[Confirmed] Russell Packer -->Not the Broncos

re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

I can't stand the "I came from a broken home and had a troubled childhood' excuse. You are always yourself and can always better yourself even if you've had terrible experiences. I've had some very hard times in my life especially in my earlier years but I've always fought back and are now making my own way in society and living a very good life. I don't go around punching people and certainly not stomping on them. I'm sure Packer's family made life hard but he could have always followed a different path in life and not gone down the road people in his life did. John Skandalis had a lot of struggles in his earlier life and look what a great ambassador for the game he became and looked what he accomplished from Rugby League.
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

I can't stand the "I came from a broken home and had a troubled childhood' excuse. You are always yourself and can always better yourself even if you've had terrible experiences. I've had some very hard times in my life especially in my earlier years but I've always fought back and are now making my own way in society and living a very good life. I don't go around punching people and certainly not stomping on them. I'm sure Packer's family made life hard but he could have always followed a different path in life and not gone down the road people in his life did. John Skandalis had a lot of struggles in his earlier life and look what a great ambassador for the game he became and looked what he accomplished from Rugby League.

Fair points Bman. To be honest I don't think these sorts of things are a blanket rule for everyone thoguh. Some people thrive under adversity, others crumble.

All in all I respect everyone's opinions and standpoints on this. These kind of viewpoints are not something you can impose on others. I am of the view that for certain crimes once you have done the time you deserve the chance to resume your normal life, while others aren't, which is fine and would never deride someone if they couldn't support a club for whatever reason, that is their choice.
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

Wait a minute.. are people actually condemning Bennett for this rumour? Get real.. it's a rumour, there's not a single quote from anybody of substance regarding Bennett even considering trying to pick him up.. for all we know it hasn't even crossed his mind, stop being so quick to judge the bloke, jesus.
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

Fair points Bman. To be honest I don't think these sorts of things are a blanket rule for everyone thoguh. Some people thrive under adversity, others crumble.

All in all I respect everyone's opinions and standpoints on this. These kind of viewpoints are not something you can impose on others. I am of the view that for certain crimes once you have done the time you deserve the chance to resume your normal life, while others aren't, which is fine and would never deride someone if they couldn't support a club for whatever reason, that is their choice.

What would be the cut-off point meaning that crime is so bad that you don't get another chance in life ever?
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

What would be the cut-off point meaning that crime is so bad that you don't get another chance in life ever?

That's not said, or at the very least meant. I believe you should be able to resume your normal life/career as long as your crime doesn't mean that job now places you in a position to re-offend.

For instance, if you go to prison corporate fraud, you shouldn't have a job that provides you access to corporate finances.
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

Each case is different but my first thoughts are, he gets out and while on twelve months parole, goes and does some sort of community stuff like Carney.
If he does OK, then let him back.
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

What would be the cut-off point meaning that crime is so bad that you don't get another chance in life ever?
This is tough to answer.
Some people cannot be rehabilitated and some who have committed the same crime can.

Any crime involving a sexual fantasy is a worry because these fantasies will always be with that person and if they have committed the crime they have proved that they can no longer control their demons. Many in society fight these demons everyday without committing a crime
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

I have done a lot of things I regret on alcohol and I bet Packer is the same now.
This might surprise a lot of you but I respect the fact he pleaded guilty, a lot of footballers have hid behind the closed doors of their club. Some of these May well have been players you looked up to at the Broncos.

The CCT footage probably made that decision for him. Be a bold strategy to plead not guilty when they can freeze you on the big screen kicking him.
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

This is a tough one. If the NRL refused to register him a contract, I would personally would be perfectly fine with it. However if they gave him a contract, I wouldn't be against it as I believe everyone deserves another chance.

I don't think whether the fact he was superstar or not should be the determining factor for an NRL return. Other's are saying that if he was a superstar like Jarryd Hayne in the same circumstances, they'd want to sign him, but I feel that is unfair. Everyone should be treated equally, whether they are the NRL's best or worst player.

Rather if he is prepared to turn his life around through football than he should be allowed to sign with a club, only on the condition that he has the appropriate support networks in place. This should be dealt similar to the Robert Lui case where he could be in and around a team environment, however shouldn't be able to play for the first year, or however long it takes to turn his life around, while undergoing counselling, community work etc.

As for Packer coming to the Broncos, I am split on this one. Although I do want a big, strong, intimidating prop, which he can be, I would only be okay with him if he is willing to turn his life around with the right attitude. If Bennett feels he can mentor him to be a better person I wouldn't exactly be against it, but if we didn't sign him, I also wouldn't be against it. If by signing with the Broncos is the only way he can change his life and keep him out of trouble, than I'll sign him.

Through tough experiences, many people become better people. Lets hope Packer becomes a better person, regardless if he is ever an NRL player again or not.

A couple of good examples are Suaia Matagi of the warriors and Parramatta's Manu Ma'u. They were both sentenced to prison for assault. There cases were probably far worse than Packers. Matagi was looking at 8 years. He's assault was pre planned, as was Mau's. They were part of violent gangs and both deliberately attempted to seek revenge on the people they assaulted. Their attacks had intent to hurt. However they were both prepared to change their ways and turn their lives around, something Packer can also do.
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re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

I don't think we are that desperate for props that we need to sign him. If we had zero props then maybe we take the risk. That said I don't think I'd ever be happy to sign him even if we had no props. This to me screams of Wayne Bennett wanting to save a bloke.
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

Do not want. Average player, and a gutless prick.

