PRE-GAME Finals Week 2 - Broncos vs Panthers


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International Captain
May 27, 2013
It's sudden death now. Bennett needs to call in some favours. Peter Ryan to run D drills again. Kevin Walters to address mentality and attack. If Boyd isn't right then knik to fullback and I'd like to see offa start instead of Blair. I'd even give the captaincy to either Glenn or McGuire. The two guys who put in for 80mins and have their contract shit sorted.


QCup Player
Apr 30, 2010
Even if we win next week, we will be playing Melbourne in Melbourne? On top of that, we have a few key players out injured, who knows if Boyd will be back and we just don't seem to have the hunger to win the comp.

C'mon guys, I know I can come across as pretty negative sometimes, but even Stevie Wonder can see we are no chance of going all the way this season.

I understand we have to post in this forum to keep each other entertained discussing our beloved Broncos, but I'm not living in a fools paradise. I got out of there after our drubbing from the Eels.

2017 was a mixed bag. Good effort as always but no consistency, unlucky with injuries plus no real desire and hunger to win the premiership.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
The reality of the situation is you can't win a premiership every year. The NRL has artificially modified their competition so that every team goes through cycles and the club is about to enter a new phase.

As a fan there's nothing you can say or do to influence the outcome. You could have all the right recruitment ideas, know all the right set plays and team selections but at the end of the day the coach is never going to listen to you.

The only thing you have control over is how you conduct yourself. Now everyone has their own approach but I'd much rather be positive and support the club even when odds are poor.

If nothing else it puts everything into perspective and you never know, maybe the Broncos will produce something amazing?

Win, lose or draw - I'm proud to be a Broncos fan.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
The reality of the situation is you can't win a premiership every year. The NRL has artificially modified their competition so that every team goes through cycles and the club is about to enter a new phase.

As a fan there's nothing you can say or do to influence the outcome. You could have all the right recruitment ideas, know all the right set plays and team selections but at the end of the day the coach is never going to listen to you.

The only thing you have control over is how you conduct yourself. Now everyone has their own approach but I'd much rather be positive and support the club even when odds are poor.

If nothing else it puts everything into perspective and you never know, maybe the Broncos will produce something amazing?

Win, lose or draw - I'm proud to be a Broncos fan.
100% agree Pete... I still go into every game thinking we can win and to me that comes down to the administration of the team that they can still put together a competitive squad... and I'm happier to be supporting a team that competes every year compared to a team that fails year after year or shoots up for a couple before fading off into the mist

I'll be there next week and the week after and still posting in here.. still supporting.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
I'm gonna go against the grain and say that we don't need to change the spine.
Boyd won't do any better than Kodi at FB, but he sure as hell could be handy in the centres instead of Moga, whom is clearly our weakest link!
I also don't believe Benji detracts from Milford's game, and with a team performing capably in defence and a forward pack doing its job, he brings an extra dimension to our game.

To that effect, I'd definitely start Ofa with Thaiday, whom I would replace with Blair after 15 to 20 mins of high Sammy intensity, so we don't give the opposition a 20 mins leg up while sapping our own players of their energy, because they're continuously on the back foot. Rotate the bench further with Ese2 and TPJ/Arrow, who can easily cover Moose/Ofa/Blair's time off.

I actually believe we can go all the way, but I also believe Wayne's conservative mindset and approach to games, is draining the players' confidence in themselves.
Of course, all of it stands or falls with the players attitude, but also with the coach's willingness and confidence to play to his remaining roster's strengths, even if that isn't his style.
We're just not a grinding team with our current roster, but Milford, Marshall, Hunt and Kodi can run roughshod with any opponent... just fucking let them!


Aug 5, 2017
I'm not even going to bother watching this game or going to it.

If anyone wants my code, let me know.

I don't think benji is the problem here.... he's always at least having a go, always willing to try something, Wayne would've told him to just play his game... when u do that u either pull it off or luck out.his in good form really, and although against the roosters he was up and down, fuk, there were a lot worse out there. Like most I think benji should come off the bench,
No matter what ur going to leave Milford and nika exposed defensively anyway so ur not really gunna solve any problems there. The defense was just so ordinary from the backs and forwards it is always gunnna make it hard for the playmakers to create without extra pressure. The only way we're going to beat manly without Boyd is defense then turning it in to offense. Really turn it up defensively overwhelm Manlys attack cause, mistakes. Then our backs can do there job but unless that happens I see us loosing by more than than we did the roosters


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Pretty sure the dumbass did two of them.

i'm not sure if the second was technically a shoulder charge ... but he didn't make any attempt to tackle and it was on the kicker


International Rep
Jun 5, 2015
Interesting that even though they won, I still didn't really notice Mitchell Pearce out there. Maybe because the commentators only wanted to talk about Latrell Mitchell for 80 minutes? But I can guarantee if we had come away with the win the knives would have been out for him. He really does go missing in big games.

EDIT:Whoops wrong thread
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International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Pretty sure the dumbass did two of them.

I watched the replay of the game, and he actually did one on Guerra as well not long after his second one and got away with it.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
I doubt Wayne will roll the dice on opacic. Most likely mead or kahu to centres

At the risk of upsetting Pagey, i think he should pick Tom or Kahu there tbh. Moga is brilliant if we are well on top, or if he is up against a bang everage center or converted back rower ( apart from last night ). Against smart teams, he just doesnt read the game well enough, his defence is poor and he still makes too many dumb decisions. He is a flat track bully at the moment, a bit like BJ leluia. Both are capable of being really top line centers, but they dont put everything together enough to get to that level. I'd rather have a more reliable player in there.
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NRL Player
Jun 21, 2016
Give them all a bottle each before they run out


NRL Player
Dec 8, 2016
The eels are killing the storm


International Captain
May 27, 2013
Broncos need to utilise the double decoy play to give jimmy the jet some room to take off. I know we ranked 2nd in attack but jeez the eels and storm look so much more dangerous with their set plays.
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