Fan Day!

Coxy said:
mrslong said:
Coxy said:
Agree. IMO it's for the kids and I dislike some of the adults that crowd the players during any of these sort of events. Attend by all means if you want, but let it be the kids who get in there and chat to the players, get photos and autographs.
[icon_confu what adults would care to get a 20 year old blokes signature or whatever? *cough*losers*cough*

*cough* Lauren *Cough*

And there's some other non-psycho fans I know that collect autographs too.

And the ones that get autographs from the same players at least a half a dozen times throughout the year. I went to training a fair bit last year to pick up tickets, and was amazed to see the same people getting autographs each time.
Maybe they're searching for the golden autograph so they get the tour of the players home!
I don't understand "autographs" period. Like what has been said, unless you're a kid or you're getting something signed to try and sell it, what's the point?
Well girls & boys, I'm well over 20, and have been collecting autographs for longer than some of the kiddies on here, thanks mrs long for the new title "loser". I've been called alot of things in my 46yrs, but thats a new one for even for me! Thanks Chris, I would like to think I'm not a psycho, and do give the players their space, and always let kids go 1st. The boys also know that anything I get signd is never sold. Sorry if that doesnt fit with anyone but screw you!!! I dont have any kids to take up mytime, and right now want & need something to fill a very large void. So if fan day doesnt float your boat, dont go. Its that easy.
Yes mck62: I was thinking of you when I said 'non-psycho'.
I know, just making sure it wasn't a sarcastic thanks! LOL

Hard to tell around here these days!
mck62 said:
So if fan day doesnt float your boat, dont go. Its that easy.

Tracey a fan day does float my boat, but an autograph session does not float my boat hence the reason I won't be going. There should be more to the players than giving an autograph or posing for a photo, they should be showing their fans they are human, coming down to our level playing footy with us, encouraging the kids with training sessions etc etc.

Through Hayden's love of the Titans I have had to (under sufference) take him to coaching clinics put on by the Titans (cost $20 for a day incl food and merchandise bag), had planned on attending the fan day that was cancelled, am getting him a season ticketholder pack via works tickets (that includes a towel, hat, bag, lanyard, flag, giveaways etc = x 10 a Broncos members gear)..............I really am seeing a club, be they still new, but a club that gives to their fans.

I will be a Bronco fan till I die don't get me wrong there, but they really are becoming that far detached from their fans it is sad to see...........but then again with record memberships why should they care [icon_shru oh well
Russo - I've said it before and I'll say it again. The Broncos will simply never do much for their fans until they spend four years languishing at the bottom of the table, seeing STH numbers drop and 18,000 max in the ground each fortnight. THEN they might have to get off their arses.

But crowd averages have been increasing since the return to Lang Park every year. The number of STH's is also growing, all the while they've done bugger all to really help that growth along. While they don't need to do anything, they won't, unfortunately.
mick! said:
Russo - I've said it before and I'll say it again. The Broncos will simply never do much for their fans until they spend four years languishing at the bottom of the table, seeing STH numbers drop and 18,000 max in the ground each fortnight. THEN they might have to get off their arses.

But crowd averages have been increasing since the return to Lang Park every year. The number of STH's is also growing, all the while they've done bugger all to really help that growth along. While they don't need to do anything, they won't, unfortunately.


Titans are busting a boiler to get support because they know the previous Gold Coast teams have died because they didn't connect with the locals. I'd hazard a guess the Tits are throwing cash away at the moment, but they're spending money to ensure stability and longevity. It's called a plan.

The Broncos don't think they need one.
Very disappointing about the Broncos changing the fan day. Having been unable to go previous years due to living interstate, we were looking forward to this years but don't see much fun in just lining up for autographs!

As Russo has said, the Titans are much better at trying to attract & keep fans. Received an email from them yesterday with a special offer:

"Please find below an exclusive offer for the Australian Defence Force employees.
The Jetstar Gold Coast Titans wish to extend to you an exclusive 6 game membership offer. We
realise that in your line of work it may be difficult to attend all home games and you require the
flexibility of choosing the games you wish to attend.
This 6 game package is designed to encourage you to still be a Titans member but have the freedom
to work around your schedule.
Not only will this provide you with the flexibility to secure the same seat for all 6 home games –
including the blockbusters, you will also receive your own exclusive 2009 membership pack."

We always have & always will be Broncos supporters so hopefully one day our club will appreciate their fans as much as other clubs do!
What do you do with collected autographs? [icon_confu

I can understand getting a ball signed by Darren Lockyer and putting it in the pool room, but running around after players with a bunch of kids...?? Seems awfully weird to me.
I dunno. Ask Lauren.

Good for the Titans. They are a new club who need to get fans on board.
When will the broncos have a fan day for us Sydney fans? Surely they can arrange 2 hours a day before a Sydney game. Its the least they could do.
Look, sorry, I don't mean to offend, but they are a BRISBANE team and already give enough to the Sydney fans. If you are from Sydney and choose to follow the Broncos, you have to expect that you won't be able to access the players as much as we can up here. Next you'll be asking for a Leagues club in Sydney!
ok all Sydney fans, please line up for your membership refund. When the Broncos play in Sydney every1 can come to my house and we can watch Home and Away or something.

What is enough to their Sydney fans? they come here to play and ..................................