Channel Nine

is Voss back for good or just a once off... i saw the highlights and got a pleasant surprise to hear him calling the game.
I hope Vossy is there over Hadley, like him much more.
It was a much more enjoyable experience watching the match with Vossy calling it.

A thousand times better than Hadley.
Friday Night Footy is going live into Victoria on Gem from now on, I did hear on the telecast. As somebody who is moving to Melbourne I find this news most arousing.
Sure is dukey.

Too little too late though, IMO. 9 are trying to sweeten the NRL up before the next deal.
It was a much more enjoyable experience watching the match with Vossy calling it.

A thousand times better than Hadley.


It was great listening to him.

I may send Hadley an email, telling him how great the call was.

Why does Wally always use the word dictate, in nearly every set.
Was great to hear Vossy calling last nights game. 1000 times better than Hadley.
Friday Night Footy is going live into Victoria on Gem from now on, I did hear on the telecast. As somebody who is moving to Melbourne I find this news most arousing.

Also into Adelaide!!!!

I think I'm gonna faint :-)
Credit where it's due - I thought Hadley's call of the game tonight was a huge improvement on previous weeks.
Haha, maybe it's because I was enjoying watching us blitz the Raiders. :rockon:

Once we established our dominance, it was one of those games where you could just sit back and enjoy the performance.

I don't find Hadley anywhere as irritable as I did when he first started.
Each to their own I suppose because I thought he was average yet again.

Ray Hadley aspires to average.

But Ning is right. Whereas before he was truly, truly awful, tonight he was only awful, so he has improved.
He's still ****e...bring back Vossy. Yes now in Melbourne they are showing the 2 Friday night games on gem starting 7:30 thank the lord kindly. But agree with previous posts - hope channel 9 gets the flick but can't see it happening anytime soon? Matty Johns? I can't stand Andrew Johns - was a great player but self serving conceited little prick IMO and big brother isn't much better. With the MJ show thought it was flat out embarrassing. Strangely enough though with his stints on fattys footy show thought he was hilarious how he took the piss outta of everything including himself! But since his own show falling flat and after the whole "controversy" the guy would havta have the titanic on his shoulders. Actually think he's been using the titanic for one too many bicep curls? Saw him for the first time in ages on some footy talk back show and yikes...:jawdrop:has he turned into a roid king or what? Easy on the bench presses Matty - give it a rest!
Hadley's call was a bit better last night but still wasn't good. He isn't the worst caller though FATTY is, he adds nothing intelligent or insightful and talks like he is the lord of broadcasters. Most bias caller 9 has ever had but not In League history. That prize goes to Mike and Eddie that call the English tests and Super League.
The most boring personality on 9 goes to the Big Marn. How that fat idiot got a job on the Footy Show is a mystery. He is as entertaining to watch and listnen to as a tree stump.