Channel Nine

Unnecessary ads which often result in missing some of the action. They were shocking during the cricket

They've ****ed it all up big time. Even the Footy Show. I don't mind watching the Footy Show at times, but this Slater guy is a jerk.

This is one epic fail by Nine.

This Slater guy. Show some respect, fantastic cricketer.

And I know he's not a Rugby League expert by any means, but I reckon he does well on the Footy Show. Brings in a bit more of a "fan's perspective' to the panel.

And I used to be a big critic of the Thursday night Footy Show but I am enjoying it this year. It's the Sunday Footy Show that they have completely ****ed. Tim Gilbert should be forever consigned to sideline commentary, he is hopeless at everything else. Joey and Freddy on my screen for 2 hours on a Sunday? No bloody thank you. If it's not gonna be Vossy and Gus on the roast at least, then it shouldn't be on TV. Should just be The Sunday Footy Show for an hour like it used to be.

No idea what the story would be behind Vossy's shafting but they desperately need to fix it to bring any kind of good back to Sundays!
For the Thursday footy show discussion.

I am enjoying Michael Slater as a host. He brings something different to the show but I can't put my finger on what though. Only shame is he is another Manly supporter.

I think Erin Molan needs to be on the panel for the whole show. Her segment has more interesting footy discussion that I want to know about, than the rest of the show.

Beau Knows segment is still great and I actually respect him more when he plays well on the field. The inclusion of the 5 minute panel segment is a good but needs to be expanded on a little more.

So far the show is better than last year. However they are still not getting the right mix of footy and fun.
The footy show sucks now I only watch it because of Beau Ryan. Bring back Matty and the CHIEF. Also sterlo and Gould as regulars they were absolute crack ups.
Oh not please not Matt Johns. He's single handedly ruined NRL on Fox. I used to watch that religiously and now I dont even bother. I hate how he's trying to make controversial opinions all the time, he just comes off looking like a dickhead.

Well, more of a dickhead.
Matty I think has been doing quite well and did well with the Matty Johns show. Give him a chance
I thought it was the AFL show that was screened out to Vic/WA/SA at the same time as the MJ show that tanked terribly where as the MJ show had fairly solid ratings in Qld/NSW.

It wasn't that bad a show, Webby was actually a pretty decent host.
Oh not please not Matt Johns. He's single handedly ruined NRL on Fox. I used to watch that religiously and now I dont even bother. I hate how he's trying to make controversial opinions all the time, he just comes off looking like a dickhead.

Well, more of a dickhead.


I still watch the show but MJ is difficult to watch.
It's almost like Johns is being controversial just for the sake of being controversial.. wearing thin already.
**** that Paul Kent guy, going nuts on NRL on FOX about how Broncos get an unfair advantage playing every friday. and Matt Johns going they dont have the star power to be on friday night. Eat a dick.
So which teams DO have the star power for Friday night? Cowboys? They've got Thurston.
Storm? Slater, Smith, Cronk.
Manly? DCE and?

What a ridiculous statement. The Broncos may not have Lockyer, but with Yow Yeh, Hodges, Thaiday, Civoniceva...plenty of big names.
The Broncos are one of the highest rating teams in the NRL if not the highest rating. They used to be on Sunday very often remember but 9 wants ratings and the Broncos are giving them that.
Plus I hate how people criticise the Broncos for having Friday night games. The Broncos are on record as saying they PREFER Sundays. It's not them that makes the decision, it's Channel 9. Blame them FFS.
I like how Petero is our only superstars...Hodges and Thaiday (among others) are just chop liver.

What I hate is this misconception that the Broncos are preventing clubs like Cronulla and Canberra from getting a game on Friday. Don't they realise Channel 9 picks the two games on Friday based on their respective states? Brisbane only have to compete with the Titans and the Cowboys. Cronulla have to compete with 10 other NSW clubs (if NSWRL considers Canberra a NSW club then so can I) and really given how poorly they've been managed why would they get preferential treatment over the West Tigers or Bulldogs?

As I keep saying, get rid of the FNF double header - move the game to Sunday and have FTA tv broadcast more games (Fri, Sat, Sun).

Done, dusted and hopefully I can see the Broncos play on a glorious Sunday afternoon.