Dally Ms 2020

Actually very surprised Wighton got it... thought he was bog average most of the season or at the very least less effective than previous years. Think Unbreakable's stats up there say it all. He was out performed by a number of halves this year in everything but tries and even then I think Keary was equal. I get thats not what it is based on but god I remember when the best player in the game used to get it. Feel free to call me out if he was actually up there in your opinion, I honestly didn't even consider him getting it.

He never should have won it, but this system has always been flawed. Out of the top 3 candidates for the award, Nathan Cleary has been the better player this year. He should have won it.
No I hate the feminist agenda which is about pushing men out of jobs they should be doing in the name of "equality".

Tell me mate ... are you OK with four women hosting the top awards show for men's rugby league?

unimpressed uh huh GIF
Typical pathetic response.

Men have been virtually pushed out of education, health and many other sectors - but not shown on the mainstream media.

I once started a position with a very prominent Queensland charity and was greeted in my first meeting with 17 females in the boardroom. Two men. There was no reason that this was the case. This is not an exception.

You should do some research, get educated, and try not to come back with pathetic, responses such as you have.

Something tells me you probably brought the same misogynistic view to the boardroom as you did to this forum and got moved on as quickly as possible.

I’m curious as to your thoughts on male gymnasts or male ballet dancers. Those are predominantly female sports or arts, yet males are more than welcome and almost necessary. I imagine your head explodes at the thought of men playing netball, but it happens.

How about young girls that play with the boys until about 10-12 years old? Do you take issue with that?

I’m not saying there’s not issues with some clear signs of tokenism or over-saturation in certain areas of society. But to degrade the women who love and play the game that we do as well is just so backwards, which considering your apparent age going by your username, doesn’t surprise me at all.

If they don’t know what they’re talking about, you have every right to say so, but you can say it without it being because they’re a woman.

Personally, I don’t like Belinda Clarke. She’s a god-awful touch judge and I really hope she doesn’t make the NRLW grand final all about her. But she’s terrible because she’s terrible, not because she’s a woman.
No I hate the feminist agenda which is about pushing men out of jobs they should be doing in the name of "equality".

Tell me mate ... are you OK with four women hosting the top awards show for men's rugby league?
Typical pathetic response.

Men have been virtually pushed out of education, health and many other sectors - but not shown on the mainstream media.

I once started a position with a very prominent Queensland charity and was greeted in my first meeting with 17 females in the boardroom. Two men. There was no reason that this was the case. This is not an exception.

You should do some research, get educated, and try not to come back with pathetic, responses such as you have.
I can't imagine how terrible it was for you to sit on a board and be outnumbered 17-2 because of your gender.....oh....wait.....
I thought the coverage was below par but the women had little to do with it.

The biggest issue is that Phil Rothfield spoiled the entire event. We knew ahead of time who was going to win so all this suspense they were trying to build was for nothing. Even so, they dragged the entire thing out when it should have been recaps of the season, individual player awards and interviews, an address from Peter V'landys and if they really wanted to milk it make a recap show afterwards where the 'experts' give their opinions on the awards.

Yvonne, Lara, Jess and Hannah didn't have much of a role beyond presenting the awards and talking through the team of the year which was fine. I'd rather listen to them personally than Matt Nable.

I could understand the criticism was coming from if these women who don't have a background as players were trying to give an expert opinion but they're hosts and their role is to merely moderate the discussion for the producers of the show. They rarely give their 2 cents and they just serve it up so that guys like Ennis, Hooper and some current player who is just trying to collect and pay-cheque without saying anything too controversial can have their say.
Feminists don't care about men. Hence your response.

This is now common. I've just pointed out that there were four female hosts on an awards show for a male sport.

Feminists have so brainwashed people like yourself to believe females are so victimised, that no matter what happens you'll still believe it.

Female premiers around the country. Female CEQs around the country. Female dominating academia (because of the feminist agenda tilting curriculum toward the female learning style) ... but people like you still play the victim card.

I play the REALITY card. I look at reality. You are brainwashed and no matter how much reality you see, you'll still believe the lie.
Feminists don't care about men. Hence your response.

This is now common. I've just pointed out that there were four female hosts on an awards show for a male sport.

Feminists have so brainwashed people like yourself to believe females are so victimised, that no matter what happens you'll still believe it.

Female premiers around the country. Female CEQs around the country. Female dominating academia (because of the feminist agenda tilting curriculum toward the female learning style) ... but people like you still play the victim card.

I play the REALITY card. I look at reality. You are brainwashed and no matter how much reality you see, you'll still believe the lie.

What is the issue with female premiers? Or female CEO’s (I know you said CEQ’s but I assumed you meant CEO’s but your impotent rage lead you to mashing the keyboard). What makes them any less equipped to lead than a man?
Feminists don't care about men. Hence your response.

This is now common. I've just pointed out that there were four female hosts on an awards show for a male sport.

