One of the things for me that makes Hunt stand out (apart from his play making skills etc) is the way he is always talking/yelling on the field (team moral and spirit i like to call it).
I know it's te job of a FB to talk to the team because they can see everything, but he exceeds that IMO. And really you can notice it when he's not there, alot of the time he's the first players to go up to a player that has made an error and giving him a tap and turning to the team with a "1 set" call. Also often first to an injured player (either on his own team or the opposition), and i've seen him on more then one occasion wait in backplay with an opposition until a trainer comes. I notice Hodges is starting to do it now aswell.... Probly doesn't affect his market value and how much his contracts are worth, but it's definatly a valuable characteristic, and i think there was a bit of talk that was one of the appealing factors for his selection in Origin and the Aussie team.