OFFICIAL Flegler ***** off to the Dolphins



International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008

Flegler will join the Dolphins on a four-year deal that will begin with the 2024 NRL season. He joins fellow Bronco Herbie Farnworth – who signed his own three-year deal on Friday – in becoming part of the new club’s recruitment drive for the future.


BRL Player
Apr 16, 2022
Lockyer, the board and whoever deals with player retention should be sacked. Absolutely ridiculous losing players that said they wanna be broncos for life


International Rep
Forum Staff
Sep 28, 2012
This isn't me being revisionist now he's going, but I've just never thought he's all that.

Great impact forward when he's on, but definitely not a bread-and-butter prop that you should be building a pack around. And for 800k or whatever, good luck with that

Glad we didn't try and outbid them


NRL Captain
Sep 10, 2018
Lockyer, the board and whoever deals with player retention should be sacked. Absolutely ridiculous losing players that said they wanna be broncos for life
Clearly they didn’t. They had beyond fair offers on the table. Can’t do much about greedy, desperate clubs that are trying to cannibalise us. Issue is that they took the two that were most convenient for us to give and in the process paid way overs for them. Dolphins have fucked themselves over cause they just spent 1.6ish million on 2 players that won’t fix there issues. Lucky the dolphins can be kept afloat by their leagues club or they would be another team who go broke in the SEQ region.

It might not seem like it but this is a win for the Broncos. They stuck to their guns kept the offer at market value and the dolphins went trigger happy AGAIN! We have money to spend and they just helped us rebalance our cap. Only better option was to have resigned them both at market value but I could see that forcing us to lose someone far more important than the two to our future.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
I'd be happy for us to jump into the market for Dfifi now with this money freed up.

Our second row depth is non-existent and lacking strike as well as longevity.

Capewell is getting older, Piakura isn't there yet (but I felt looked promising in the trials) and Riki is solid but not really offering strike in the position... TC is also now gone

Having Fifita would add real strike to our second row.. Riki is also big enough and a solid enough player to work in the middle rotation.

I felt Piakura looked reasonable in the trials this year and looked like he could handle playing against men, so it should just be about getting games into him before he's ready to take over. I think he'll feature a bit in the 17 this year. I believe he also came through as a left sided second rower so could be the long term future to Capewell if his development works out this year or so


NRL Captain
Sep 10, 2018
Jensen is better at a quarter of the price.
I’d say they are pretty similar but Jensen is begger cause of his price. I still think we are short a prop though. Xavier is really struggling with those injuries and I’d like BTK to play 2 years in cup and he could be a genuine gem. I’d love to see if we could snag Leniu. Would be an awesome pick up.


NRL Captain
Sep 27, 2016
I cringe whenever Flegler is on the field because he is a marked man according to NRL officialdom. But he is a tremendous talent who will hit his prime elsewhere.

This player exodus is becoming farcical. When will it end? Possibly never. The Broncos are a mere stepping stone these days.
Dazza 92

Dazza 92

NRL Captain
Oct 13, 2014
I'd be happy for us to jump into the market for Dfifi now with this money freed up.

Our second row depth is non-existent and lacking strike as well as longevity.

Capewell is getting older, Piakura isn't there yet (but I felt looked promising in the trials) and Riki is solid but not really offering strike in the position... TC is also now gone

Having Fifita would add real strike to our second row.. Riki is also big enough and a solid enough player to work in the middle rotation.

I felt Piakura looked reasonable in the trials this year and looked like he could handle playing against men, so it should just be about getting games into him before he's ready to take over. I think he'll feature a bit in the 17 this year. I believe he also came through as a left sided second rower so could be the long term future to Capewell if his development works out this year or so
Piakura HAS to produce this year, hes easily the worst contract on our roster.

Not his fault, he didnt put a gun to the head of Lockyer & Walters to get that money...

Cue debate about whether we let BOTH Herbie and Flegs play in the natural positions for the remainder of 2023.

Said it once - say it again...

Another piece of evidence that some young players at our club simply arent buying what Walters is selling here...


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
I cringe whenever Flegler is on the field because he is a marked man according to NRL officialdom. But he is a tremendous talent who will hit his prime elsewhere.

This player exodus is becoming farcical. When will it end? Possibly never. The Broncos are a mere stepping stone these days.
And if we are a stepping stone and players are leaving to get more money... then they were never really the right players for the club (talent identification needs to be improved to pick the right players in the first place) and/or systems at the club need to be improved so players can see the project that's in front of them is worth staying for
Dazza 92

Dazza 92

NRL Captain
Oct 13, 2014
Also, speaks volumes doesnt it that the club did in fact get his first long term contract with us horribly wrong.

Where else do you go if your Brisbane but down? And why should Flegler accept that - he is after all used to being a $650K a year prop...

I think its time to take a look at precisely who's off contract at the start of 2024 $1 million to spend now...

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