Feminists have so brainwashed people like yourself to believe females are so victimised, that no matter what happens you'll still believe it.

Female premiers around the country. Female CEQs around the country. Female dominating academia (because of the feminist agenda tilting curriculum toward the female learning style) ... but people like you still play the victim card.

I play the REALITY card. I look at reality. You are brainwashed and no matter how much reality you see, you'll still believe the lie.
I don't think I'm a victim, but I do think there's a long way to being thought of as equal. As evidenced by your fine self.

If you are so outraged about women commentating on football, I hope you are equally outraged at the idea of a male obgyn.

Yes, there are feminists who hate men. But they are the minority and not what feminism is about. I'm sorry that you live with such fear.

I have a father who voices opinions like yours, it took me 35 years to realise that I am not a second hand citizen who should be in the kitchen and not watching footy. I hope you don't have any daughters who are equally ashamed of their own gender because of the opinions expressed by their dad.
Seriously, these awards have long been a joke, especially so from the year Matt Orford won it but that DT leak is disgraceful. How can there be a production error? Why were the media told early in the first place? NRL is just an absolute disgrace and sadly on field is fast catching up with off field.
Maybe they can bring back the Rothmans medal...and tweak it to the Rothfield medal
No I hate the feminist agenda which is about pushing men out of jobs they should be doing in the name of "equality".

Tell me mate ... are you OK with four women hosting the top awards show for men's rugby league?
I am because its a mickey mouse award....like the logies 🤢🤢..the rlpa is the one that id think matters to the players as its voted by the players...but then again they might have changed the rules on that also
I don't think I'm a victim, but I do think there's a long way to being thought of as equal. As evidenced by your fine self.

If you are so outraged about women commentating on football, I hope you are equally outraged at the idea of a male obgyn.

Yes, there are feminists who hate men. But they are the minority and not what feminism is about. I'm sorry that you live with such fear.

I have a father who voices opinions like yours, it took me 35 years to realise that I am not a second hand citizen who should be in the kitchen and not watching footy. I hope you don't have any daughters who are equally ashamed of their own gender because of the opinions expressed by their dad.
So pointing out that there were four women hosting a men's sporting awards night still isn't your idea of equality. So very, very funny. How many women do you want? Six? Seven? Would you prefer no men at all?

I have a beautiful, strong, achieving daughter - thank you.

I've been married to a successful wife for 30 years - thank you.

Having a woman head the panel of every friggin' rugby league show - and doing so with hardly an ounce of humour or levity is ruining the game.
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What would you think about the referee giving the 3,2,1 like they do in the AFL. They're out there in the thick of it seeing first hand who's doing the damage and who isn't? Or maybe who ever is in the bunker giving it?

I think the best bet to remove any biase or dud decisons would be have 3 mutual people give 3,2,1 and then give overal 3,2,1 to whoever gets the most.

My biggest issue is you have guys like joey and Freddy sometimes awarding these points who as we know blow their load as soon as a latrell Mitchell or Gutho Give the final pass for a try in a simple 4 on one situation. There's clear bias there. Would you trust the coach of each team and maybe the referee to give out points even?
What would you think about the referee giving the 3,2,1 like they do in the AFL. They're out there in the thick of it seeing first hand who's doing the damage and who isn't? Or maybe who ever is in the bunker giving it?

I think the best bet to remove any biase or dud decisons would be have 3 mutual people give 3,2,1 and then give overal 3,2,1 to whoever gets the most.

My biggest issue is you have guys like joey and Freddy sometimes awarding these points who as we know blow their load as soon as a latrell Mitchell or Gutho Give the final pass for a try in a simple 4 on one situation. There's clear bias there. Would you trust the coach of each team and maybe the referee to give out points even?
I think you gotta just give a score to every single player and tally them up at the end of the season, but then these guys will probably need to think too much.
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What would you think about the referee giving the 3,2,1 like they do in the AFL. They're out there in the thick of it seeing first hand who's doing the damage and who isn't? Or maybe who ever is in the bunker giving it?

I think the best bet to remove any biase or dud decisons would be have 3 mutual people give 3,2,1 and then give overal 3,2,1 to whoever gets the most.

My biggest issue is you have guys like joey and Freddy sometimes awarding these points who as we know blow their load as soon as a latrell Mitchell or Gutho Give the final pass for a try in a simple 4 on one situation. There's clear bias there. Would you trust the coach of each team and maybe the referee to give out points even?
I'd trust the coaches more, the refs look to be under the thumb as it is and would do whatever the NSWRL want them to do.

For the coaches they could score 3,2,1 for the opposition team, but whichever team loses gets the points halved... so the highest a losing player can get per game is 1.5.

This would mean teams with winning records would have players closer to the top (as it should be). It would also remove the idiot judges giving out points to players on the losing side even if they get flogged, which always annoys me.
The referees have enough issues getting decisions right on the field, no way would I trust them with that job too.

The bunker would overturn half Perenara's votes anyway.
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