Please voice away. Don't worry about the people that 'jump' on you, you have every right to voice your opinion, and am personally glad there are people who share my point of view on this subject.
As for the harden up comments, that's probably the dumbest comment I have seen in my short time on this board. Pathetic really. He's a professional footballer, he shouldn't have to be 'hard' enough to put up with that sort of tackle.
I'm wondering if The Rock actually likes football, or if he / she just wants to see people get bashed, or wait for a bad game from a player he / she may not like as much as some, just to come on and maybe bag them out? I'm sure time will tell.
Also, people saying 'not much in it'? Have you seen it, if you agree with this sort of dirty behaviour on the field, then you only bring facts to the old saying "Gentlemens Sport played by Thugs".
I wish the supporters of this fine sport we all seem to love would realise how dangerous some of these tactics are, then maybe we will get decent football on a weekly basis.
This one injury doens't only ruin all the preperation one player has done, it's probably really hurt the Rabbitohs camp, who could have just done quite well this year.
But let me guess, the supporters of the thugs will come out and say "Its a dangerous sport, you take the risk", I'm sure someone thought it. Well thats crap.