Agree with this 100% otherwise, we get stupid decisions like dopers getting three weeks suspension.
Clubs could just hire a fall guy, dope away to their hearts content, and if they get busted, just blame the patsy.
Dam right, the clubs are absolutely culpable for this whole business. Knowingly pushing the boundaries. They knew this was risky.
Sure, the players can't claim ignorance, turn a blind eye and take anything. We don't know, and ASADA could never prove, what was said by certain players and their advisors in the inner sanctum.
But to what extent are the players required to make independent enquiries?
A footy player, likely without much formal education or real world experience outside the closed environment of the club or his family, under peer group pressure from trusted leaders (like Paul Gallen, for example) telling you this is safe, legal and basically an "order" for team unity. It takes a huge amount of courage to "speak out" and be effectively a whistle blower on this activity.
If you're wrong, it probably costs you your mates, your contract, your career. Even if you're right, you're probably in the same boat anyway.
Couple that with the assurance from someone appearing to be a medical professional ("Doc told me... " - i.e. Dank) with a fiduciary obligation to me, who I assume I can trust at face value what they say. Also, the club no doubt was aware of the risk and probably glossed over that or hid it from the players to avoid that very situation (of the player getting suss about the supplement!).
Why would these trusted people put me, the player, in a position that could ruin my career?
Do you expect each player should have done interent research and consult with his pharmacist, lawyer and own doctor before they took anything?
No doubt they will now.
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