re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers
No it's not what I said or what I am saying.
Yes it does make me a hypocrite and I never said I wasn;t one, in fact many times in posts relating to numerous threads I have admitted openly that I am a hypocrite. I have an opinion on rehabilitation but that all changes if you hurt someone close to me, thats just the way I am.
Well to me if it was attempted murder it would be classed as such, but I'm not going to argue with you, if you want to call it murder than that's fine.
How is Lui's case not comparable? because he bashed his pregnant girlfriend? So if this bloke was pregnant it would be comparable?
Why do you have to make everything so personal? It's like I have personally offended you because I feel like when I bloke has spent year in jail he deserves the chance to show if he has turned his life around.
So it's not what you're saying, but yes it is...? :confused:
I guess I made it personal by asking how you would feel it the crime was done to someone close to you, because yes, I absolutely find it deplorable that people will look at a fucking criminal's rights above those of their victim, just because the victim is no one they know. The idea was to make you reflect on this, not actually have a go at you... until you actually admitted to doing exactly that.
I shouldn't argue your opinions because we're mates? I don't think so! In fact probably more so because we are, I feel I can have these debates and differences of opinion with you. Doesn't mean I won't buy you a beer at the next game... and then throw you over the balustrade with it. :thefinger:
Back to the issue and at the risk of repeating myself again...
I absolutely support rehabilitation for criminals, but not by handing them a high profile, high reward job (which is what I meant by elite) like playing for a NRL club. That is a privilege that shouldn't be afforded to violent criminals!
A menial anonymous job, playing park or regional footy should be good enough. Once he proves he has indeed changed his ways and as long as his victim doesn't suffer from it, he might earn a reprieve down the track.
Regarding the classification of this crime, I said it earlier, but I will also repeat it:
In these type of offenses, the prosecutor will generally go with a charge that carries a good probability of success, or even a plea (as was the case), not necessarily what it should be.
Note that the judge's sentence and the fact he wasn't afforded bail while his case was on appeal, shows exactly what they thought of this.
You don't seem to comprehend that by stomping on someone's head, you're essentially trying to kill a person!
Yet you're comparing that with an act, which as despicable and inexcusable as it is, is nowhere near the same severity.