Dally Ms 2020

The female commentators in NRL circles are generally pretty good. Aside from Erin Molan, she's the fucking worst thing on TV.
I think she will lose her defamation case. It's hard to defend a lot of the comments that News Corp have presented in their defence.
I think she will lose her defamation case. It's hard to defend a lot of the comments that News Corp have presented in their defence.
Yeah I've been following it, pretty funny TBH. I mostly feel sorry for the poor News Corp shill who had to sit through every minute she's ever broadcast.
I agree, I cannot get into the nrwl at all, though I find i really quite enjoy watching the Australian women's cricket team play. Not sure if it's because they're winning or lack of interest in men's game due to sandpaper gate, or that most of the men have the personality of a squashed slug. I know they cant hit as far, but find it to be a genuine contest between bat and ball for most games.
Cricket has been better funded and supported for a much longer period. Womens Rugby League and AFLW will improve in standard over time. I enjoy it now because of the lack of wrestle.
Yeah I've been following it, pretty funny TBH. I mostly feel sorry for the poor News Corp shill who had to sit through every minute she's ever broadcast.
I didn't really watch anything Molan did or have a view before she lodged her defamation case. Now, I think she probably one of those casual racists who is oblivious to the fact she is racist and will argue to their death they aren't racist
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I wasn't talking about the physical competition of the sports. Yes rugby league is a sport where elite men will beat elite women on the field. This is the same with tennis too. However at grand slam level both sports are promoted and paid more equally. Rugby league is a fair way behind that.

I do see what you are trying to get at but it still costs a lot of money to advise and if the women aren’t bringing in the cash they aren’t going to waste the money, it is a business after all.

Tennis and the NRL are hard to compare tbh I’ve noticed that women compete with the men in sports which a single women can build their own profile and fan base such as ufc and tennis, not to mention it’s world wide so there is a lot more money backing.

It’s a shame a lot of the wow factor has been taken out of rugby league fights and shoulder charges, it was a great marketing tool when they were allowed
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You and many others - my friend - have been brainwashed over many years to view such things and not only think its acceptable, but to defend it! If you were to miss out on several jobs merely because those competing against you were female, perhaps you may change your mind.
Sorry, but after reading your posts in this thread and your attitude to women in general (the same women who would make up 50% of your co-workers that you need to be productive with) I'm now 100% convinced that your gender has absolutely nothing to do with why you keep missing out on jobs.
Sorry, but after reading your posts in this thread and your attitude to women in general (the same women who would make up 50% of your co-workers that you need to be productive with) I'm now 100% convinced that your gender has absolutely nothing to do with why you keep missing out on jobs.
A statement made devoid of any rationale, attempt at explanation or fact. But you go ...

I'll say it again ... why were four women heading the awards night of a male sport? Why were the men only allowed to speak when the women asked them?

You of course, being a brainwashed sheep, will say something like, "there were no men good enough to be picked as the main hosts".

To which I would say, "you need to grow a brain, sniff the BS that you're accepting as reality, and grow a pair.

You're welcome.
who gives a shit
I do because it is a symbol of what is happening in broader society, where men are being sidelined in the white-colour workforce (I trust you know what that is) because of such insane policies as "quote systems" - and as such are having their lives ruined because they are no being employed in jobs they are perfectly suited to - only because the main criteria for hiring in many positions now is having a vagina.
I do because it is a symbol of what is happening in broader society, where men are being sidelined in the white-colour workforce (I trust you know what that is) because of such insane policies as "quote systems" - and as such are having their lives ruined because they are no being employed in jobs they are perfectly suited to - only because the main criteria for hiring in many positions now is having a vagina.

I know exactly what you're saying, and I am personally not a fan of "quota systems". Unfortunately, we live in a world where people will not consider the other sex, or a different shade of skin, unless they are forced to.

Who's having their lives ruined because of this issue though? Companies don't hand the reigns to a female or person of colour if it's going to set the person, or the company up to fail. That's crazy talk.

Based purely on the quoted post here though, if anyone else, even with less experience was able to discuss the topic without the emotion, and what seems to be a clear bias, they would get the job.

Your post doesn't come across as civil. It comes across like a bogan who lost his job to a chick because she was smarter than him, but he hasn't worked that out yet.
Rugby australia would like to have a word with you
I do because it is a symbol of what is happening in broader society, where men are being sidelined in the white-colour workforce (I trust you know what that is) because of such insane policies as "quote systems" - and as such are having their lives ruined because they are no being employed in jobs they are perfectly suited to - only because the main criteria for hiring in many positions now is having a vagina.
the Dally M's have far bigger problems than who Fox choose to host the ceremony
I know exactly what you're saying, and I am personally not a fan of "quota systems". Unfortunately, we live in a world where people will not consider the other sex, or a different shade of skin, unless they are forced to.

