Folou signed by the broncos

well, if it has been *confirmed* then why isn't it all over the news now? fox sports, ninemsn etc? considering it was confimed 2 hours ago
yeah no news on the web yet and nothing on the news up here in queensland. So i think it has to remain a "rumour" at this stage, still good to get the tip off on here first if it is true. Personally I think micheals is a good fit for the centre spot and will be sad to see him pushed aside but hell i suppose we need depth! [icon_razz1
spoonbled said:
very true, he now has a reputation so he wouldnt just say it unless he knew.


I won't say what the reputation is, or I would be banned.
if this is true it could hurt our season, with the likes of boyd and michaels not knowing if they will be there next year..........
nopatience101 said:
if this is true it could hurt our season, with the likes of boyd and michaels not knowing if they will be there next year..........
Carroll is leaving at seasons end. Folau is a good replacement with a few shifts.
If anything it would strengthen out season, they will both be pushing for there spots, and it won't effect anything falou comes in, Micheal's back to wing and falou in centre and get rid of Robinson SIMPLE!
If Folau does come to the club next season I can see either Michaels or Boyd moving to the Titans when their current contract runs out (whenever that may be).
should make the players hungrier to show whoever the new coach is that they deserve their spot for next year.
off topic, but Gee civinociva what in the world for you thinking when you left for the worst side in the competition, money doesn't buy sucess or happiness, but hey if your happy getting thrashed every week so be it. Thing is I don't know if they would want to go to the titans, i think that Robinson will just be dropped and fair enough.
Lol, this sounds like absolute bogus news. Right now I'm very happy with Michaels, and hopefully Boyd can improve as we don't really need Folau.
Well, the broncos don't need anyone tbh, but with falou can you imagine?
1. Hunt(international)
2. Boyd
3. Hodges(international)
4. Falou(international)
5. Micheals
6. Darren lockyer(international)
7. Peter Wallace(soon to be NSW rep)

we'd easily have the best backline in the comp
Folau hasn't really proven himself this season yet anyway. He might turn out to be like Tim Smith, good in his first year - useless the rest.
Hasn't proven himself? dude hes scored a beautiful try against the sharks and setup an absolute beauty in round 2, I don't know what you really expecting from a 18 year old(correct me if i'm wrong) to do more than that, he is without doubt the most talented kid in the NRL.
Not sure how accurate this is; searched a billion news sites and there's not one mention.
Same man, I've searched every news site and typed in falou and havn't seen a thing, i think this is rubbish.
kimlo said:
Hasn't proven himself? dude hes scored a beautiful try against the sharks and setup an absolute beauty in round 2, I don't know what you really expecting from a 18 year old(correct me if i'm wrong) to do more than that, he is without doubt the most talented kid in the NRL.

I'm just being realistic and trying to take the bias out of it. BTW, scoring tries doesn't make you a good player. Most of the tries he scored last year we pretty much catch and dive over the line ones.