VOTE Darius Boyd vs Billy Slater

Who should be the Maroons fullback for Game II

  • Billy Slater

  • Darius Boyd

  • Other

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State of Origin Captain
Feb 28, 2016
Can Slater do this


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
You realise how old he is yeah? He shouldn't be there, we should be moving on from the old guard, not embracing it.

We finally did that in the pack by dropping Thaiday, Myles and Lilyman ... only to panic and rush Slater back into an area that wasn't broken


NRL Player
Oct 1, 2008
Even before his long lay-offs OXY, Slater looked like a spent force in Origin. When he went down in Origin II 2015, the Maroons looked drastically better with two different fullbacks in his stead.

I can understand wanting Slater in the team for what he offers as a player, but can you see why the loyalty argument is odd?

Wasn't he injured in 2015 too? Didn't he play in origin 2 after being told it could end his season?

No, I don't think the loyalty argument is odd. He's been a great player for QLD over the years. He's in good, some would say great, form. Other players have been selected on loyalty over the past couple of years when they were in nowhere near the form Slater is currenlty in. If he was playing terrible, I wouldn't think he should be selected on loyalty alone, but with his current injury free form, I think his past performances for QLD should earned him a chance to prove himself again in game 1.

If it came down to a decision between Boyd and Slater, in terms of only one being in the team at all, then I can understand Boyd over Slater, given Boyds form over the last year. I mean if I'm going to talk about loyalty, then surely Boyd deserves some too. But they were able to play in the same team for many years, and I don't see why they still can't. So for me, it's not even a Boyd vs Slater form or a Boyd vs Slater loyalty argument, it's probably a Slater vs Someone Else argument.

So in game 1, I think a player like Slater, based on his current form and performances for QLD over the years, deserved to be in the team much more than someone like Justin O'Niell, even if that meant having to move Boyd from his preferred position to elsewhere.

It probably makes a much sense as using a someone's try scoring feats on the wing in an argument about fullback :p


NRL Player
Oct 1, 2008
You realise how old he is yeah? He shouldn't be there, we should be moving on from the old guard, not embracing it.

Yeah, he's the same age as the other 3 members of the spine, isn't he?


NRL Player
Oct 1, 2008
the other 3 members of the spine haven't had nearly 2 years out of the game ...

Yeah, I did think about that and it could be a worry at the higher level of origin, but is club form is good enough to warrant selection. Age shoulnd't be a completely limiting factor.

Look, Boyd vs Slater at FB has probably been one of the biggest selection calls in the last decade. It's polarized opinion. Plenty agree he should have been there, plenty disagree. On the basis of loyalty and current form, it's just my opinion he should have been, but I can see the counter arguments to that. I'll happily eat my words if SLater has a shocker next Wednesday night.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
I don't have an issue with anybody preferring Slater, I just find the loyalty tangent sketchy and a fun philosophical exercise. Is it disloyal to stick with the players who did job for him in his first ever series, or was it more disloyal to leave out a player who is considered a legend even though he hadn't won a series since 2013?

Was I imagining things, or did Kevie have fears over Slater lasting an entire series? I tell you what, leaving Billy out of Game I may have been a blessing in disguise. Not only did Slater avoid that catastrophe, he also got a chance to prove the selectors wrong against Newcastle where he produced his best personal performance in god knows how long. I've come around on his inclusion in Game II, but leaving him out of Game I may have been the right call.


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2017
The 2 years virtually out of the game has done him the wonders. Before he done his shoulder he looked like he was getting slower. He has came back in better form before he left. It is the right selection imo. Just offers more in attack then Boyd. The amount of try assists he has already is phenomenal. Not to mention the smith Cronk combination


NRL Player
Apr 14, 2013
The 2 years virtually out of the game has done him the wonders. Before he done his shoulder he looked like he was getting slower. He has came back in better form before he left. It is the right selection imo. Just offers more in attack then Boyd. The amount of try assists he has already is phenomenal. Not to mention the smith Cronk combination

Couldn't agree more Jay and I'm not one of the Slater lovers. Before his long layoff he was nowhere near his best and appeared on the slide while living off past glories.
I've watched a fair bit of him since his return and he has been getting better and better every week. His speed and evasiveness is back and he is sniffing around the middle looking for chances like he used to.
His try to win the game against the Sharks the other night was a great example of what he brings and what QLD were missing (apart from 3-4 damaging forwards) in Origin I.
Boyd rarely shows up in broken play in the middle and while he is great at the extra man in the backline his timing has been a bit off lately for the Broncos and he keeps stuttering into the defensive line. Slater will put doubt in the Blues defensive line. They'll be thinking "where is he" all the time which might buy us some options in attack.
Coopers combination with Thurston is legendary. Thurston makes Cooper a much better player and the Storm combos will also add to the attacking options and potency with Slater sniffing around the ruck and chasing Smith/Cronk kicks on cue.
A much better balanced team. Just need the forwards to aim up and someone to take out Fifita and remind him he is human and can be hurt. Napa needs to do to him what he did to Sam Burgess last year and we will be in a
much better position to compete with the Blues


State of Origin Rep
Dec 12, 2014
Wasn't he injured in 2015 too? Didn't he play in origin 2 after being told it could end his season?
Yep, and his inability to tackle with his busted shoulder pretty much cost us the game.


QCup Player
Mar 5, 2016
One thing for sure though, if Boyd plays on the wing them I'm loading up on him being first try scorer. [emoji3]


NRL Player
Oct 1, 2008
One thing for sure though, if Boyd plays on the wing them I'm loading up on him being first try scorer. [emoji3]

Depends if he plays outside Chambers or not. Either way he won't be playing outside Inglis.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
With just over 3 minutes remaining, Queensland shift it from sideline to sideline, Thurston, to Cronk, to Smith and to Slater. Billy drawing on his experience runs an angle towards the sideline, beats Maloney, creating the opportunity for Morgan and Gagai to combine.

Look at the names there, look at the play and look at the amount of pressure they were under. These players are just winners and Billy Slater earned his way back into the team after suffering a shoulder injury that would have seen others retire.

Unbelievable from the Maroons legend and how good is it that he got the last laugh on Maloney?


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
I'm happy to keep Billy at fullback. Once we play on a ground where players don't slip over 50% of the time, our attack should be more effective too.


QCup Player
May 27, 2016
Boyd biggest problem is he don't involve too much in the game. Last night all the hard yard done by gagai and chambers. Same thing with broncos he don't run hard.


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Boyd biggest problem is he don't involve too much in the game. Last night all the hard yard done by gagai and chambers. Same thing with broncos he don't run hard.

If they don't pass it out left, it's not going to happen. Everytime he touched the ball, he went towards the middle. So they clearly were told to attack down our right.

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