Channel Nine

Thursday night Footy Show overall is as entertaining as a tree stump.

It was great listening to him.

I may send Hadley an email, telling him how great the call was.

Why does Wally always use the word dictate, in nearly every set.

Dictate terms......I wonder if anyone has mentioned to Wal that it's becoming a joke

I wish someone would. I cringe for the great man.

Regarding Hadley's email address. Would you might sharing it? I need to talk to him

::::::::::Ray......I thought your call was as sh*t as always .......and you're an extremely annoying merkin. Please get the f*ck off my TV. Whatever CH9 are paying you I'm sure if I received just $1 from everyone who feels the same as me, we could make you a tidy profit

Please tell me you'll think about it.

Kindest Regards

yada yada yada :::::::::::


Couldn't believe CH9 got these two together in an earlier round (BR V NQ?)

I thought they hated each others guts ....
They aren't going to show Brisbane V Manly live. Niene just treat every sport as a cash cow and ratings winner.
Of course they do. They are a business. The real fault is Gallop's, for not negotiating a better deal that provides for these sorts of things.
I will be boycotting 9. Listen on the radio and watch the replay on Foxtel. They can eat a dick.
I really hope the next TV deal will have Foxtel showing ALL matches live.
It could be live. Member Mail just said kickoff is at 7pm sharp which is precisely when ACA finishes.
Yeah, but that TV Guide Kaz linked to has coverage starting at 7:30, although it's still under the moniker of 'Nine's Live Friday Night Football'.