Channel Nine

They have the first offer and last offer and their ratings are that bad they just can't afford to not get the footy.
They have the first offer and last offer and their ratings are that bad they just can't afford to not get the footy.

That is bad news for the viewers unless of course the contract is very different to this time.
What gets me is how Matty Johns has somehow come back from the dead to host the Monday night wrap. The guy obviously has a chip on his shoulder and doesnt take criticism too well
I've read the article before but I haven't seen the poll. I can't believe Hadley got so many votes, to me Voss is much better.
They should just get rid of the Friday night double header - throw another game on Sunday and be done with it.

I hate watching delayed 9 telecasts. If the spoilers haven't already taken me out of the game, then the multitude of crappy ads have certainly done the job.

agreed. i dont see the point really. do many people even watch the second game? id actually be interested. i never do. with more people a) punting, and b) playing fantasy footy.. everyones already checking the scores.
I never do - and considering there's about a 95% chance the Broncos are playing in that game in NSW every week I hate it!
They should just get rid of the Friday night double header - throw another game on Sunday and be done with it.

I hate watching delayed 9 telecasts. If the spoilers haven't already taken me out of the game, then the multitude of crappy ads have certainly done the job.

Until Perth come in and give us the chance of 2 live games each Friday night I agree. However, I think they should put a game on Saturday afternoon. Everyone says that Sunday afternoon is such a great day for footy, but really, I don't see how Saturday is that much different? It's not like Mother Nature knows what day of the week it is. Besides, having 2 7:30pm Saturday night games is annoying too. Sure, you get to choose what game to watch, and you can maybe flick over, but delayed still sucks, and I reckon a Saturday day game is better than a night one.
Saturday afternoon? So 4 games on a Saturday? Saturday afternoon's are probably the worst for TV and worst for crowds. Sunday is WAY different. There isn't a whole lot of kids sport on a Sunday for starters so easy for families to go to the footy or at least watch it at home. People do more things on a Saturday, it's usually the most busiest weekend day for people.

1 Game on Friday, 3 on Saturday night, 3 on Sunday (2:00pm, 3:00pm, 6pm) and 1 on Monday night. Even though I don't like Monday night footy. But can't physically have 4 on Sunday.

I'm not moving the 2nd Friday game to Saturday arvo, I'm moving the 2nd 7:30 Saturday game there. I've no idea what I'd do with the 2nd Friday game. Maybe turn it into a Sunday night game. I'm sure that would rate huge!
I love the 2 Friday night games. Most weeks we get the Broncos live and I'm always awake til late on Fridays anyway. I'd be disappointed if they cut back on Friday night games.
I don't know why it's okay to have two Friday and Saturday games on at the same time, but not alright to have two Sunday games begin at the same time.

If it was up to me, less Friday, more Sunday. 9 could telecast 2 Sunday games back to back (2pm and 4pm) and a Saturday night game (7:30pm).
I used to love Sundays. I could wake up late, fast forward through the boring sports on Wide World of Sports. Sit down to informed discussion (actually about football) on the Sunday Footy Show. However, the real highlight of Sunday's was the Roast. Channel 9 have seriously stuffed The Roast. It was crap on Sunday. Don't get me started on Hadlee on Friday night. I also can't stand Slater on the Thursday night Footy Show.
I liked the Thursday night game they had in round 1, also Saturday arvo's are tied up with kids sports etc
and 1 on Monday night. Even though I don't like Monday night footy. But can't physically have 4 on Sunday.

i love monday night football. mondays otherwise are such a dead/nothing night of the week after first day back at work. its great to have some footy on.
How come the sunday 4pm game isn't live I can't see why they can't show it live.
i love monday night football. mondays otherwise are such a dead/nothing night of the week after first day back at work. its great to have some footy on.

I agree monday night football is awesome. It also gives the best coverage, pre game show, uninterrupted footy and post match interviews with coach and players. Also it makes Monday at school go quickly as I know there is Rugby league to look forward too. It's my favourite footy night.
I hate ch9
I hate them putting the Broncos mostly on the 2nd Friday game in Sydney, I hate it
I hate the 2nd Friday game
I hate Ray Hadley's call
I hate delayed games
I hate how they got rid of Vossy
I hate the new Roast on Sunday
I stopped watching the Footy show

Pretty sure there's more on the list. Man ch9 has been ticking me off for years. It would be nice to see channel 7 or 10 get the rights. I would love to see Sunday night footy @ 7:30pm.