Who's having their lives ruined because of this issue though? Companies don't hand the reigns to a female or person of colour if it's going to set the person, or the company up to fail. That's crazy talk.

Based purely on the quoted post here though, if anyone else, even with less experience was able to discuss the topic without the emotion, and what seems to be a clear bias, they would get the job.

Your post doesn't come across as civil. It comes across like a bogan who lost his job to a chick because she was smarter than him, but he hasn't worked that out yet.
Great post. I support quotas. While they may seem unfair they are required because the system is not a level playing field. If they weren't put in place the change would never happen because of the built in inequalities in the system. The question is when have they served their purpose.
I know exactly what you're saying, and I am personally not a fan of "quota systems". Unfortunately, we live in a world where people will not consider the other sex, or a different shade of skin, unless they are forced to.

Who's having their lives ruined because of this issue though?.

If women or people with different shades of skin are getting jobs because of quotas I’d say it’s white men who have the possibility of having their careers ruined. This is why I’ve always believed that who ever is best suited for the job should get it, weather that’s 100% women or 100% men or coloured people. I don’t believe that people of colour don’t have a chance without quotas, I’m indigenous and every job I’ve started with zero experience I’ve climbed the ladder because of hard work that I’ve put in and I’ve mostly had female bosses who are in the position they are because they are good at their jobs.
Women and people of colour have more opportunity now then they have ever in history, there is no need for excuses or short cuts, we live in one of the most free countries in the world.

The worst part of it is that we are teaching the next generation of women and people of colour that there is this mystical person out there that’s going to hold them back and make it hard for them. When they should really be enjoying the hard work of the civil rights movement.
Great post. I support quotas. While they may seem unfair they are required because the system is not a level playing field. If they weren't put in place the change would never happen because of the built in inequalities in the system. The question is when have they served their purpose.

Yes this mysterious system you talk of is to blame. Give me a break
If women or people with different shades of skin are getting jobs because of quotas I’d say it’s white men who have the possibility of having their careers ruined. This is why I’ve always believed that who ever is best suited for the job should get it, weather that’s 100% women or 100% men or coloured people. I don’t believe that people of colour don’t have a chance without quotas, I’m indigenous and every job I’ve started with zero experience I’ve climbed the ladder because of hard work that I’ve put in and I’ve mostly had female bosses who are in the position they are because they are good at their jobs.
Women and people of colour have more opportunity now then they have ever in history, there is no need for excuses or short cuts, we live in one of the most free countries in the world.

The worst part of it is that we are teaching the next generation of women and people of colour that there is this mystical person out there that’s going to hold them back and make it hard for them. When they should really be enjoying the hard work of the civil rights movement.

I don't disagree with the start of your post, but the reality is, there are companies who will not hire you because of your skin colour. I bet they still asked you if you identified as such too, so instantly, there is some doubt there, I would think.

I've never worked under or with someone I feel got the job because of this reason, just people who got there and shouldn't have because their bosses suck too.

I still don't think it's an issue. I don't think we're seeing white men disadvantaged because of these quotas, which are only really applicable to very large companies.

Last sentence, yep. But, there is still a lot of noise from those who do mark yes on those application forms.
I don't disagree with the start of your post, but the reality is, there are companies who will not hire you because of your skin colour. I bet they still asked you if you identified as such too, so instantly, there is some doubt there, I would think.

I've never worked under or with someone I feel got the job because of this reason, just people who got there and shouldn't have because their bosses suck too.

I still don't think it's an issue. I don't think we're seeing white men disadvantaged because of these quotas, which are only really applicable to very large companies.

Last sentence, yep. But, there is still a lot of noise from those who do mark yes on those application forms.

What companies are hiring on the basis of sex or colour though ? The fact that a company can get in a lot of shit for doing this is enough to show that there’s enough in place for fairness.

But if people are getting picked because of their sex or colour, there are going to be people of the opposite sex or colour that are going to be affected, there is no question about that. That’s why it should just be left to skill level and suitability. When I get on a plane or have surgery I’d hope the pilot or Surgeon is there because they are the best suited and have earned their way into that position.

I’ve never had to tick a box for being indigenous when applying for a job, it’s mainly for doctors and hospitals. The data is used for health studies on indigenous people because we suffer from certain things because of genetics

I would suggest that the most noise is being made by either white people or people that want to take a short cut because they have been told the world owes them something. Most sensible hard working people of colour would rather work for their positions, just like everyone else. It’s called equality