured



State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
This is quite funny, I recall a certain individual on here having a go at Staggs for an alcohol related incident while in rehab, now one of his own BFF's has gone out and done the same thing.

Of course it's all a beat up, media trying to make news of a nothing story.. etc, so on and so forth, in his unbiased view.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
It is not drinking- rule is drinking injured. We know drinking increases injury time.
Im glad you blokes know this, i wouldnt have though a couple of beers would make any difference, but there it is.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
If he broke clubs rules then he blokes club rules. Its that simple. Not much he can do about it really. I'm actually interested to find out what these rules are because i know for a fact i've seen players drinking more than a couple after the game. Lets face it, you see them sinking a beer or two in the sheds when they show the dressing room after the game.

You have to admire Badel and Meyn though for stretching this one out to the max. Kevvie lashing him for being unprofessional but then going on to basically praise the bloke for being the most professional player we have.

Being honest, i was expecting to see some big story about how he smashed Payne for not signing a contract while he was drunk. Very disappointing to see it was just Pat having a couple of beers after the game.
Not much he can do about it?

The apparent future captain disregarding club rules. To me this is as bad as the Payne thing. Patty is meant to be a leader.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
It is not drinking- rule is drinking injured. We know drinking increases injury time.

I've seen them drinking while injured as well, In fact, i've seen them off their faces while injured.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019

One reason is that the alcohol thins the blood which makes the blood run faster to the injured site. Flooding the area full of blood increases the swelling and the amount of toxins that will stay around the injured site which in turn will significantly delay healing.

The effect of alcohol on open or closed injuries is that it delays both natural coagulation of the blood and the healing of swollen and inflamed tissues. In this way, the more you drink, the longer you will have to wait until complete recovery


NRL Player
Sep 16, 2020
Bloke sunk a few beers after a game he got injured, can't blame him. Wasn't making a fool of himself, didn't piss in his mouth, didn't bang out lines on the table. I hope the Kevvie conversation was "Mate, do that shit at home next time. OK, moving on... how's the knee feeling"


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Not much he can do about it?

The apparent future captain disregarding club rules. To me this is as bad as the Payne thing. Patty is meant to be a leader.
There isnt much he can do about it though is there. He broke the rules and he's been pulled up about it. He has to take the consequences. Its stupid, and he should know better, but in the scheme of things if this was the worst incident thats happened at Brisbane off field in the past few years we would be in pretty good shape.

Its not really comparable to Payne though. He's probably been a bit fed up he got injured and had a couple of beers. Payne drinks and threatens violence against women. Or gets annoyed with somebody and threatens them with violence.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
There isnt much he can do about it though is there. He broke the rules and he's been pulled up about it. He has to take the consequences. Its stupid, and he should know better, but in the scheme of things if this was the worst incident thats happened at Brisbane off field in the past few years we would be in pretty good shape.

Its not really comparable to Payne though. He's probably been a bit fed up he got injured and had a couple of beers. Payne drinks and threatens violence against women. Or gets annoyed with somebody and threatens them with violence.
Obvious bias, sorry mate


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
This is quite funny, I recall a certain individual on here having a go at Staggs for an alcohol related incident while in rehab, now one of his own BFF's has gone out and done the same thing.

Of course it's all a beat up, media trying to make news of a nothing story.. etc, so on and so forth, in his unbiased view.

Staggs being off his face and abusing people isnt the same thing though.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Obvious bias, sorry mate

Its not though is it. Looking at the facts in black and white. Pat has quietly, without any fuss or drama had a couple of beers, broke club protocol and taken the consequences. Its silly but minor. Thats not even comparable to the 4 or 5 offences Payne has committed at the Broncos. The difference is huge.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Bit rough.....?

Not really. Paynes go to in his last two incidents is acting in a violent way to a situation. Pat clearly should know better, as should Payne have no better. I'm fairly sure though we wont see a repeat offence from one of them, where the other just never learns.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Its not though is it. Looking at the facts in black and white. Pat has quietly, without any fuss or drama had a couple of beers, broke club protocol and taken the consequences. Its silly but minor. Thats not even comparable to the 4 or 5 offences Payne has committed at the Broncos. The difference is huge.
I’d say due to timing it was extremely stupid. Also would expect more from Patty.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Its not though is it. Looking at the facts in black and white. Pat has quietly, without any fuss or drama had a couple of beers, broke club protocol and taken the consequences. Its silly but minor. Thats not even comparable to the 4 or 5 offences Payne has committed at the Broncos. The difference is huge.
Why are we even comparing Pat's minor indiscretion to Payne?


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
Its not though is it. Looking at the facts in black and white. Pat has quietly, without any fuss or drama had a couple of beers, broke club protocol and taken the consequences. Its silly but minor. Thats not even comparable to the 4 or 5 offences Payne has committed at the Broncos. The difference is huge.

He broke the rules, he set a bad example, there's no way you can deflect it. If literally anyone else did this your outlook would be completely different.

Obvious bias, as previously stated.


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