Craig Wing Hit

I'm not into the conspiracy theory here, accidents happen.

That said, accidents happen when a bloke gets hammered by 3 others. I think the league needs to look at the whole gang tackle thing. VOTE 1: No more than two in a tackle.

Can Do.
Seriously some people on here obviously have no grasp on how rugby league is played in 2008. You can't afford to have just 2 people in the tackle, the game would be too quick. Aussie, seriously there was nothing wrong with the hit, it is part of football and as a fan and player i can appreciate what Riley Brown was doing. Anytime the number 7 steps back into the forwards (within the first 10 minutes of a game I might add) he is looking for trouble. Riley Brown did what any player worth his salt would have done. I'm 100% sure that Riley Brown wouldn't have pre-meditated it and he certainly wouldn't have wanted to cause a 3 month injury. The game is too quick to think that fast. He just came in and finished off the tackle.

And for the record, Craig Wing hasn't complained about the tackle at all. He took it on the chin and accepted it for what it was - a part of footy.
Je$ter said:
Seriously some people on here obviously have no grasp on how rugby league is played in 2008. You can't afford to have just 2 people in the tackle, the game would be too quick. Aussie, seriously there was nothing wrong with the hit, it is part of football and as a fan and player i can appreciate what Riley Brown was doing. Anytime the number 7 steps back into the forwards (within the first 10 minutes of a game I might add) he is looking for trouble. Riley Brown did what any player worth his salt would have done. I'm 100% sure that Riley Brown wouldn't have pre-meditated it and he certainly wouldn't have wanted to cause a 3 month injury. The game is too quick to think that fast. He just came in and finished off the tackle.

And for the record, Craig Wing hasn't complained about the tackle at all. He took it on the chin and accepted it for what it was - a part of footy.

My sentiments exactly, no way Brown had intent to cause injury. He was attempting to do what all players are trained to do, win their team the battle in the speed of the play the ball.
My main gripe was with the lateness of the hit, as the tackle had been completed and Wing wasn't going anywhere.

I thought it could have probably been penalised for a late tackle or even a flop.
Twiztid said:
I would just like to see Shaun's response if heaven forbid Lockyer or Hunt was held down and Brown smashed into their leg and rupturing their ACL if you would have the same defence.

We'll just have to wait and see Friday night.
There's too much ambiguity in the tackle and it's fair to say to give Brown the benefit of the doubt in that situation considering the time and placing of the events with the tackle.

I've got no qualms with the tackle itself as injuries have always been a part of rugby league, however I wasn't too happy with Braith Anasta's reaction after the tackle in particular. [icon_non
SimplyBronco said:
I've got no qualms with the tackle itself as injuries have always been a part of rugby league, however I wasn't too happy with Braith Anasta's reaction after the tackle in particular. [icon_non

I don't think Anasta had any idea Wing was hurt at the time.
Aussie said:
Please voice away. Don't worry about the people that 'jump' on you, you have every right to voice your opinion, and am personally glad there are people who share my point of view on this subject.

As for the harden up comments, that's probably the dumbest comment I have seen in my short time on this board. Pathetic really. He's a professional footballer, he shouldn't have to be 'hard' enough to put up with that sort of tackle.

I'm wondering if The Rock actually likes football, or if he / she just wants to see people get bashed, or wait for a bad game from a player he / she may not like as much as some, just to come on and maybe bag them out? I'm sure time will tell.

Also, people saying 'not much in it'? Have you seen it, if you agree with this sort of dirty behaviour on the field, then you only bring facts to the old saying "Gentlemens Sport played by Thugs".

I wish the supporters of this fine sport we all seem to love would realise how dangerous some of these tactics are, then maybe we will get decent football on a weekly basis.

This one injury doens't only ruin all the preperation one player has done, it's probably really hurt the Rabbitohs camp, who could have just done quite well this year.

