VOTE Darius Boyd vs Billy Slater

Who should be the Maroons fullback for Game II

  • Billy Slater

  • Darius Boyd

  • Other

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Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
I have to admit QLD made the right call bringing Slater back in.

I don't think Boyd would have been a bad option and we would have still won with him, but Slater's explosive speed really troubled the NSW defence and it was one of the reasons why we won the series.


QCup Player
Aug 25, 2011
Hands down Billy everyday of the week. I think Boyd is a fantastic player but in origin if Slater is fit, he's the fullback for sure with Boyd on the wing.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
I have to admit QLD made the right call bringing Slater back in.

I don't think Boyd would have been a bad option and we would have still won with him, but Slater's explosive speed really troubled the NSW defence and it was one of the reasons why we won the series.
Billy literally made the difference in Game II, come on. We wouldn't have won that one without him imo.

It's not a comparison between the individuals only, it's more importantly about the combination with the other spine players, much like things were much easier for Munster in game III with Smith, Cronk and Slater there.


NRL Player
Jun 5, 2015
Billy is better than Darius. This series proved that. Boyd is still a great player.

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