Provided he does a ton of community service, and the NRL approves a contract in light thereof, I don't have a problem with him getting a second chance elsewhere. But not with us, thanks.
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

If you have served your time you should be entitled to whatever job you can get as long as it doesn't add to your ability to reoffend. For instance, certain criminals should not be able to have a job that allows them to have access to children etc.

How would playing NRL on a minimal contract give him anymore opportunity to re-offend than working at maccas? He would still be able to kick someone's head in at a pub regardless.

I never said we can't disagree because we are mates, I just thought you were making it personal by saying stuff like "as much as you want it" etc. But it really doesn't matter and I don't care, I just wanted to address it so you don't say I don't address all of your post :thefinger:

In regards to the bolded, I can comprehend that stomping on someone's head can kill someone, so can bashing any woman, but more so a pregnant one. Yet you tell me that I can't compare the two...
You didn't address all of my post! :thefinger:

You're again ignoring the victim in all of this. Why should he/she be subject to his/her attacker parading on TV, playing professional sports and earning a big wage (which he would still do on a minimal contract) and living a privileged life?

You're arguing about the possibility of killing someone, versus a deliberate attempt to do so, which are two completely different things.
It doesn't matter who the victim is, but when the actions are similar, then doing it to a pregnant woman is much worse than doing it to a bloke of course.
As far as I know, Lui's actions never put his wife's life in danger. It's not remotely close to what Packer did!

Regardless, I feel the same way about Lui being in the NRL... it's disgusting.

How do you know it was just the accusation. It has been reported many times Packer said the other guy threw the first punch which if true is asking for a belting. Packer should not have carried it on so far.
Also the first punch was unproven as it was out of camera range.

I also never mentioned father or rapist in my comment
Yeah I know you didn't. I was giving an example of what constitutes attenuating factors and what doesn't...

I'm not going to speculate about what he tried to use as a defense, especially when it was conveniently out of camera range. I'll stick only to the facts reported in court, and the decisions made based on those...

What makes you think that someone capable of what he did, is not at risk of re-offending the next time he has too many drinks, especially in an environment such as the NRL?
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

You didn't address all of my post! :thefinger:

You're again ignoring the victim in all of this. Why should he/she be subject to his/her attacker parading on TV, playing professional sports and earning a big wage (which he would still do on a minimal contract) and living a privileged life?

This sort of thing happens all the time. People break the law and their victims are subject to months, even a life time of seeing that person on TV.

You're arguing about the possibility of killing someone, versus a deliberate attempt to do so, which are two completely different things.
It doesn't matter who the victim is, but when the actions are similar, then doing it to a pregnant woman is much worse than doing it to a bloke of course.
As far as I know, Lui's actions never put his wife's life in danger. It's not remotely close to what Packer did!

Regardless, I feel the same way about Lui being in the NRL... it's disgusting.

Are you still saying Packer attempted to kill this person? He had two fractured cheek bones and nobody is sure if that's even from the stomp. If he wanted to kill someone via a stomp to the head, this guy most definitely would have ended up with more than two fractured cheek bones.

Yeah I know you didn't. I was giving an example of what constitutes attenuating factors and what doesn't...

I'm not going to speculate about what he tried to use as a defense, especially when it was conveniently out of camera range. I'll stick only to the facts reported in court, and the decisions made based on those...

What makes you think that someone capable of what he did, is not at risk of re-offending the next time he has too many drinks, especially in an environment such as the NRL?

I don't know for sure, but I don't think when people go to prison that they just sit there in their cell without any sort of help being given. Not that it works 100% of the time but they attempt to rehabilitate these people.

Not saying what he did is ok, by the way. Just so everyone knows and doesn't bite my head off and question my ethics ;)
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re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

I can't believe some people want him at the club.

He tried to take out our club legend, which had a good chance of blinding him in one eye for life. He intended to do that.

He disrespected our home turf by pissing himself on it.

Even in his best year, he made **** all metres and barely broke a tackle.

But people are willing to forget all of that because he has a bit of mongrel?

I'm all for mongrel, but there are better options out there that we can afford and sign. Options that can actually have an impact when carting up the ball. We do not need Packer and we never will need him.
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re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

This sort of thing happens all the time. People break the law and their victims are subject to months, even a life time of seeing that person on TV.
Does that make it ok?

There's also a difference of people being in the news for their criminal actions, as opposed to being celebrated for feats on a footy field.

Are you still saying Packer attempted to kill this person? He had two fractured cheek bones and nobody is sure if that's even from the stomp. If he wanted to kill someone via a stomp to the head, this guy most definitely would have ended up with more than two fractured cheek bones.
Yes, when he stomped on his head, that's exactly what he tried to do. The fact he "only had" two fractured cheekbones has absolutely nothing to do with it. Had the blow come at a different angle or on a different spot, we would be talking far worse that a couple of broken cheekbones, which btw, is not that easy to achieve either!

I don't know for sure, but I don't think when people go to prison that they just sit there in their cell without any sort of help being given. Not that it works 100% of the time but they attempt to rehabilitate these people.

Not saying what he did is ok, by the way. Just so everyone knows and doesn't bite my head off and question my ethics ;)
I never said he shouldn't be rehabilitated, I said he shouldn't be allowed back in the privileged world that is being an NRL athlete.
Regional footy and a menial job is more than sufficient to get back on track. Perhaps, down the track, he might get a chance to come back, once he has shown he is capable of decent human behaviour.