But let me guess, the supporters of the thugs will come out and say "Its a dangerous sport, you take the risk", I'm sure someone thought it. Well thats crap.


well said. One more point, this sort of thing should be illegal because it's putting our stars on the sidelines. A good hard tackle by a player is all part of the game (even if it injuries the player), but when 2 or 3 blokes gang up on a defenseless player thats not acceptable. This is similar to O'Donnell's injury last year, it was a gang tackle that ended his season.

I don't know how you can make it illegal though, because if no injury had came of the tackle we wouldn't be talking about it at all, so it would be based purely on the severity of the injury.
The Rock said:
He should harden up. Be prepared for anything. He SHOULD be hard enough to put up with that sort of tackle. If he can't put up with that tackle then he isn't going to be able to put up with a tackle say by one similar to Josh Perry's over the weekend. This is rugby league not softball.

Mentally he is, he didn't complain about it after the game. We're the ones talking about it. Physically I don't see how he is supposed to 'harden up', the human body can only take so much. The tackle on Josh Perry is an example of the hardness of rugby league, but not some defenseless bloke getting smashed.
renouf said:
I don't know how you can make it illegal though

Simply, a 3rd person can't attempt to tackle unless one of the first two drop off.

Seems an extreme rule, however all the mumblings about this being a dirty tactic does suggest it may be getting coached into the players. Let's hope that's not the case. Fingers crossed this is an isolated incident and doesn't happen to someone that matters (read: Bronco) :|
what about if hes trying to offload it and a third man comes in trying to lock up the ball?
trigrhappi said:
renouf said:
I don't know how you can make it illegal though

Simply, a 3rd person can't attempt to tackle unless one of the first two drop off.

Seems an extreme rule, however all the mumblings about this being a dirty tactic does suggest it may be getting coached into the players. Let's hope that's not the case. Fingers crossed this is an isolated incident and doesn't happen to someone that matters (read: Bronco) :|

What about with a screaming vatuvei charging for the line 5 metres out, you can't expect the third man to not get involved there (5 guys coundn't effect the tackle tonight).
Abe The Cop said:
Illegal? No

Unecessary cheap shot? Yes

All that needs to be said really. Legal yes, in the spirit of the game - no way.
The Rock said:
renouf said:
[quote="The Rock":3ncd2os5]
He should harden up. Be prepared for anything. He SHOULD be hard enough to put up with that sort of tackle. If he can't put up with that tackle then he isn't going to be able to put up with a tackle say by one similar to Josh Perry's over the weekend. This is rugby league not softball.

Mentally he is, he didn't complain about it after the game. We're the ones talking about it. Physically I don't see how he is supposed to 'harden up', the human body can only take so much. The tackle on Josh Perry is an example of the hardness of rugby league, but not some defenseless bloke getting smashed.

That's what I am saying. He needs to be mentallty tough for it. Also, I know for a fact that Craig Wing wasn't happy about the whole situation and thought lesser of Riley Brown.[/quote:3ncd2os5]

And why wouldn't he? I'd be filthy myself whether or not I thought it was legal or illegal simply because of the fact I was injured a tackle like that. Wing isn't robotic and I'd expect nothing less of him being p*ssed off about the whole thing and his face says it all. I doubt you would feel any differently if it happened to you Rocky.
The Rock said:
SimplyBronco said:
I've got no qualms with the tackle itself as injuries have always been a part of rugby league, however I wasn't too happy with Braith Anasta's reaction after the tackle in particular. [icon_non

Why? The only thing Braith saw was Craig Wing down after the tackle. I guess he thought his boys put a good hit on Wing.

Even when he was being attended to on the field and taken off?? He was still jumping around like a lunatic
The Rock said:
SimplyBronco said:
I've got no qualms with the tackle itself as injuries have always been a part of rugby league, however I wasn't too happy with Braith Anasta's reaction after the tackle in particular. [icon_non

Why? The only thing Braith saw was Craig Wing down after the tackle. I guess he thought his boys put a good hit on Wing.

I believe he was acting like that even after Wing was down when the tackle was over.
Anasta confirms it again that he's a a grade ****, i guess this is the sorta behaviour they teach at the dogs.
Its fair enough to do it after a big hit or to fire up team mates but I think when knowing you have injured a player it isn't called for.