Fan Day!

At least he responded with more than a form letter...and judging by his comment "I disagree with your assessment of our management team", I can only gather you got a little abusive in your original email?
Yeah, post your sent items, certainly sounds as though you may have approached this the wrong way.
I can't as I did it via the website's fill in the details box, but I was not abusive in any way - all I said was that I was disappointed that the Broncos seemed to be taking their fans for granted. I wasn't criticising the management team at all.
Actually, just found it on the bottom of the email he sent - here is what I wrote:

Can I just say how disappointed I am with this year's "fan day". I have taken my son to every single fan day since they began and this will be the first year that we will not be attending. I feel like this is a token effort towards the fans. Sometimes it seems that the Broncos are not appreciative of their fans and take them for granted. I have been a Broncos supporter since 1988 and season ticket holder for 8 years and I am extremely disappointed with the change in the way "fan day" is being conducted this year.
OK, perfectly reasonable email. Sounds like it's more a case of the Broncos just being sensitive about being told they take us for granted...probably because there's truth to it.
Ok im not trying to ruffle any feathers here but i just dont get it. people are here complaining about this years fan day saying its not enough. Someone from Sydney makes a suggestion and some of you jump all over it and turn t into a ludacris idea. As for Townsville im sure they only play approx 1 game there each year compared to how many in Sydney? Yes there are fans everywhere but Sydney fans go to alot of trouble in some cases to support the team.
Yes we had a fan day last year, but last year was a 1 off.
You come across as though you think the Sydney fans are sub par and dont deserve anything besides a few t shirts for a touch football day.
What gets me is the comments from the more respected ppl here that i thought supported the Sydney fans. I guess i just expected my suggestion would get a few piss takes but not the non deserving, you get enough type coments.
It's still the Brisbane Broncos, the majority of the supporters live here. You don't see the Bulldogs or Womanly (who both seem to have fairly sizeable support here) having fan days in Brisbane given the majority of their fans are local.

It would be nice to see them do something for Sydney fans but given we get rubbish up here, it's unlikely.
Personally, fan days mean nothing to me. But you need to realise that this is a BRISBANE team. Thats all it comes down to really.
The Rock said:
Jebadude said:
Personally, fan days mean nothing to me. But you need to realise that this is a BRISBANE team. Thats all it comes down to really.

Yeah but you don't get it. What other team from out of Sydney or even out of state, has THIS many fans in Sydney? The Brisbane Broncos not only have the biggest supports base in the league, but their support in Sydney is massive, way more than any other out of state team. In fact I remember once when the SMS ran a poll in Sydney on "who do you support", the Broncos ended up winning it! LOLZ! Now I know that the results would have been different if it ran for longer etc, but it was insane.

I guess that what Spoonbled is trying to get at. Because they have such a big fan base in Sydney, it would be pretty cool to do something decent once in a while.

It'd be cool, yes.

But as Jeb said, put the Bulldogs' Brisbane supporter base next to the Broncos supporters from Sydney... I think there'd be at least 50 blue and white jerseys for every Broncos one!
Bindii76 said:
On top of that I will add that our players are always available at every training session to mix with the fans.


I have see Darren Lockyer have kids go up to him after training, a man come over and say let him have a shower grab a bite to eat and hes all yours, then watch him slip out the back door to his car which was waiting for him after most of the other players had showered and eaten and gone outside......... ALWAYS AVAILABLE MY ASS.

Here is what always available means: Scott Prince eats out at Ashmore Steak and Seafood a bit, my parents and I have been there at the same time, I watched people go up to him during this time, while he was eating or chatting to his wife and friends, and ask for photos and autographs, and everytime he smiled and said yes. Posed for pics, signed shit all night and it looked like it just didn't bother him, might have been but he never once showed it. I was told it was like this everytime he ate there so it wasn't a once off.

Always available pffft.... take the broncos colored glasses off Brian.
Pffft. Dragons have THOUSANDS of fans in Brisbane and they don't have a Brisbane fan day....
That is Scott Prince though and can you honesty see him being any different. icon_smile On the other hand the people who impose that upon him and invade his privacy are idiots and straight out rude.

Titans are a new club and just as the Broncs did in years gone by they are trying to get as much support as they can. Give them another 15yrs or so and then see how they act after training and what their fan days will be like. Can't see how anyone can compare the Titans of today to the Broncs of today.

No problems with the fan day myself as long as the kids get to see their players up close and personal and the guys sign for them and spend some one on one time with them all is cool. (can never read their sigs anyhow)

Right on Mick. Do the Dog supporters expect a fan day up here in Brisbane? I doubt it and nor would they get one [icon_non
Oh and I did reply to him btw - mentioned that my kids love the games of touch and the skills sessions, but have not as yet received a reply.
Aeetee said:
Here is what always available means: Scott Prince eats out at Ashmore Steak and Seafood a bit, my parents and I have been there at the same time, I watched people go up to him during this time, while he was eating or chatting to his wife and friends, and ask for photos and autographs, and everytime he smiled and said yes. Posed for pics, signed shit all night and it looked like it just didn't bother him, might have been but he never once showed it. I was told it was like this everytime he ate there so it wasn't a once off.

Did you see him pay the bill though?
Aeetee said:
Here is what always available means: Scott Prince eats out at Ashmore Steak and Seafood a bit, my parents and I have been there at the same time, I watched people go up to him during this time, while he was eating or chatting to his wife and friends, and ask for photos and autographs, and everytime he smiled and said yes. Posed for pics, signed shit all night and it looked like it just didn't bother him, might have been but he never once showed it. I was told it was like this everytime he ate there so it wasn't a once off.

I've seen Parker, Clinton, Wallace, Sims and a few other boys at different times having a punt and a couple of drinks at the Brekky Creek over the last 12-18 months too, and couldn't say anything bad about them at all. I didn't bother them, but quite a few blokes were coming up and having a chat about everything from the next race and their tips to the season ahead. They all were really receptive and friendly - giving up their time for a few minutes to say g'day. Absolute credit to themselves and the club IMO.

I remember feeling very happy about our signings before the start of last year when I saw Clinton and Wallace together there doing just that. Midstrength beers and water in front of them, and they seemed like genuinely nice blokes. Barely got a minute to themselves in the hour or so that I was there, but were really friendly to everyone around the place.
Mick, I watched Joel today (fan day) with the kids, he was fabulous. Nothing was to much troble for him, hes going to make a great dad. Later when I spoke to him about it, he said "he loves kids" and it showed. icon_thumbs_u