Eastwood denied visa

Scotty said:
Chris Cox - Cause he acts like a complete dick to people who don't think like him :P

They would make me Queen of England with that attitude. They keep begging me but I keep saying the robes don't suit me. they need to show off my cleavage.
Coxy-Queen of England hey? Well you'd be better than the unelected sponge that does the job now :P Although there isn't really a "job" is there. Do you reckon she cleans up after her corgis?
So what the hell is gonna happen to these players without clubs anyway? There will almost be enough to start a new club soon lol. Personally I would have liked to have kept Eastwood but looking at the players we have now we really wouldn't need him anymore.
Id take Eastwood back in a heart beat if we could afford him. Theres nothing wrong with having depth.
Didn't Eastwood choose to leave us over a falling out about fitness requirements?
Hammo said:
Didn't Eastwood choose to leave us over a falling out about fitness requirements?

Wasn't totally based on that, the offer he got from Leeds was a very good one which he would've taken, even if the fitness staff gave him Employee of the Month every month.
The players denied visas could soon start their own team.
Jeez... I think France should just advertise that they aren't as strict as the poms when it comes to immigration.

Les Catalans could be fielding a forward pack including Bird, Crocker and Eastwood.
I am sure you will have a link for us when it happens...

Yes I will.

If we don't provide a link, admins here get angry. [icon_razz1
mick! said:
Jeez... I think France should just advertise that they aren't as strict as the poms when it comes to immigration.

Les Catalans could be fielding a forward pack including Bird, Crocker and Eastwood.

I was just thinking the same thing.... how come the players arn't on this yet??? Or perhaps has catalans hit their import quota already, they do seam to have half the NRL in there already? Maguire, Carlaw, Mogg + + +
Apparently the Warriors are chasing him on assumption that his VISA re-application fails. Although we just sugned Jesse Royal.
Maybe the rejection of visas has something to do with the current global financial crisis and the tightening of immigration laws in the UK.

Though I do agree that both Carney and Bird should be denied visas regardless. Crocker's and Eastwood's was a little harsh.
I'm pretty sure I heard the other day that that is the exact reason for it. Keeping jobs in England for English people.
Yeah I've heard the same Nashy. It's common sense immigration policy. If you have rising unemployment and a shrinking economy, then you don't let a whole lot of foreigners come in and take jobs.

If the economy is booming and there's a skills shortage, you're much less picky about who you let in the country.