Corey Oates - What to do?



NRL Captain
Dec 16, 2015
I know he tried a couple years ago, but I think if Corey Oates wants to be a first grader he needs to spend this off season eating lots and doing a lot of gym work and trying to move into the forwards.

Saw a photo of him next to Flegler and he’s 2cm taller and only about 5kg lighter than him. Corey’s time on the wing is over but if he packed on 10kg and learnt how to tackle he actually could be good in the middle. I think when he tried to be in the second row, he wasn’t good enough defensively with all the lateral movement, but in the middle he might actually be okay.


NRL Captain
Mar 25, 2013
It's a real tough one, I love the bloke, he's still good enough to be in first grade and I don't want to ever see him in another jersey...but I don't know where we play him!

You could go Cobbo to left centre, Arthars to Cobbo's wing, Oates back in his usual spot...but then what happens with Mariner?

He's an awesome #18 tbh since he can cover a broad range of positions in a pinch. Even as a benchie...does he ride the pine next year? We're losing Palasia and Flegs, obviously have Baker to come in and Jensen you'd think would make the top 17 more often but is there perhaps a spot for him there?

It's a real conundrum and I don't envy Kev having to make what's going to be a tough call no matter what happens. I don't want to lose him, he was still very very good for us this year when he was fit and we're already losing a back in Herbie. Off-season will inform Kev's call I guess?


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
I love goates and I would happily keep him around but I think this season has shown that we can do without him, with the greatest of respect. We haven't missed a beat with arthars filling in and we've also got mariner to blood.

If he's happy to be first sub for a wing spot, sure why not? I guess it's possible he could be a bench 2nd rower (wouldn't happen overnight tho) but not like we are hurting for forwards either. I don't really see much of a long term future for him whatever way you go.

Sucks cause it's goates. Just don't see where he fits unless it's outside the 17.


NRL Player
Jul 3, 2021
We haven't missed a beat without Oates but I think that's because we've been so good this year. I think if we were struggling we would notice his absence and the work he does abit more.
I'd give Cobbo a crack at Herbies spot, Arthars to Cobbos wing and Oates gets his spot back.
Mariner can play the Arthars 18th man role and when he gets his chance like Arthars did this year he's gotta own that position.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Even if he’s first drop, like Arthars this year, he’ll still get a bucket load of games but I reckon he’ll force his way back in if he sticks it out


International Captain
May 27, 2013
We haven't missed a beat without Oates but I think that's because we've been so good this year. I think if we were struggling we would notice his absence and the work he does abit more.
I'd give Cobbo a crack at Herbies spot, Arthars to Cobbos wing and Oates gets his spot back.
Mariner can play the Arthars 18th man role and when he gets his chance like Arthars did this year he's gotta own that position.
I think Mariner has owned it every time he’s had a chance this year. He and Oates would be dueling for the wing spot in the trials I suspect. That’s if Corey sticks around and cobbo goes to the centres.
Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
It's a real tough one, I love the bloke, he's still good enough to be in first grade and I don't want to ever see him in another jersey...but I don't know where we play him!

You could go Cobbo to left centre, Arthars to Cobbo's wing, Oates back in his usual spot...but then what happens with Mariner?

He's an awesome #18 tbh since he can cover a broad range of positions in a pinch. Even as a benchie...does he ride the pine next year? We're losing Palasia and Flegs, obviously have Baker to come in and Jensen you'd think would make the top 17 more often but is there perhaps a spot for him there?

It's a real conundrum and I don't envy Kev having to make what's going to be a tough call no matter what happens. I don't want to lose him, he was still very very good for us this year when he was fit and we're already losing a back in Herbie. Off-season will inform Kev's call I guess?

If he wants to play wing again he needs to employ a sprint coach .
I doubt we will see him in the forwards . Different kind of fitness .
Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
We will need Oates next year to make up the metres lost with Herbie going. People forget how good Oates was earlier this year

Getting to the opposition 20 is not as important to this team .
Also repeat sets are becoming a thing of the past .

Broncos have adapted to scoring from longer range . In the 20 there are 13 in the line . Up near half way there are 12 for the 1st 3 tackles then the wingers want to drop back to cover kicks .Now 11 in the defensive line .

The old get to the 20 and get a repeat set isn`t as common this year .

All hail Lee Briers !


NRL Player
May 22, 2022
When does he get a game in the forwards though and over whom? Corey Jensen, Marty etc cant get a game in the forwards and we have Fletcher Baker coming to the club.

I think Oatsey is going to need to rip in during the off season and try and nail down his wing spot. There could be a spot up for grabs if Cobbo gets his wish to play in the centres.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Oates will fare better outside Mariner, who - unlike our Dally M centre - will set up him and put him away. 2024 will be a bumper year for him.


NRL Player
Sep 24, 2013
I actually think Cobbs will get that left centre spot.
If Cobbo is to shift to left centre, I feel like Arthurs would be a good player to have on his outside. Perhaps Oates can play on the right hand side. I wouldn't mind a pairing of Arthurs and Cobbo on the left, and then Staggs and Oates/Mariner on the right.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
I actually think Cobbs will get that left centre spot.
If Cobbo is to shift to left centre, I feel like Arthurs would be a good player to have on his outside. Perhaps Oates can play on the right hand side. I wouldn't mind a pairing of Arthurs and Cobbo on the left, and then Staggs and Oates/Mariner on the right.
Not sure how to form an opinion on this until after we see them trial.


QCup Player
May 11, 2023
Mariner looked good on the left. Obv much younger and naturally fitter than Oates. I reckon he’s got his work cut out to get back to being a regular. But more than very useful squad player to have


NRL Player
Sep 24, 2013
Not sure how to form an opinion on this until after we see them trial.
I just feel that Cobbo has the ability to make a break out of nowhere, and someone quicker off the mark than Oates, such as Arthurs, would be able to push up in support quicker than Oates could.


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
I think he is better than Arthars when 100% but his injuries at bad times haven't given him the time required to play himself back into form, if he can limit the injuries I think he can get his spot back tbh.

but with Herbie gone he probably just goes straight back to the left wing next year with Cobbo likely making the switch to left centre which Mariner and Arthars will battle for right wing.

I think unless Arthars finds another level next season, Mariner will eventually win that battle he looks to have a bit more x factor from what I have seen.

If Oates was to make the switch to the Forwards it isn't second row, it's prop he would be very suitable there I think if he can bump his weight up to the 110kg mark, the defensive load is a big change from what he is used to on the wing though so I don't think it's a simple switch, but it has been done before(Soilola comes to mind).


NRL Player
Feb 26, 2023
Huge Oates fan, right here. However, like many of you, I can’t see how he gets back in?! I think Mariner and Arthars are a better fit for Briers Broncos. The way we attack, the speed and agility that’s needed… sadly, very sadly it’s not what Oatsey brings. Would love him to stay and always be a Bronco!

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